Allow us to select game types

Generalizing every game type in one “Arcade”/“Regular” is not good enough for me. I’d like to select which game type I’d like to play so to speak. Don’t try to follow the footsteps of WoT in this matter, please.


How about, giving a bonus to those select all game types (10% for example so that people can be encouraged to keep playing random), but allowing other people to select what kind of game they want to play?


Imagine check-boxes, to the left side, you can select “Detonation/Domination/CR”, on right side you can select “16 pilots/24 pilots”. These boxes appear when you are about to select a game mode (Arcade/Regular/Scenario). How about that?


I’m pretty sure the concern is that less popular game modes will have a significantly longer queue time, and the “meta” game mode will potentially become abusable by people farming it.

That is where the “10% bonus” kicks in. To keep some portion playing all random.

Generalizing every game type in one “Arcade”/“Regular” is not good enough for me. I’d like to select which game type I’d like to play so to speak. Don’t try to follow the footsteps of WoT in this matter, please.


How about, giving a bonus to those select all game types (10% for example so that people can be encouraged to keep playing random), but allowing other people to select what kind of game they want to play?


Imagine check-boxes, to the left side, you can select “Detonation/Domination/CR”, on right side you can select “16 pilots/24 pilots”. These boxes appear when you are about to select a game mode (Arcade/Regular/Scenario). How about that?

Ye I kinda agree. I mean sure lobby games don’t give a reward but at least I play which gamemode I want. I am sick of constantly seeing a bomb or combat recon and only have like 1/5 of domination etc

I rarely play domination, and its my most favored game mode.

I rarely play domination, and its my most favored game mode.

Likewise. Detonation needs a lot of tweaking in my opinion, CR is kinda… boring. Which leaves me with domination. And yet, out of 10 games that I get to play, 9 isn’t domination which is driving me nuts.


Also, today, they changed something I think. All of the T2 matches were 8vs8. This number is not enough for detonation and CR in my opinion.

I say keep as is till beta is over so all the modes get tested.

I say keep as is till beta is over so all the modes get tested.

If I have to play one more Detonation-streak of 6 or 7 I won’t be around until beta is over. I think other people would agree with me

The point about random  i don’t agreed more is also the fact than some modules are good in some kind of gametype and much less in other , be a captain need some kind , be a carrier for bomb other ones , so would be much better for me , the chance to chooce the type befor entering battle mode.



 p.s. (edit) i have seens some lees % of detonation kind latly…(maybe luck) , anyway , i not like much this mode at the moment cause in not understand how some of the rules of game works (not the basic rule of the game type , but why some pick up immediatly , some loose the bomb , and so on …i think this confusion make loose players , things that is have lissen already too much from friends of mine that tryed the game … i hope it will change , ad we get better and more exaustive information in how to pplay right this game type )

Detonation definitely got better. But now I see some people want 8vs8 back. To be honest, my initial suggestion should be considered. That way, people can select what they want to play, while those don’t care will be getting a little bonus.

Detonation is the most common game mode by far, and from what I hear the least popular…


Definitely agree with OP: +1.

And what if you kept the randomness by allowing players to select a single game type to ignore? There are 3 game types now in Arcade, will be probably more in the future, but it’s usually just one with which you are totally fed up with and cry in pain whenever you get it.


For me it’s detonation, it’s absolutely annoying and not fun at all for anyone not liking to play a bloody interceptor… If i could choose to ignore it, I would be happy to randomly play domination and Combat Recon afterwards…

I agree, id like to be able to go both, purely random or just the gamemode i like, that could also show what players prefer to game^^

Indeed LadyAlekto.