Allow Custom Battles To Have A Regular Reward System Again So Pilots Can Choose Exactly What Mode/Map They Desire To Play On.

There is an idea to implement that might make things a bit more ideal for you, Kahn…

it’s something that is currently implemented in another Gaijin game, War Thunder, and that is a number of players in the queue being listed on the game itself

if you *caugh* take a leaf from a certain competitors game *caugh* you could implement it so it says how many players are queued and what type of ship they are queued with…
although the game that I’m thinking of only allows the use of 1 ship at a time…

anyways, the point of this is to let the player waiting on that long arse timer know how many other players are also waiting on the timer

However, I think the random battle-modes is still the best way forwards, a “preference” option might also be implemented, where matchmaker will try to line you up with a match of the same “preference” but after, say, 1 minute in queue, your preference will no longer be taken into consideration, and you will be used to fill a random battle…

anyways, there’s quite a bit of things the Devs COULD do, but I don’t think bringing loot to custom battles is a good idea.

Maybe there is something coming next year?

See this screenshot, especially “Opponents found!”


Interesting proposal! [@WolfKhanGeneral](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/240942-wolfkhan/) for the passion with which you wrote the topic surely you deserve a “like”.


However in the end I chose " No".



  1. As many have already said: surely someone will abuse it.
  2. Already two groups can challenge each other. (Just queue at the same time)
  3. Knowing which mode you’ll play you could make the appropriate settings and then the gap between old and new player would be more.
  4. Being able to create fights with few players will benefit old players.

(When I’m in 2 vs 2 battles, the ending is still the same, the enemy team dies at its spawn)


For me the beautiful and the difficult of the game is to bring in battle ships that can adapt to all modes.

Each one should bring: killer, supporter, healer and a ship for to survive/capture.

37 minutes ago, ITalianBadBoy said:

  1. surely someone will abuse it

Not someone! EVERYBODY! Including ME!

1 hour ago, ITalianBadBoy said:



Well said, well said…

![:002j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002j.png “:002j:”)

I dont see the problem with abuse. Once these n00bs get their ships up to par, they can come to the real pvp with their maxed out ships so we can pulverize them.


The abuse rooms would be labeled grind, just like we got going on anyways.

14 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

I dont see the problem with abuse.


For example, it would be possible to enter in the room with the first account and with the second account in the enemy team, and here it is done.

He’ll can farm:

  • Credits
  • Synergy
  • Quest
  • Statistics
  • Achievements
  • Medals

Even if they put a minimum of users to start it would be enough to do it with friends and their second account.

In this way you will never see again in PvP the PvE and Open Space heroes.


The problem is that the system can not recognize with absolute certainty a second account because:

  • They can not block access with the same IP because some ISP give the same IP to multiple users and in some cases the brothers and friends could not play from the same house.
  • Even if they block access with the same MAC this would be avoidable using a virtual machine or a second PC.
  • A bot or an auto-clicker would be enough to avoid AFK.


But it is certain that through their system of statistics, sooner or later, they will know about the abuse.

The rules not respected would be:

  • 7.1. Inactivity in the battle, avoiding afk detection and avoiding to perform any objective oriented actions.

  • 7.3. Use of exploits in game mechanics to gain a personal benefit or an unfair advantage.

  • 7.5. Coordination with opponent team in order to predetermine the match outcome in advance (match-fixing).

  • 7.6. Use of any 3rd party means of automation (bots, macrosses, etc ), that allow to accomplish actions in a game without intervention from a player.

1 hour ago, ITalianBadBoy said:


He did it again 


On 21/12/2017 at 5:30 AM, ITalianBadBoy said:

Already two groups can challenge each other. (Just queue at the same time)]

Doesn’t work with certainty. We’ve waited in endless queue with two 2-man squads

And I feel like 3/4 man squads are straight up blocked

Too complicated and prone to abuse. When dreads came out and its MM was partially automated, the system was abused to the ground from day one… or  maybe two.


The only thing i would like to have is a system that allowed us to prioritize battle modes in pvp. So lets say, we could choose our next pvp battle type 3-5 (maybe more) times every day. This would help with certain task requirements.   

16 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

Doesn’t work with certainty. We’ve waited in endless queue with two 2-man squads

And I feel like 3/4 man squads are straight up blocked


This is a Matchmaker problem that sometimes happens to single players and with a greater frequency to the teams.
You can write a discussion in the section: [Home > Bug Report Section > Matchmaker](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/253-matchmaker/).

Some developers can solve it.


(A few months ago I forgot to be in the queue for a T5 battle. After few hours I found that I was in the queue from 4 hours XD)

I see someone couldn’t handle the truth… I will just continue to abuse fire support, defense contract or defiler when possible. Since abuse dont happen now at all it shouldn’t be a problem…

Abuse can be reduced by a few active and passive measures. The willingness of a population to abuse something will be reduced greatly or to not at all depending on the measure used.  Abusers will become even more of a minority, and the risk of them being punished will give them food for thought, especially with an active playerbase and the inability to lock rooms that have rewards.

On 12/23/2017 at 1:48 PM, ITalianBadBoy said:


The rules not respected would be:

  • 7.1. Inactivity in the battle, avoiding afk detection and avoiding to perform any objective oriented actions.

  • 7.3. Use of exploits in game mechanics to gain a personal benefit or an unfair advantage.

  • 7.5. Coordination with opponent team in order to predetermine the match outcome in advance (match-fixing).

  • 7.6. Use of any 3rd party means of automation (bots, macrosses, etc ), that allow to accomplish actions in a game without intervention from a player.

7.1 - this rule is one that is abused under the current matchmaker. reporting of this abuse will be the same under both custom battle with rewards or with the current queue system.


7.3 - this rule is iffy, as even under the current system, pilots build their ships around these abusable mechanics, I.E tharga strafe


7.5 - this rule is currently able to be abused under the current system thanks to the low use of squads and the ability to choose which team you’ll be on by queueing at the same time as your fellow abuser’s squad, increasing victory chances of fixed matches in a queue based system while going undetected.

In a custom room based setting, this abuse would be far more noticeable and would recieve adequite punishment. 


7.6 - this abuse happens anyways. 

in rooms it will become more noticeable and the reporting of these users will become more often seen. someone seeing it once won’t think much of it, seeing it more often from the same person in the same room is much more noticeable.


overall, abuse will happen less, not more, when compared to the queue based system, in custom rooms provided the proper measures are taken by the devs and the rules are supported by the playerbase’ majority or even an active minority.


Reports of abuse will not increase because of an increase of abusers. Reports of abuse will increase because that abuse will become far more noticeable. these reports will decrease over time as the abusers will abuse less and less until they can abuse no longer.


also, freezing an account is more effective, freeze 1 day first warning, 1 week second, 1 month third, 6 months 4th, 1 year 5th. on the 6th, ban the account. this would be disputable to account for accounts that are wrongfully accused and would provide an adequate deterrent to be used alongside other methods, not just this one. also, if implemented, try to make it troll proof, and upon the freezing of an account, upon that pilot trying to log in a message will pop alongside the reason of why their account is frozen alongside a link to dispute the claim if they wish. an easy way to ensure that the claim is actually true, a moderator may look back at the match itself to check stats, or even a recording, if the devs decide to have a recording of each match in place to improve the quality of which accounts are really frozen. among other methods of cross checking claims against other pilots, something that will reduce trolls or inexperienced/uninformed pilots improperly accusing vets and other pilots alike.

Image result for drink the kool aid meme

On 12/17/2017 at 12:48 PM, Zombie_Hunter003 said:

While giving more power to the players sounds great… and as a frig pilot, Beacon hunt is the bane of my existence… I do see a flaw in this.
the Predominant is that you would still have to fill battles…
people who favor battles everyone else hates (like detonation) would never see their battle type… albeit such players are a very minute minority

the lack of randomization would allow players to be more focused, and mastery of certain ship types would become more prevailent, However  while it’s great for people who specialize in a certain type of combat, the jack of all, master of none types would be really put out…
actually, as you are a jack of all, master of none, I’m shocked you would say so DogMuttPrivate (Don’t get put off being a weak little pup; your at least better than MOST of the cats! your wolfgirls are no match for my Aisha ClanClan)


My wolf girls will be prepared for battle soon enough. your Aisha ClanClan will not be a match against our supreme pack. we shall blend in with the shadows and maul everything in our path~



Resistance is futile. 

this wouldn’t work in reality, players would just use alts and just run scripts or something and spam automated matches and get their stats and stuff through the roofs. There’s a reason it isn’t like this lol

I said no in the votes, simply because we do not have enough players in regular matches. If we started doing all these fancy custom matches, there would be no players to play with if they all want different maps and game modes.


So technically it’s a no and yes for me. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Even if we had enough players, it would need to be a  LIMITED  custom battle, where you can ONLY change the map and game mode. That is it.

Rewards for custom battles? HELL NO!

Because it will be exploited.


Choosing game modes and maps as you like it? NO!

Some modes and maps are better for certain classes, if pilots can choose the entire player base will be forced into those modes and therefore into playing only those classes. Other classes will die out and never be played again. Thus NO.