add Sol star system to the game

i know it is hiding somewhere in empire space just add it to the game so we can go to earth and fire missiles at it.


AND you just know how much the art team would love to make earth and mars you could even throw in Easter eggs by putting the ISS and the hubble telescope in orbit for players to find.


you don’t even need to add enemies there since it is most likely the empires capital so you could add it as a tourist spot.

Though, this far in to the future I’d expect some things to have changed. Such as bigger oceans on earth. More green where there can be. Habitations surrounding the local planets. More space junk. Pirates hiding out near Ceres Mining Rig because I totally am gonna buy that little ball of ice soon.

Lol although it will be pretty difficult to actually make stuff orbit a full size planet in game :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol although it will be pretty difficult to actually make stuff orbit a full size planet in game :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you could make different sectors around Earth and make the satellites go from 1 sector to another in an “orbital” motion. 

Earth was mentioned in the game lore. So, maybe… :wink:

Earth is a shithole compared to the glorious New Eden space station! Who would want to live on a planet where the air is polluted, the countryside and waterways covered in mountains of rubbish, and the cities nothing more than smoking, radioactive gloop from the last Nuclear World War? What tourists would want to visit the fetid underground holes that the surviving Terrans now cower in, counting their supplies of uncontaminated air and food?

Forget about them. Humanity’s last hope of prolonged survival lies with the Federation and its mercenaries, after the Empire’s betrayal. We will defeat the biomorphs, and maybe one day, with their advanced technology, we will return to the Solar System, to make the earth green again (or purple, who knows)

Earth is plenty green, Federation! Most of the environmental damage was inflicted by your Direktorium, damage the Empire has worked tirelessly to undo!

Earth is plenty green, Federation! Most of the environmental damage was inflicted by your Direktorium, damage the Empire has worked tirelessly to undo!

Wait, what was the Direktorium?


Anyway, I’m 100% with Millanbel. 


Federation FTW!

I think we just get our new faction over here :005j: and other system around eath could be planet of the solar system! + mars is probably terraformed :slight_smile:

Wait, what was the Direktorium?

Anyway, I’m 100% with Millanbel.

Federation FTW!

Your lorefu is weak!

The Direktorium was the governing body of Earth prior to the Emperor’s rebellion. They fled to the outer worlds and eventually formed the Federation.

Earth is plenty green, Federation! Most of the environmental damage was inflicted by your Direktorium, damage the Empire has worked tirelessly to undo!

So say you, fascist! How are we to know what Earth looks like now? We can’t trust your pithy propaganda to show us the truth.


Your lorefu is weak!

The Direktorium was the governing body of Earth prior to the Emperor’s rebellion. They fled to the outer worlds and eventually formed the Federation.

Mmm, I just glanced at the site again to refresh my memory, and that’s not how I read it. The Direktorium was formed in response to violent religious fanatics who would later form the Jericho faction. After getting sent to space gulag, Jericho comes back with a vengeance and begins war on the rest of humanity. Soon after, the Direktorium was replaced in a military coup by the Empire. A few centuries later, people malcontent with the harsh government of the Empire form rebel groups and break away to form the Federation. Note how “the rebels” is not an alternate spelling of “the Direktorium” :stuck_out_tongue:

Looked back over the lore the other day and it seems there have been some changes made. So, to reflect this, I’m going to hold that it used to say the Direktorium survivors formed the Federation, but now it doesn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

So say you, fascist! How are we to know what Earth looks like now? We can’t trust your pithy propaganda to show us the truth.


Mmm, I just glanced at the site again to refresh my memory, and that’s not how I read it. The Direktorium was formed in response to violent religious fanatics who would later form the Jericho faction. After getting sent to space gulag, Jericho comes back with a vengeance and begins war on the rest of humanity. Soon after, the Direktorium was replaced in a military coup by the Empire. A few centuries later, people malcontent with the harsh government of the Empire form rebel groups and break away to form the Federation. Note how “the rebels” is not an alternate spelling of “the Direktorium” :stuck_out_tongue:



Agreed! The federation will rise against the dominance of the Empire, and bring peace to the galaxy!

Agreed! The federation will rise against the dominance of the Empire, and bring peace to the galaxy!

And milanbel will be their leader!!!

Looked back over the lore the other day and it seems there have been some changes made. So, to reflect this, I’m going to hold that it used to say the Direktorium survivors formed the Federation, but now it doesn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, sure :stuck_out_tongue: