Alternate 'Presige' Ship Parts for Karma

Here’s an idea I’ve been mulling around for awhile and suggested in a different format once before.



Maxing out Good Karma unlocks a set of “paragon” visual upgrades for non-DLC T4 & 5 ships. Maxing out Bad Karma unlocks a set of “criminal” visual upgrades for non-DLC T4 & 5 ships.


Paragon visuals would make the ship more streamlined and sleek.  Ex: Swept back wings, armored hulls, military paint patterns.


Criminal visuals would make the ship more ragged and cruel. Ex: Jagged wings, bladed hulls, pirate paint patterns.

this is same as remodelling ships. many of the ships doesn’t even have wings. 


not gonna happend. most likely stickers and colors.


and pls stop making a poll on each ur questions wich ppl has asked before aswell. do you support me? im never gonna get a yes cause no one cares about me :( 


there could always be something interesting. like a logo next to ur name inside pvp games and pve games. blue / red 

Does indeed sound neat. Although I don’t know about actually changing the ship models - it just doesn’t seem feasible to me. I guess that’s up to the devs, though.

tand pls stop making a poll on each ur questions wich ppl has asked before aswell.


Polls are good.

Here’s an idea I’ve been mulling around for awhile and suggested in a different format once before.



Maxing out Good Karma unlocks a set of “paragon” visual upgrades for non-DLC T4 & 5 ships. Maxing out Bad Karma unlocks a set of “criminal” visual upgrades for non-DLC T4 & 5 ships.


Paragon visuals would make the ship more streamlined and sleek.  Ex: Swept back wings, armored hulls, military paint patterns.


Criminal visuals would make the ship more ragged and cruel. Ex: Jagged wings, bladed hulls, pirate paint patterns.

I’m all for more customization options and really do not understand why the devs do not pursue that monetization angle instead of piling up a mountain of grind.

If they ever introduce the options you suggested I very much doubt we’ll get them for free, however (and I’d be ok with that).

I think that it is a good idea for paragons and criminals should have an option to switch their ship model into a special “paragon” version or “criminal” (not sure if I’m saying the right names) style ship, because as far as I know… getting that achievement is reaally hard.


So it’s a +1 from me. :012j:

  1. this is same as remodelling ships. many of the ships doesn’t even have wings. 



  1. and pls stop making a poll on each ur questions wich ppl has asked before aswell. do you support me? im never gonna get a yes cause no one cares about me :( 


  1. Yes this is remodeling ships. Most of the ships have wings. By limiting it to T4 and T5 non-DLC ships, the number of ships needing to be remodeled is significantly reduced. Not to mention this would simply be tweaking an already existing model, not making a new one from scratch. If my memory is correct, with 2 versions of each ship (good & bad) the total number of models that would need to be created comes to…


  1. Yeah, that’s a lot of tweaking. If they only did T5 ships that number comes down to 36.


I can dream.


  1. You obviously didn’t read my response the first time you complained about this, so I’ll PM you this answer to make sure you get it. I make polls that are as unbiased as possible so the developers can get an idea of how much traction my suggestion is getting. It is not for the benefit of my personal ego-trip.

+1 from me :stuck_out_tongue:

forwarded to Devs - good idea

Sounds good. We will think about it when we improve the karma system.

that would be awesome (just saying)
