Alternate / old ship models

This is something I mentioned a while back making vids, but I don’t think I ever put it up here.


I think it’d be fun to have the option to purchase the old ship models for the Dvergr, Hercules and Harpy ship classes (including variants).


Similar things could be done with other ships if / when redesigns occur, allowing players who favour a classic look to retain it (the upcoming Phoenix / Reaper changes spring to mind).

Nice idea + from me!

Not a priority, but still a good idea.

Yes please. I’d love to be able to purchase “classic” modules, weapons, ships, etc. That would be epic. Like Heavy Lasers or Heavy Plasma. X3


But that means useless models in-game, which takes extra storage space/download time

But that means useless models in-game, which takes extra storage space/download time

*gasp* a whole 8mb!! It’s gonna crash the system!!!

But that means useless models in-game, which takes extra storage space/download time



But that means useless models in-game, which takes extra storage space/download time

*gasp* a whole 8mb!! It’s gonna crash the system!!!

*gasp* a whole 8mb!! It’s gonna crash the system!!!

*gasp* you have no idea how much space a model and its requisite textures/shadows take up! You’re an idiot as always!

Oh golly me! How rude! Xp

Sorry, I mean 9mb.

I’m sure a couple of T1 ships don’t take up that much space given the amount of ships available, add in all the maps etc. But then again, who would play T1 again ? ;p

I’m sure a couple of T1 ships don’t take up that much space given the amount of ships available, add in all the maps etc. But then again, who would play T1 again ? ;p

Well you can always bring them in T2. Nothing says “lol u suxx0r n000bz!” like topping the scoreboard in a Hercules.  :005j:

You start with t1 and then all the same players demand multiple alternative models for every single ship in the game

While I dont think storage space is such an issue with a game like SC, and model files really are not that big, except textures, I think the main problem is actually keeping the resource household calculable, not the storage space for “optional models”; as everyone in the match would have to load the old versions and the new versions, so it basicly became a completely new ship.


You can add tons of models into a game as resource, but there are limits to think of if it comes to a scene - the actual game. Limits you want to have control of, just to ensure, that every model used in your game adds up to some controllable amount of triangles, or at the-smae-time loaded resources, and how much space you occupy for a session on a graphics card, etc.

some titles do that to the megabyte, especially when it comes to console development.


when it comes to a finished product, there has to be some “technical way” to ensure, the gameplay is fluid even in extreme cases.

And to be honest, I dont think SC is very particular about this - given how often special effects made FPS drops sometimes on release.


This is why also some games only allow local changes to models, or offer some “bonus models” as a local visualization option only; while games where users can actually create their own 3d meshes and objects run like crap (second life, apb reloaded), just as games do which are created by inexperienced indies, who thx to asset stores in udk and unity just pack in random stuff and call it a game.


Overall I think tho, its not that of an issue, its just a decision; And I would understand, if old styled things just get put out. Optional “local nostalgic mode”, or reusing assets somewhere else, or even implementing a skin system - I dont think its far fetched nor impossible. Since despite what I just said, I think, SC has lots of space left to use. I just wanted to correct every no-sayer to use the correct technical reasons.

Yes. I was bored.