add Energy status bar for each ship displayed on the HUD

I am suggesting that we get an additional Energy Display status bar , which means that we will no longer just see Hull and Shield integrity, but also Energy levels, but only for your allies.

This is good from strategic perspective. Energy status should have white display bar.

This will not present any issue with overcrowded interface, especially, if you can check or uncheck such option in game’s menu, under HUD options.



It might bring some strategic advantage, but only for really expirienced pilots.

Such a feature is not planned in the near future, maybe later.

It might bring some strategic advantage, but only for really expirienced pilots.

Such a feature is not planned in the near future, maybe later.

I modified this thread. Now it would only show such status for your own team and no longer for an enemy team.

I like it better for use everywhere. So you can tell just how much your target is using so you can disable or chase accordingly.

I like the idea in general though.

I like it better for use everywhere. So you can tell just how much your target is using so you can disable or chase accordingly.

I like the idea in general though.

That was my original intention, but I modified my thread, so this no longer applies.

I think we need to focus more on teamwork synergy than anything else, that’s why only each team should see their own energy levels.

Another option (exclusive) is that this feature is only available on an Engineering Frigate and that it can be manually enabled or disabled, under the HUD options.

I had a suggestion like this. It would’ve been enabled if you put on a modifier in a computer slot. Besides showing energy status it would have an additional benefit.

I had a suggestion like this. It would’ve been enabled if you put on a modifier in a computer slot. Besides showing energy status it would have an additional benefit.

Where is their response and what was it?

It might bring some strategic advantage, but only for really expirienced pilots.

Such a feature is not planned in the near future, maybe later.

I changed/altered the mechanics a bit. Now everyone agrees, that this is a much better option.

Maybe it can be refined so you can see all enemies, those in LoS, or locked. I too have wanted this feature for some time.

Personally, I think admitting that it’s not very useful to new players isn’t the best way to decide what is useful for the game. NOTHING seems to be useful to new players because they just don’t know the game yet. They will learn just like we all did.

This feature will be very helpful somehow.