Add battles won on 1-3 position in Pilot profile

It will be a a nice addition to have shown in Pilot profile/Statistics/Battles how many  PVP battles were won on position 1, 2 and 3 and how many times we ended a victorious battle on last position.

This will show others how effective you are for a wining team (in a good way for who score many times on 1-3 spots and in a bad way for who scored on last spot).

but why?

w/l ratio + average dmg/heal per game shows it all

not more stats D:

yup, not necesarry and it would only become another virtual space contest of who is better.


Already have enough of those. You stole my kill, mimimimi. I have 1 Kill more than you in average mimimimi, oh no’s, my rating dropped by 20 Points, damn n oob team mimimi.


Yeah, it’s no fun to play with people like that, but you’ll always have them and don’t need more points they can argue about like that.


sidenote: does this forum really change noo b into ace? what in the world is wrong with you guys? That’s just too much censory.

More stats showed in profile doesnt hurt anyone…yet many players can be victorious in numerous battles, but does matter highly if u contribute consistently in a very good manner (see 1-3 spots) to win a battle or u are just another ballast that happens just to be in a victorious team, because others drag u too with them to be victorious.


It is good to show all overall performance in all games played not just in last battle played.

yes, i get your point. Maybe it would be better to change the Skillrating into a overall battle efficiency Rating.


Don’t just portray kills and losses in that rating, but let objective play go into that rating as well.

Gonna agree with Xhotono here that it wouldn’t bring a lot to the table but just be another space contest. Additionally, some roles don’t score up well regardless of your contribution [i.e. Defending the Captain].

We all must play that “weaker” roles/ships, to sinergy them…so…and Star Conflict it is a space contest, isn’t it? What makes difference between various players in their playtime? Their profile says many about how they really manage this game at first glance.


More info about behaviour of the players translated in numerous statistics is always welcomed.

So…Gekaler, Residente or other moderator…please try to send this suggestion to devs for ana.lysis. To know that at least someone look at this…and it is not just another overlooked suggestion.

It seems it will be overlooked…

So…Gekaler, Residente or other moderator…please try to send this suggestion to devs for ana.lysis. To know that at least someone look at this…and it is not just another overlooked suggestion.


Sorry I’m not a moderator and it’s not my task. I’ll ask Gekaler to look at the thread.

While I may not agree with what is being asked on this thread


Could this suggestion be added as another tab on like to the Leadership board  ?     


I see this more as a “VANITY” point  as the glory of seeing how good they are… let it be up there. 


I question as to what benefit does one gain by you seeing so called “behavior of traits” of another pilot.  


  You cannot choose who your teammates other than through a squad but for the rest of the team composition you are totally dependant upon what MM places on your side. 



  Also just because a pilot may be consistantly in the top 1/3rd position in one particular tier does not mean they will be on the next or another other tier.   

As long as other already existent informations in profile can be considered conceited informations as well…dunno what harm can be done by this suggestion. And, btw, who is good/bad in one tier, trust me, it will keep in most cases that behaviour in the next tiers.

Anyway, thread can be closed. Thx in advance for whoever hands this to devs for ana.lysis.

I heard your call :slight_smile:


there was a similar proposal by the community already -  a new rating system considering the efficienty is already at testing stage


Thank you for your input