Alt + H works in hangar

Title says it all. This has been suggested before I know, I would just like to put it forward again.

4 hours ago, millanbel said:

Title says it all. This has been suggested before I know, I would just like to put it forward again.

Just browse or use search function next time.


That was a year. I made this new thread to get a new answer. Also the search function sucks.

19 minutes ago, millanbel said:

That was a year. I made this new thread to get a new answer. Also the search function sucks.

What makes you think that they will answer now?

I wrote to Doomb0t privately a few times about this. He promised, but never delivered.

Maybe it’s on to-do list for 2017.

You know the drill, Soon™, When It’s Ready™©®

1 hour ago, RennieAshII said:

You know the drill, Soon™, When It’s Ready™©®


I’ve been waiting for a while to be able to use this! Thanks for giving me the opportunity ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

So right click preview is to much effort?

Or maybe they don’t want yellow text and the rest of the overlay/“HUD” still there ;p

15 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

Or maybe they don’t want yellow text and the rest of the overlay/“HUD” still there ;p


Let me guess, cropping is for hipsters?


It’s all well and dandy to do a small ship on a large resolution screen… But would help with bigger ships and smaller resolutions. Plus it would get more of the hangar berries that people want