Agent frequency

Ive been through the first two levels of the agent hunt contracts, but the numbers for T5 would require me to be in game for hours and hours on end. Howabout we get a neat little ninja-patch to boost the frequency of the appearances. Especially in PvE, as they seem to stop spawning after the first wave or so of enemies.

PvE is a horrible grind for agents, some matches I only got 2. I hate PvE at the best of times, this grind is soul destroying.

PvE is a horrible grind for agents, some matches I only got 2. I hate PvE at the best of times, this grind is soul destroying.

My point exactly.

Well, you must play T5 PvP Captured Dreadnought in a Custom match. Grind round 1 for 8-10 minutes, then proceed to round 2 and 3.

On average you get 18-24 Agents max. Point is that you only get 6 of them per 1 person, so if you got a group of 4 players, you do not see theirs, but they still count, if you do an assist.


If you want to farm Agents in Open Space, you need to be in a group of at least 2-4 players and kill them. It is quite hard and time consuming. There is also a bug, which could be present in PvE as well.

Sometimes Agent icons just start appearing and you need to re-warp back to the same sector, so that you can see them again.


PvP must be played with T4 ships. It is time consuming. In fact, this mission will take much more time than Open Space and PvE together.


I am already done with all missions.



Good luck!

I was playing T5 Cap Deadnought custom, the most I got was 10 agents, usually it was between 5 and 7. Maybe you got your 18-24 per match before some ninja patch

Like spy drones cannot be removed with collision you think recon is good to anti Stealth whole team and reduce healing by half of four ships per min…

Wrong thread Rennie?

One would think so.

On topic:

Most I’ve ever gotten in a single match was about 4-6, and never more. I even make a point to assist with most kills, but I only manage a few…


the way we did it we got ~70 agents scores each, counted towards the quest in 1x Cap Dread battle stage 1 (30 min )

But you need a group of 4 and a little preps for this. Still even if you do it solo, there is a way to leach more of those from your team mates

I call HAX :stuck_out_tongue:


Nah, seriously though, tried cap dread stage 1 for about 15mins in a group of 3, only got around 3 or 4 agents.


Maybe they mostly come out at night. Mostly.

Wrong thread Rennie?

Maybe, but you mentioned ninja patch. I didn’t see a change to spy drones in patch notes…

Aah, I get you know. Just seemed a little off topic :wink:

Also about agents, you can get up to 7 or 8 in one round until you refresh via certain ways, eg. new round or new ship or it just decides to give you no agents in that round anyway…same with open space you have to go to another sector or else the agents dry out.

Kosty I need you to invite me to one of your ultra farming matches. This is unfair. I get like 4-6 each go, and about double that when I assist everyone else’s kills.


  • Buff assists will count +1 towards your quest for your teammates agents.

  • DMG assists will NOT count as +1 for your quest.

  • not sure about Debuff assists - did not test those.

  • Every ~8 minutes you have to restart your client and rejoin PvE session, it resets some kind of a counter so agents keep coming in for you (same has to be done by every teammate)


So this way you get 4x points, sharing all agents between all 4 pilots.


  • Buff assists will count +1 towards your quest for your teammates agents.

  • DMG assists will NOT count as +1 for your quest.

  • not sure about Debuff assists - did not test those.

  • Every ~8 minutes you have to restart your client and rejoin PvE session, it resets some kind of a counter so agents keep coming in for you (same has to be done by every teammate)


So this way you get 4x points, sharing all agents between all 4 pilots.


Can confirm. 


Source: Agent Farming Specialist

Agents have like 5% spawn chance. It’a on your client side not server <3

In PvE there will spawn up to 16 agents per pilot or so.

Also every 5min restart is nicer.

So my weapons inhibiter on my guard won’t help me get points? Neither will damage assists???

I dont know about inhibitor, dmg assist definately not

Open space is a whole different can of worms, though. When flying in a squad, sometimes you get an increment when you get 20% damage assist without giving buffs or debuffs, while other times you don’t get one when you get 70% damage assist while giving debuff assists, and other times still, you do absolutely nothing and it increments anyways. It is quite a strange system that I’m not sure is possible to figure out.