Add a new class of ships called "Destroyers" and "Cruisers

I think the developers should add a new class of ships called Destroyers, and cruisers. I want them to add this for we can have large scale ships in battle with us. I also wanted this idea because we would have an entire new tree of ships to be able to rank up! These ships would defiantly get a lot of attention and they will probably be used a lot. Also I like this idea because we need ships that are able to go into a battle field and support allies for a while not just rush in there and die!


Agree or Disagree in the poll

Option for ‘I haven’t a clue’?

Balance in the game is already questionable enough. Making things more complicated with 3 x 2 new ship classes isn’t the solution.


On a hunch, I googled “Eve cru” and “Eve dest.” The rest of the words were already filled in. My point here is: what works well in one game won’t necessarily work well in another game of a similar genre.

My hopes are that dreadnoughts will represent that.

This game is already Frigate Conflict.


Bigger ships will only make the balance even worse.

Adding a new class of ship would mean adding 3 more ship roles… Have fun making all the stats and modules for them.

This game was Frigate Conflict.


Bigger ships will only make the balance even worse.


Game’s pretty jumbled up with the current ship classes as is. If you had Destroyers/Cruisers in the game, they would either be inefficient (if it’s a line warship dedicated to destroying other big warships) or very, very effective (if it’s a warship dedicated to taking out strike craft).

I think the developers should add a new class of ships called Destroyers, and cruisers. I want them to add this for we can have large scale ships in battle with us. I also wanted this idea because we would have an entire new tree of ships to be able to rank up! These ships would defiantly get a lot of attention and they will probably be used a lot. Also I like this idea because we need ships that are able to go into a battle field and support allies for a while not just rush in there and die!


Agree or Disagree in the poll

AGREE - I am a frigate lover or large ship lover… now if they put a new line of ships to be worked on I will definitely go to this type of ships. I like the large scale battles with huge line ships and if there were line ships I would of started with that rather than these frigates. These ships have to withstand way more damage and will be way more slower but I think new game modes need to take place. For sure more weapon load out because a lot of smaller ships will be attacking that ship like ants on a roach.

This game is already Frigate Conflict.


Bigger ships will only make the balance even worse.


It can be balance now that the intercepters are way OP in T5… more over T5 frigates, which seem useless in resistance.

AGREE - I am a frigate lover or large ship lover… now if they put a new line of ships to be worked on I will definitely go to this type of ships. I like the large scale battles with huge line ships and if there were line ships I would of started with that rather than these frigates. These ships have to withstand way more damage and will be way more slower but I think new game modes need to take place. For sure more weapon load out because a lot of smaller ships will be attacking that ship like ants on a roach.



It can be balance now that the intercepters are way OP in T5… more over T5 frigates, which seem useless in resistance.


Nice slightly-longer-than-one-year necro.

All these necros today :01414:


Making me Nutz.