all ships and why some are not worth your time

I am dedicating this thread to talking about the balance of ships, their boosts, and why some are useless in comparison to others.


I will be mainly talking about:

Premium ships vs Normal ships.

DLC ships(Non-pirate) vs Premium/Normal ships.

Why some ships are quite useless in comparison to others.



I will go about this on a tier by tier basis and faction by faction and ship class by class. If you got anything you disagree with, or want to add say so in a reply. However, be specific and add which tier and faction.

#If you see a grammar/spelling problem feel free to say so.# 

#[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19954-hidden-ship-bonus-parameters/) taking this in mind as well#And funnily enough, that thread has a few lies in the infos there#

Tier 1:

The entry tier.

The game is pretty easy with not a lot of modules. However some ships already put others in a dark shadow due to ship boosts.




The Tier 1 Empire interceptors are nicely balanced and show a good progression with the same ship boosts. Making the Dvergr 2(Rank 3) better than the Dvergr(Rank 2) due to slots and 1 rocket more. 

The premium interceptor, King Dvergr, having an extra 20% reduction in missile reload time, and getting an additional 3 medium missiles make it a good ship that overshadows the Dvergr 2, but it being premium it could be expected to be slightly better.


The Tier 1 Empire fighters are somewhat balanced and somewhat good progression, the Hercules(Rank 1) having a spread reduction and damage boost, while the Hercules 2(Rank 3) only has a damage boost, however it does have a medium-missile more and a passive slot. So I’d take the Hercules 2 over the hercules, despite the lack of spread reduction.

The premium fighter, Ghost, having a 20% reduction in Gunship Modules Cooldown time, and having 2 more medium missiles make it better then the Hercules 2(Rank 3) but, like the interceptor, not by a lot.


The Tier 1 Empire only has 1 F2P frigate, Harpy(Rank 3), it having a damage boost and 20% reduction in Sniper module energy cost.

The premium frigate, Siegfried, switching the energy reduction for a spread reduction, and the 5 medium missiles of the Harpy(Rank 3) for 3 large missile slots. It slightly overshadows the harpy, but less than the interceptor and fighter.



Interceptor :

The Tier 1 Federation only has 1 F2P interceptor, Swift(Rank 3), it having a damage boost, 20% beacon capture speed and a 30% critical chance increase.

The premium interceptor, Kite-E, trading the damage boost for a 20% reduction in Covert Ops module energy cost and losing 2 rockets for a large missile slot. Quite balanced and not overshadowing in my eyes.


The Federation fighters are also somewhat balanced and showing good progression, the Lynx(Rank 1) having spread reduction and 4 medium missiles, with the Lynx-M(Rank 3) having 7 medium missiles and a 10% crit damage boost. With the Lynx-M being the better.

The premium fighter, Tiger-M15A3, having 2 less medium missiles than the Lynx-M(Rank 3) and switching the crit damage boost for a 20% reduction for tackler module energy cost. I’d say there are on a quite even ground.


The Federation frigates are a bit less balanced, the Raptor(Rank 2) having a 20% engineer module strength increase and 5 medium missiles, versus the Raptor-M(Rank 3) having a 20% reduction for engineer module energy cost and switching the 5 medium missiles for 3 heavy missile slots. The Raptor(Rank 2) Kinda overshadows the Raptor-M(Rank 3) since it boosts an additional 40 shield/s, while the Raptor-M saves 6 energy per second more and get’s a passive.

The premium frigate, Raptor-M-2, having exactly the same statistics as the Raptor-M(Rank 3), making it useless to buy.




The tier 1 Jericho interceptors having only 1 F2P interceptor, Dagger(Rank 3),  it having a 20% beacon capture speed increase and 5 rocket slots.

The premium interceptor, Black Death, getting an additional 10% damage boost, an extra rocket and a medium missile. It overshadowing the Dagger(Rank 3) slightly.


The tier 1 Jericho Fighters are slightly balanced, with the Axe(Rank 1) having a spread reduction and 6 medium missiles, with the Axe-X Type S(Rank 2) Having a 20% reduction for Command modules energy cost and losing 1 medium missile. And the Axe-X(Rank 3) with a 20% increase for command module effects and also 5 medium missiles and a passive slot. Making it sort of good progression.

The premium fighter, Black Hort, having a damage boost and a 20% increase for command module effects and 7 medium missiles, it’s slightly better than the Axe-X(Rank 3) but that is kinda expected.


The tier 1 Jericho frigates has only 1 Tier 1 F2P frigate, Zealot(Rank 2), it having a 20% reduction for guard module energy cost and 7 medium missiles.

The preium frigate, Palom, switching the energy reduction for a 15% crit chance increase, and the 7 medium missiles for 2 large missiles as well as a passive slot. It overshadowing the Zealot(Rank 2) a bit, but being pushed back by the crit increase and large missiles.


Tier 2:

The training tier.

Different classes start coming in the factions. #Making this so much harder to do :fed015: #Really though, I had to come up with a way to implement it without ruining the rest of the lay out, luckily the fix was right there#

Several more modules then Tier 1. And with quite a lot more imbalances.





The tier 2 Empire interceptors are mostly balanced and good in progression. Starting with the Dvergr Knight(Rank 4) with a 50% increase to recon module range, a damage boost, 35% beacon capture boost and a 15% crit chance increase. Complemented with 9 rockets. After comes the Dwarf 2(Rank 6) with the same boosts, but losing 2 rockets for a large missile. Also getting an addiotinal active, passive, energy and shield modifier. For the sake of progression I’d say it’s good.

The premium interceptor, Scout, having almost the same boosts as the Dwarf 2, but losing the recon module range increase, and gaining an additional 5% damage boost. It also switches the large missile for 4 medium missiles. This making the Dwarf 2 better against frigates and interceptors, while the Scout is better against fighters. But the range of Recon Modules already being huge, I don’t think the Scout is much worse than the Dwarf 2.

The DLC interceptor, Wasp, having almost the same boost as the Dwarf 2, switching the recon module range boost for a 20% missile reloading rate boost. And gaining an addiotional rocket and

switching the large missile for 3 mediums. It also gains an additional passive slot. Making it a bit superior of the Scout, but in the same “role” as the scout.


The ECM interceptor, Dwarf(Rank 5), having a damage boost and a beacon capture boost, with 6 rockets and 2 medium missiles, having only 1 passive and no shield modifier. It is standing in the shadow of the Stilleto(Rank 6 Jericho) but being a shadow over the Dagger AE(Rank 4 Jericho).


The tier 2 Empire fighters are not really balanced. Starting with the Deimos(Rank 4) with a 20% energy reduction for Gunship modules and a damage boost. Accompanied by 7 medium missiles and 3 large missiles. After comes the Deimos 2(Rank 6), with a 20% reduce in Gunship module cooldown and a damage boost. Accompanied by 4 rockets and 6 medium missiles. Having 1 more active, 1 more passive and a energy and shield modifier. The Deimos is a superior frigate hunter if it wasn’t for the lack of slots.

The premium fighter, Kalah, with a damage boost, projectile speed increase and a 20% reduced missile reload. Having 6 medium missiles and 1 large missile. It throws a shadow over both the Deimos(Rank 4) and Deimos 2(Rank 6) as frigate hunter and could probaly hunt fighters and possibly interceptors as well due to the projectile speed increase.


The Command fighter, Hercules Arrow(Rank 4), With a 20% increase in Command module effectivenes and a damage boost. Having 7 medium missiles. It stands in the dark shadow of the Machete type S(Rank 6 Jericho) though.

The Pirate Command fighter, Shark, with a 50% increase in command module range. damage boost and a 6% crit chance increase. Accompanied by 7 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Making it have more DPS than the Machete type S(Rank 6 Jericho) as well as more missiles. Although it is a bit slower. Depending on whether you like more DPS or more speed, the one is better than the other.


The tier 2 Empire frigates are mostly balanced and great in terms of progression. Starting with the Iron Harpy(Rank 4), with a damage boost. And having 2 large missiles.Then comes the Steel Harpy(Rank 5) with the same damage boost and an additional 20% reduction in Sniper module energy cost. Also having an extra active and an energy modifier. After that comes the Hydra(Rank 6) with the same damage boost and switching the Energy reduction for a 20% reduced Sniper module cooldown. Also having 2 medium missiles an extra passive, and a shield modifier. Great progression.

The premium frigate, Trooper, same damage boost, but switching the cooldown reduction for a projectile speed increase. Making the Hydra(Rank 6) better for sniping.


The engineer frigate, Hydra 2(Rank 6), having a damage boost and 20% reduction for engineer module energy cost. Having 3 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Throwing a small shadow over the Alligator-M(Rank 6 Federation) and Honor(Premium Federation) by having more tank, dps, and less energy use. But the Alligator-M(Rank 6 Federation) and Honor(Premium Federation) putting a small shadow over the hydra by having more missiles and far greater speed.



The tier 2 Federation interceptors are balanced for F2P, but the DLC/premium are not but progression is good. Starting with the Swift-M(Rank 4)  with a 20% reduction for Covert Ops module energy cost, 20% beacon capture speed and 30% critical chance increase. Accompanied by 6 rockets. After comes the Swift Mk 3(Rank 6) having almost the same boosts but switching the energy reduction for a 20% reduced Covert Ops module cooldown. Getting an additional active, passive and shield and energy modifier. Good progression.

The premium interceptor, Blade of Aressa, having a damage boost, 20% beacon capture speed and 30% crit chance increase. Accompanied by 7 rockets and 2 large missiles. Casting a dark shadow over the Swift mk 3(Rank 6)

The DLC interceptor, Superkite, having a 20% reduction in Covert Ops modules energy cost, 20% beacon capture speed, 30% crit. chance increase and a 20% increased missile reload speed. Accompanied by 8 rockets and 2 large missiles. Having 3 passives. Throwing even a shadow over the Blade of Aressa.


The Recon interceptor, Hawk(Rank 6),  having a 35% beacon capture speed and a 15% crit chance boost. Accompanied by 6 rockets and 2 medium missiles. Getting dwarfed by Dwarf 2(Rank 6 Empire) Wasp(DLC Empire) and Scout(Premium Empire)


The tier 2 Federation fighters are somewhat balanced and show less than ideal progression. Starting with the Fox(Rank 4) having a 50% increase in Tackler module effectiveness. Accompanied by 3 medium missiles and 5 medium missiles(Yes, you read that right). After comes the Fox-M(Rank 6) having a 20% reduction in tackler module energy cost. Accompanied by 7 rockets and 6 medium missiles. Having an extra active, passive, and a shield and energy modifier. Making the fox(Rank 4) the better Tackler but Fox-M(Rank 6) far more durable due to slots.

The premium fighter, Rhi-no, having a 50% increase in tackler module effectiveness. Accompanied by 3 medium missiles and 6 medium missiles. Having same slots as the Fox-M(Rank 6) making it have a huge shadow over the Fox-M(Rank 6) as tackler.


The Gunship fighter, Lynx Mk 2(Rank 4), having a 20% reduction for gunship module energy cost, and damage boost. Accompanied by 5 medium missiles. Lack of slots make the Deimos 2(Rank 6 Empire) have a large shadow, and the Khalah(Premium Empire) having a huge shadow over it.

The pirate Gunship fighter, Joker,  having a 20% reduction to Gunship module energy cost, 5% damage boost and a 6% crit increase. Accompanied by 7 medium missiles and 1 large missile. The Deimos 2(Rank 6 Empire) being 100 m/s slower but having 1.5k more base tank and having a better ship boost, making the Joker better for hit&run while the Deimos 2(Rank 6 Empire) can stay on the same spot longer without having to run.


The tier 2 Federation frigates are somewhat balanced and show good progression. Starting with the Raptor Mk 2(Rank 4) with a spread reduction. Accompanied by 3 large missiles. After comes the Alligator-M(Rank 6) having no boost. Accompanied by 4 medium missiles and 3 large missiles. An extra active, passive and energy and shield modifier make it far superior to the Raptor Mk 2(Rank 4).

The premium frigate, Honor, no boosts. Accompanied by 4 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. and Further the same as the Alligator-M(Rank 6) making the Alligator-M(Rank 6) superior due to the extra large missile.


The guard frigate, Alligator-C(Rank 5), having a 25% increase for guard module range. Accompanied by 2 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Having more speed than the Neuron Zealot(Rank 5 Jericho) and switching 1 large missile for 2 mediums making it cast a slight shadow over the Neuron Zealot(Rank 5 Jericho) and Zealot AE(Rank 4 Jericho) but casting a shadow over the Crus type Q(Premium Jericho) while also standing in the shadow of the Crus type Q(Premium Jericho) by having less tank.



The tier 2 Jericho interceptors are somewhat balanced and show a good progression. Starting with the Dagger AE(Rank 4) having a damage boost and 20% faster beacon capture. Accompanied by 9 rockets. After comes the Stiletto(Rank 6) having a 20% reduction in ECM module energy cost and a 20% faster beacon capture. Accompanied by 6 rockets and 4 medium missiles. Having an extra active, passive and shield and energy modifier it throws a dark shadow over the Dagger AE(Rank 4).

The premium interceptor, White Hawk, having a 20% increase in ECM module duration, 20% faster beacon capture and 20% reduced missile reload. Accompanied by 7 rockets and 2 mediums. Throwing a slight shadow over the Stiletto(Rank 6) but nothing unexpected.


The Covert Ops interceptor, Dagger type V(Rank 5), Having a projectile speed increase, 20% faster beacon capture and 30% increased crit. chance. Accompanied by 6 rockets. Standing in the shadow of all the Federation interceptors besides the Swift-M(Rank 4 Federation)


The tier 2 Jericho fighters are somewhat balanced, and got a not-ideal progression. Starting with the Machete AE(Rank 5) having a spread reduction. Accompanied by 7 rockets and 6 medium missiles. After comes the Machete typse S(Rank 6) having a 50% increase to Command module range. Accompanied by 6 medium missiles and 1 large. Having an extra passive and shield modifier. Making the Machete AE(Rank 5) stand in the slight shadow of the Machete type S(Rank 6) due to missing slots, but having far more missiles it is not in a bad position.

The premium fighter, Neuron, having a 20% reduction to missile reload. Accompanied by 3 medium missiles and 6 medium missiles. Making it a far worse Command ship than the Machete type S(Rank 6)


The Tackler fighter, Machete(Rank 4), having a 20% reduction to tackler module energy cost, and 20% reduction to missile reload. Accompanied by 5 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Making it stand in the slight shadow of the Fox(Rank 4 Federation) and the shadow of the Fox-M(Rank 6) and standing in the huge shadow of the Rho-no(Premium Federation)


The tier 2 Jericho frigates are not balanced, but show good progression. Starting with Zealot AE(Rank 4) having a spread reduction. Accompanied by 2 large missiles. After comes the Neuron Zealot(Rank 5) having a 25% increase to Guard module range. Accompanied by 3 large missiles. Having an extra active and an energy modifier. Good progression and good balance between the 2.

The premium frigate, Crus type Q, having no boosts. Accompanied by 2 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Having an extra passive and shield modifier. Making it cast a shadow on the Zealot AE(Rank 4) and Neuron Zealot(Rank 5) in terms of tank, with the Neuron Zealot being the better protector with the extra module range.


The Sniper frigate, Templar(Rank 6), Having a projectile speed boost. Accompanied by 4 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Standing in the shadow of the Hydra(Rank 6 Empire) by having a torpedo instead of a Disintegrator(Though that is an opinion). 

The DLC frigate, Priest Bartle, having no boosts, accompanied by 3 medium missiles and 2 large missiles. Standing in the shadow of the Templar(Rank 6) as a sniper, but having 1 more passive slot.





#I’ll stop here for now, please tell me if you want me to do the other tiers as well.#

##I keep wriiting addiotionally instead of additionally, so annoying! :fed015: ##

I’d definitely like to see your take on T2.

Personally, I don’t think the Empire Scout is “better” than the Dwarf 2 for example. It does more dps with guns, but I think Dwarf 2 has a better missile load (1 large means a Minefield) and the range boost to spydrone and Parasite are very useful in the right hands.

Alright, I’ll get working on T2 then.

-Puts on some music-


I’ll update the Original Post and say Updated! in here when it’s done so you can view it theough the > New Content < thingy. It might take a while though…It’s a wall of text >.<

Please T3 :smiley:

So far, so good. Proceed to T2 and T3.

T2 is in the making right now, it’s a lot more text than T1. So I won’t do T3 today anymore. But I will do it tomorrow  :beee:


This game is so pay to win with respect to its ships that it should be obvious!  Only one look at your ship tree should make this very clear.


I don’t know why this has been swept under the rug. 

This game is so pay to win with respect to its ships that it should be obvious!  Only one look at your ship tree should make this very clear.


I don’t know why this has been swept under the rug. 

If you read my post, I clearly state some are OP. While others are UP in comparison to their F2P variants.

well, i have read the whole thing for T2 (i don’t think T1 even worth mentioning, this tier is so short and shall be rushed through anyways)

Regarding T2, i do not understand a point of this whole wall of text ??? what you did is just listed bonuses on every ship and pointed out some obvious differences, in same time some of your statement are somewhat off from the real world. You don’t do any analyse over ships, you don’t really do any meaningful comparison. Basically whole thing could be just replaced with screen shots, thats what you did there.

If you really wanna make this an informative or meaningful post you have to compare Ships within Roles (for most part ignoring Rank 4 ships because in the current state they are through ship, they have no place other as spot fillers until you get a"real" ship). On top of that, please stop with those shadows, shadow this, shadow that

making it cast a slight shadow over the Neuron Zealot(Rank 5 Jericho) and Zealot AE(Rank 4 Jericho) but casting a shadow over the Crus type Q(Premium Jericho) while also standing in the shadow of the Crus type Q(Premium Jericho) by having less tank.


What about pirate ships?

**TL;DR** It is more of a faction overview with listing of every ship stats(screens serve the same purpose) No meaning full analyze/comparison

Group Ship by Roles, ignore lowest rank ships within tire, compare ships/states and PURPOSES (hawk vs dwarf 2 is not necessarily worse, it has different applications, same for Deimos 2 VS Kalah - they are on par, both have very good advantages, you just have to exploit them) and you are golden.

If you read my post, I clearly state some are OP. While others are UP in comparison to their F2P variants.

Yeah, I understood that much. There are worthless ships all over the tree, F2P or otherwise.


Balancing some of these ships out would go a long way towards creating an even playing field, but would never truly sort out the “pay to win” issue.  Having more options, and different variations of a same load out IS pay to win.  For all you league of legends players out there.  Imagine this, riot game comes out with a new champion that is only availible for riot points.  It’s a balanced champion, and is not over or underpowered in anyway, so this is not pay to win, right?





Just imagining the xxxxx storm that would follow such a move makes my brain hurt.   LoL and StarConflict are both Multiplayer battle arenas, where players SHOULD expect an even playing field.  This means everyone has access to the same options, given the right time is put into the game to progress to them.  I’ll leave equipment alone, seeing as premium is merely a grindless MK3 option, which is totally fine in my book.  Why treat ships differently than you do equipment?  Why not make every single ship in the game available for both credits and GS?  Then perhaps add a bonus “item” you can buy for ANY ship you have to make it repair-less for more GS?  I can almost guarantee that this would bring about more GS spending than the system you have in place now


This would allow you to do a couple things:                   

1.  Rework the ship tree into something that actually make sense.

  1. Give all players an even playing field, something extremely important to starting a competitive community that will grow.


Finally, this is a bit off topic, but what is the deal with your double premium ammo crap?  I’m guessing in the tournament this weekend, it’s going to be standard operation for everyone to use premium ammo seeing as it give you a clear advantage in terms of payload unless its banned.

I agree with the T2 stuff, except a few things… Empire has no R6 Sniper (their mainline ship) and the Wasp is relatively worse than the Dwarf 2. You just can’t beat that range bonus for Recons. Federation Superkite vs Swift 3 is the same ordeal, you either fly one of the other, there’s not really much of a difference. The biggest difference in T2 DLC ships comes from the Priest Bartle vs Templar. It’s just an extra 15k ehp, who’s NOT going to be wanting that!? Oh, also Jericho have no R6 Guard.

The only ships that is OP in t2 is Rhino, thats it. Some a better than free ones but in no where OP, the rest is either the same or somewhat worse.

I agree with the T2 stuff, except a few things… Empire has no R6 Sniper (their mainline ship) and the Wasp is relatively worse than the Dwarf 2. You just can’t beat that range bonus for Recons. Federation Superkite vs Swift 3 is the same ordeal, you either fly one of the other, there’s not really much of a difference. The biggest difference in T2 DLC ships comes from the Priest Bartle vs Templar. It’s just an extra 15k ehp, who’s NOT going to be wanting that!? Oh, also Jericho have no R6 Guard.

The Hydra is rank 6, and is a sniper for empire. What ship tree you looking at? o.O

And the range increase on the Dwarf 2 is as useless as the module strength on the Garm. It adds something, for sure. But nothing worth talking about. 

And there is a huge gap between the Swift Mk 3 and the Superkite. 2 extra rockets and 2 large missile slots, meaning 2 minefields that can make a huge difference. Not to mention the extra passive.


And the Priest Bartle is a sniper, It will never tank that well no matter the fit.

Yeah, I understood that much. There are worthless ships all over the tree, F2P or otherwise.


Balancing some of these ships out would go a long way towards creating an even playing field, but would never truly sort out the “pay to win” issue.  Having more options, and different variations of a same load out IS pay to win.  For all you league of legends players out there.  Imagine this, riot game comes out with a new champion that is only availible for riot points.  It’s a balanced champion, and is not over or underpowered in anyway, so this is not pay to win, right?





Just imagining the xxxxx storm that would follow such a move makes my brain hurt.   LoL and StarConflict are both Multiplayer battle arenas, where players SHOULD expect an even playing field.  This means everyone has access to the same options, given the right time is put into the game to progress to them.  I’ll leave equipment alone, seeing as premium is merely a grindless MK3 option, which is totally fine in my book.  Why treat ships differently than you do equipment?  Why not make every single ship in the game available for both credits and GS?  Then perhaps add a bonus “item” you can buy for ANY ship you have to make it repair-less for more GS?  I can almost guarantee that this would bring about more GS spending than the system you have in place now


This would allow you to do a couple things:                   

1.  Rework the ship tree into something that actually make sense.

  1. Give all players an even playing field, something extremely important to starting a competitive community that will grow.


Finally, this is a bit off topic, but what is the deal with your double premium ammo crap?  I’m guessing in the tournament this weekend, it’s going to be standard operation for everyone to use premium ammo seeing as it give you a clear advantage in terms of payload unless its banned.


This game will likely never have an even playing field. There will always be people with better fits than you.

Don’t compare LoL and SC. That is like comparing WoT with EVE online.

well, i have read the whole thing for T2 (i don’t think T1 even worth mentioning, this tier is so short and shall be rushed through anyways)

Regarding T2, i do not understand a point of this whole wall of text ??? what you did is just listed bonuses on every ship and pointed out some obvious differences, in same time some of your statement are somewhat off from the real world. You don’t do any analyse over ships, you don’t really do any meaningful comparison. Basically whole thing could be just replaced with screen shots, thats what you did there.

If you really wanna make this an informative or meaningful post you have to compare Ships within Roles (for most part ignoring Rank 4 ships because in the current state they are through ship, they have no place other as spot fillers until you get a"real" ship). On top of that, please stop with those shadows, shadow this, shadow thatseriously.

What about pirate ships?

**TL;DR** It is more of a faction overview with listing of every ship stats(screens serve the same purpose) No meaning full analyze/comparison

Group Ship by Roles, ignore lowest rank ships within tire, compare ships/states and PURPOSES (hawk vs dwarf 2 is not necessarily worse, it has different applications, same for Deimos 2 VS Kalah - they are on par, both have very good advantages, you just have to exploit them) and you are golden.

You want pirate ships? fine! I’ll add pirate ships tomorrow.

And if you can’t understand what I mean with the “shadows”…I won’t even go in on that…


And yes, I list ship bonusses etc. since they are important to talk about which ship is better! Sure, maybe screens would be better, but I prefer text over screens.and thus will write it out.

This game will likely never have an even playing field. There will always be people with better fits than you.

Don’t compare LoL and SC. That is like comparing WoT with EVE online.

Thats not true.  This game is MUCH more comparable to LoL, TF2, or even Counter Strike than EVE.  Whats common in all of these games?  Team based pvp scenarios played over and over.  And guess what, they’re all balanced.

You want pirate ships? fine! I’ll add pirate ships tomorrow.

And if you can’t understand what I mean with the “shadows”…I won’t even go in on that…

Please, read this part out loud or ask someone else to read it for you so you can hear it:

“…making it cast a slight shadow over the Neuron Zealot(Rank 5 Jericho) and Zealot AE(Rank 4 Jericho) but casting a shadow over the Crus type Q(Premium Jericho) while also standing in the shadow of the Crus type Q(Premium Jericho) by having less tank…”

And yes, I list ship bonuses etc. since they are important to talk about which ship is better! Sure, maybe screens would be better, but I prefer text over screens.and thus will write it out.

My point is that its the only thing you`ve done, only listed ship bonuses. The analyze you’ve provided can hardly be called analyze, any player that made to T2 perform deeper run downs in his head while choosing a ship, which making the whole thing you wrote a waste of your time and not informative to anyone else


And there is a huge gap between the Swift Mk 3 and the Superkite. 2 extra rockets and 2 large missile slots, meaning 2 minefields that can make a huge difference. Not to mention the extra passive. 

No there isn’t, while super kite is better (duh) it is not as big as you claiming, yes 2 large missiles is an advantage, extra passive good to have but only for those that know how to get best out of it and adjust the whole build to exploit this advantage, but for the most part if you know how to fly that passives doesn’t give much over swift. Now Swift mk3, unless you put the wrong bonuses in its description (I don’t have an access to the client atm so i cant verify)it has 20% CD reduction on its modules, and he has it for the whole game meaning he can do total dmg or he has more opportunities to do his burst during the game than superkite (while superkite has 2 mine fields)

Same goes for Deimos 2 vs Kalah, yes kalah has projectile speed bonus, but seriously best weapons for these 2 are railguns (especially stabz and rapfire rails), and it is piss easy to hit any target with these weapons.

Finally, this is a bit off topic, but what is the deal with your double premium ammo crap?  I’m guessing in the tournament this weekend, it’s going to be standard operation for everyone to use premium ammo seeing as it give you a clear advantage in terms of payload unless its banned.


The use of premium ammo is barred from tournaments.


As for ship stats… don’t forget, there are some ships with hidden bonus’s as well. Search the forums and you can find the list.