Actual Tutorials

The tutorials in this game suck. countless players do not know how to play. i suggest that there be mandatory tutorials for all new players where they must play one of each game mode. Like beacon capture. And in these tutorials, it should have a bright green arrow pointing to the objective and if they complete it, they get some gold standards or something. In beacon capture, i say to my team, stick together. it ends up with my squad of 3 fighting off 8 enemies while our other 5 team mates sit back in lrfs or fly around in speed tacklers running from opponents. srsly, it sucks. 

Well, I agree with the sentiment, but you could probably work on the suggestion a bit more :stuck_out_tongue:

I would gladly provide tutorials to the game again if they gave me a copy of adobe premiere.

I would gladly provide tutorials to the game again if they gave me a copy of adobe premiere.

windows movie maker is all you need.

This suggestion is already known.