So, we have a new mechanic : Passive modifiers with actives (Teleportation sphere Hello). I like this change. It’ll add a lot of diversity to build, and we’ll maybe have something similar to items with actives in LOL.
But we currently have no keybind to control them, which leads to stuff like teleportation sphere (using an already assigned key).
So why not having 4/5 unassigned keys and an UI in the ship view that let us assign one modifier with an active to a keybind ?
or just make them active module?
11/10 for OP’s suggestion.
Telly sphere would make a super wasteful active module for all elly ships.
5 hours ago, WiseAlert said:
or just make them active module?
What’s wrong with having new mechanics ?
Items with actives similar to spells are a thing in many game.
I like a lot the idea. There’s a lot of potential. They need to be properly balanced. But that’s a cool feature.
1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:
What’s wrong with having new mechanics ?
Items with actives similar to spells are a thing in many game.
I like a lot the idea. There’s a lot of potential. They need to be properly balanced. But that’s a cool feature.
This gave me an epic idea for a new game:
Star Quest!
The great new RPG where every ship is a character to play, and every module is a “spell” that can be cast for a certain amount of “mana” (energy). Same story but on the ground and more magical. Aliens are infected crystal virus creatures that use dark magic to destroy everything they find.
i wonder that devs tought about that teleport sh*t on ellydium dessie? lol