Allow Custom Battles To Have A Regular Reward System Again So Pilots Can Choose Exactly What Mode/Map They Desire To Play On.

Give Custom Battles the option to be a regular PVP battle area.

If in the event that this replaces the current queue system, overall the playerbase will be much more active with eachother. 

Yes, this has the possibility of being abused, however, the matchmaker part of the custom battle will make teams, aside from squads and wings, completely random.

With the exception that Corporation members of the same corporation will not be placed against each-other except in non-reward custom battles with the ‘choose where this person goes’ feature.

It would be a ban-able offense to choose who wins and who loses on purpose within custom battles 

If players try their best and try to win but lose consistently, than they can do that, but if it’s on purpose, than no.

Pilots have the freedom to fight the battles they choose. to fight the opponents they choose. If they deem an opponent or group too hard to fight, they can look into another room or create their own. 

After each game, the team will ‘shuffle’ its random players so the team itself will change consistently with a group of randoms with no corpmates, squads or wings. improving the odds that pilots will continously strive to win and further decreasing the temptation of losing on purpose so the other side can get some rewards. 

A squad with a corpmate in the enemy squad will not be able to join the gameroom of the same corporation. 

A corporation must use a wing or a squad to be together or be just in the same room, they may never be on the opposite side. This will also improve the odds that this will never be abused in any way. 

Pilots will always have the option of not challenging such rooms. Those of us who enjoy this game and a challenge, most definitely would, however. This will make way for corp vs corp battles. pleasantly and efficiently.  

Squads and wings will be able to easily find games this way and the enjoyment will go up immensely for pilots in general. 

of course, the vs AI pvp mode will remain queue based.

Settings in the game that can be changed while keeping the rewards system should have some optional items like whether or not there is friendly fire, which ranks are available (same tier, or 1 tier difference),

whether or not your modules self harm you, etc. just some basic stuff alongside which server is being played on, and so on. these settings will be public within the lobby and within the room itself. 

I’d suggest to test this system for about 3 months while removing the queue system for the duration, won’t hurt anything, and at the end of it get all of the proper feed back that wasn’t gained from the last venture when both the queue and custom battles were available with rewards. Also, make more realistic game-modes please. they’re my favorite.              

The Room owner will be able to make adjustments to the room and the room’s description while still inside the room without needing to delete the room and create another one, which will save so much time,

The room owner will not be able to simply change a setting and start the room game for 1 minute after the setting has been changed to reduce the odds of this being abused in any way.  

This system, though with minor flaws, will help to balance the human element of this game, and will give players generally less to complain about and more freedom to fight and improve and come to love this game and buy. We all want this. 


I will say that I would like 1 vs 1 to be able to have rewards, but it makes sense to make it a minimum of 3 players to have a game with rewards unlocked. 

Add an “I’m ready” mechanic so that when the room master starts the game, no one’s away from the computer.









I hate … beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , team , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , beacon , team

While giving more power to the players sounds great… and as a frig pilot, Beacon hunt is the bane of my existence… I do see a flaw in this.
the Predominant is that you would still have to fill battles…
people who favor battles everyone else hates (like detonation) would never see their battle type… albeit such players are a very minute minority

the lack of randomization would allow players to be more focused, and mastery of certain ship types would become more prevailent, However  while it’s great for people who specialize in a certain type of combat, the jack of all, master of none types would be really put out…
actually, as you are a jack of all, master of none, I’m shocked you would say so DogMuttPrivate (Don’t get put off being a weak little pup; your at least better than MOST of the cats! your wolfgirls are no match for my Aisha ClanClan)


Well I only do PVP once a day to get my 45 iridium … the PVP in this game is so far gone I personally don’t believe it can be saved. as I hear it the only real PVPers do custom battles exclusively and they pay for the game so don’t need rewards from PVP



Even less players in PvP.

5 minutes ago, SunnySweet said:



Even less players in PvP.

Custom will be pvp, every player that is interested, will be able to get in the game that they actually want, bringing more into pvp than there is now. 

I agree but I see 2 problems here:

-lack of players. there is just not enough players at the moment to introduce such thing. The queue will become much longer for players that are not interested to play a specific game mode, or just not enough players in the game mode they choose to play in. Here we’ll get even more unbalanced matches, falling against the same player over and over again.

-Exploit. if a reward gets introduced, that will obviously make players exploit this.


We have 4 ships slots. These are made to be able to play any game mode with the right ship.

  1. the best option would be to remove the basic pvp queue and replace it with the custom battle/rewards system that way there will be no shortage and no confusion of pvp players in either area. 

  2. the matches themselves will be up to the players if they wish to take part in a particular room. if they feel that someone is too powerful for them to take on, they have the option, unlike in regular pvp queues, to not fight that person by going to another room or creating their own.

  3. as for exploitation, that’s very manageable by the playerbase itself for the most part with the report feature, and as I stated before, there are methods to reduce the want of exploitation greatly. 


And yes, with the 4 ship slots you can play any gamemode, but it can also be used to differentiate into a different strategy if the one you’re using with the current ship is not enough,

it’s tactical regardless of its meaning. 

It could be coupled: your reward system for/in custom PvP-battles. Think of this: in the sector, o corporations reigns supreme, custom battles could be fought with all competitors listed in the dreadnaught sector-window…

imho, this would add to wait times, bringing back deleted game modes & maps would be a better solution. as it is, the rotation is just plain boring.

5 hours ago, SunnySweet said:



Even less players in PvP.

Its still pvp, but more like a real game instead of this random nonsense we all have become accustomed to. Most games allow you to choose a (map) and join. The list will show maps with player counts. Size would be displayed in fractional values. Say 24 is max room size. You see a 20/24 map, and like the mode you join. This would ultimately kill the matchmaker issue. You join in, and stay as long as you like. You leave to find another map, or add a vote map feature at the end of every map. We all know how this usually works. I am not understanding the protest and shock here.  

This functionality was removed because 

A) There were next to no public rooms 

B) There was next to endless farm of resources of loot in locked rooms by trading wins and fixing matches


Why would this time it be any different? 

A) There will be many public rooms.

B) Those types of players would risk being banned heavily and there are many ways to make them not want to abuse it in any way.

C) because there wouldn’t be a regular pvp queue like last time.

So you want to remove a regular PvP queue and replace with public rooms? 

It will ensure that the playerbase will be happy and easily be able to find games both as a random and as a squad or wing.

Whatever you are smoking. Stop.

57 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

This functionality was removed because 

A) There were next to no public rooms 

B) There was next to endless farm of resources of loot in locked rooms by trading wins and fixing matches


Why would this time it be any different? 

Who cares as long as people are in the game? Its not like the devs can’t find creative ways to end fast money grinds all the time.  They need to bring rewards back. If they are concerned with abuse, come up with a solution. I don’t think banning people because they find a way to make resources fast is a good solution. Even with the so called abuse potential. It still takes a lot of time. Play battlefield and see how they do it. all issues should be solved if you copy that format.

25 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

Who cares as long as people are in the game? Its not like the devs can’t find creative ways to end fast money grinds all the time.  They need to bring rewards back. If they are concerned with abuse, come up with a solution. I don’t think banning people because they find a way to make resources fast is a good solution. Even with the so called abuse potential. It still takes a lot of time. Play battlefield and see how they do it. all issues should be solved if you copy that format.

Current implementation IS a solution.


There is next to no value to the game for Rewards being awarded in custom battles, if anything it will lead to more negatives which forces to implement even more fixes for nor particular reason.

It’s true that the current queues is a solution, but it’s not the best solution. the value for having rewards in custom is just as much as rewards in a basic pvp queue. 

The value to the players themselves however in terms of how much they’re able to enjoy the game is much higher in the custom battle version than the queue version because they can generally fight against a room of players of their choosing, maps of their choosing, game modes of their choosing. etc.

12 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

It’s true that the current queues is a solution, but it’s not the best solution. the value for having rewards in custom is just as much as rewards in a basic pvp queue. 

The value to the players themselves however in terms of how much they’re able to enjoy the game is much higher in the custom battle version than the queue version because they can generally fight against a room of players of their choosing, maps of their choosing, game modes of their choosing. etc.

That is an illusion of a choice, you will end up with settling to what is available, and not to what you want, which in return is going to be even worse than games from the generic queue.