Alien Attack Engineer

Similar to Federation engineers, but with a slight twist, the special ability are alien drones that don’t regen shields, rather they act as massive heatsinks, allowing ships around the engineer and the engineer itself to fire for up to 3x longer than without the drones. The drones shoot out nanodrones which carry the heat from other ships to itself. As the drones heatup, their rate of fire increases up to 2x.

Activating the special ability when the drones are at max temp makes them explode, and discharge all their heat at the targeted enemy, causing a good amount of damage. This ability could also be switched to one where the added heat works as a generator, when the special ability is activated, the drone explodes and discharges up to 700 units of energy.

The alien engineer would still have the standard shield regen and hull regen.

What do you think? There is no ship in-game currently that reduced heatup rate of guns for allies.

If not a new engineer type. I’d gladly accept those drones on board of my engi. As missile slot, module or new special abilty for an existing engi. I really like the idea.

I like the idea but I’m pretty sure the devs already have something else (four something elses) in mind.

Not bad idea.

Evokes the thought that this would come with the effect, that players would group around the alien engineer ship for max effectiveness, making teampaly/strategy come indirectly.

Exactly. At first I thought it would be OP, then I realized that if you shrink the area of effect for the drones to work, that would make it less OP and involve more strategy.

It’s an interesting idea, + from me

Too specific IMO.

I agree with swifter, it’s too specific. And I love my healing drones!

4 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Too specific IMO.


2 hours ago, millanbel said:

I agree with swifter, it’s too specific. And I love my healing drones!

Am i hearing this correctly?! The guy gives detailed information about his idea and it’s a bad thing…Or the drones utility is too specific? If the later case, not more than the healing ones?! or the Attack ones?!

9 minutes ago, CptDoss said:


Am i hearing this correctly?! The guy gives detailed information about his idea and it’s a bad thing…Or the drones utility is too specific? If the later case, not more than the healing ones?! or the Attack ones?!

Haha, no the module would only be useful in very specific cases is what I meant. Not every weapon needs a heatsink and not everyone stays in range of their engi while they are attacking (for example a bubble gunship would need this buff while diving with overdrive on a target, but is likely to be out of range of engi when doing so).

Also this type of module would be more appropriate on a command ship than on an engi. Maybe it could be made into an active module for commands instead of a drone? For example a craftable ‘pirate’ Valkyrie module which has a slightly reduced damage buff compared to regular Valkyrie, but which additionally has this ‘heatsink’ feature.


Healing and damage, you always need that. 


Area of effect heatsink on the other hand, who cares? 

If it were a projectile speed buff,  a range buff, or a missile reloading buff I’d say “Why not”. 

But heatsink, it’s too specific. 

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Area of effect heatsink on the other hand, who cares? 

If it were a projectile speed buff,  a range buff, or a missile reloading buff I’d say “Why not”. 

But heatsink, it’s too specific. 

The idea of cooling is a novelty, otherwise it would be drones with the common Crew:rank 6 implants … imho

3 hours ago, millanbel said:

Haha, no the module would only be useful in very specific cases is what I meant. Not every weapon needs a heatsink and not everyone stays in range of their engi while they are attacking (for example a bubble gunship would need this buff while diving with overdrive on a target, but is likely to be out of range of engi when doing so).

Also this type of module would be more appropriate on a command ship than on an engi. Maybe it could be made into an active module for commands instead of a drone? For example a craftable ‘pirate’ Valkyrie module which has a slightly reduced damage buff compared to regular Valkyrie, but which additionally has this ‘heatsink’ feature.

Good suggestion there about commands. It could be for them. Perso i do think HS is a good idea, not only a novelty. Longer suppression fire is good. And i wouldn’t make em like the attack drone. I’m guessing the OP meant the drones coming form the special abilty, but with higher AoE comparable to nanodrone cloud. The second part of his post would great counter to rushing gunships,tacklers,inties. If it  was a dmg burst or incapacitation or 1-2sec invulnerability. But his idea is also good as it is. Just trowing ideas around.

I do like the idea about commands having this feature, didn’t think about that before.

But the thing is, the alien attack engineer would still have the same healing as all other ones in game, and since it’s alien, a possible buff to those healing abilities. So having an engineer with heatsinks would still work.

As for commands, that would work too. They could either have A, a main weapon that uses heat for it’s own firepower (like the incinerator in Hawken), or B, make it a special ability/module.

Huh, a heatsinks shield? Special ability could be a shield that steals heat from friendlies and then uses that heat to start up a 2ndary generator which doubles the amount of energy regen while having the diffusion shield on. Not sure if that would work well, but hey, who knows.