Adapter Socket [Passive]

Name: Adapter Socket

Rank: any (not for alien ships)

Type: Passive Module for any slot

Tooltip: allows you to equip any passive module in any slot, for -33% effect.


This would be a very rare drop from enemies in space or loot after battle. You equip it in any passive slot, and it creates an empty slot above it where you can equip any passive module. Meant to allow ships with very limited builds to have more freedom. Does not fit on ellydium ships.

Command Ships with 4 compact shields and 5 passive armor, LRF with 5 cpu and 4 capacitor, Imperial Gunships with 4 hull and 5 cpu, Guards with 9 shield slots.


I sense massive abuse potential ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

23 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

This would be a very rare drop from enemies in space or loot after battle.

I can see Orelus stacking crits like mad with that xxxx, or even more ultra long range builds never having to fear any incoming damage whatsoever.

Due to rarity i think getting it might only be worth for “pros” who already abuse terrible mechanics…

Keep in mind the -33% effect penalty stacks with the current -10% effect every dupe penalty. So with more than 5 of anything, you’d be losing effect instead of gaining it. XD


Plus for every mod you use, you are sacrificing another. So while some build may get massive crit or range or resi etc, they will be severely falling behind in every other aspect.


2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Keep in mind the -33% effect penalty stacks with the current -10% effect every dupe penalty. So with more than 5 of anything, you’d be losing effect instead of gaining it. XD


Plus for every mod you use, you are sacrificing another. So while some build may get massive crit or range or resi etc, they will be severely falling behind in every other aspect.


That’s exactly what i mean… the -33% effect makes it totally useless on a “casual build”, that wants that second cpu instead of 3 engines, but there is a lot of abuse potential on builds that can sacrifice a lot of survivability, because the only survivability they are running on are 7.5 or 3.2 seconds of invoulnerability *cough* Convert Ops *cough* Orelus *cough*


I think having the option to refit any non premium ship and distribute passives as you wish, would be a better step…