Active-Cool Laser [Weapon]

Name: Active-Cool Laser

Type: primary weapon

Damage: medium-low thermal

Range: medium

Spread: 15deg

Heating: infinite

Tooltip: Fires a continuous laser that tracks enemies under a cone and never misses. Prolonged firing heats up the weapon and causes energy to divert to coolers, reducing the damage output greatly. Damage decreases until the trigger is released. Only while the weapon is fully cooled will it fire at maximum output. Laser can track up to 3 targets under the targeting cone.

So, a reverse Thi’Es?


TBH, i dont think that there is a need for a forth (Thi’Lith,Thi’Es, Homing Laser) auto aim laser. Thi’Lith Sparks are annoying as is, no need to give them a version with improved ‘alpha’ capabilities.


The idea is interesting however. Maybe in a different design?

32 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

The idea is interesting however. Maybe in a different design?

Any ideas?

5 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Any ideas?

Maybe a non autoaim laser for destroyers. The laser would decrease its damage output just like your idea, but it would also have a short charge up time, to prevent you from just spamming the trigger.

The charge up time could be visualized to make it look the part. it would have a longer range than the vacuum laser, but no secondary effect, thus giving it a lower overall dps.


Since there isnt an universal dessie beam weapon.


5 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

Maybe a non autoaim laser for destroyers. The laser would decrease its damage output just like your idea, but it would also have a short charge up time, to prevent you from just spamming the trigger.

The charge up time could be visualized to make it look the part. it would have a longer range than the vacuum laser, but no secondary effect, thus giving it a lower overall dps.


Since there isnt an universal dessie beam weapon.


Seems cool. I would also love a dessy primary that fires like a heckin railgun (irl) and does obscene damage over long distances but with a crazy low RoF.

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Seems cool. I would also love a dessy primary that fires like a heckin railgun (irl) and does obscene damage over long distances but with a crazy low RoF.

The Photon is the closest thing to that as a module, The Thermoreactive weapon the closest to it as a gun. But noone likes to get oneshoted by stuff :confused:

It shouldnt deal more damage than a comparable fully charged lrf positron.


Edit: Yes. exactly that. A Gauss Cannon for dessies!

2 hours ago, Scar6 said:

The Photon is the closest thing to that as a module, The Thermoreactive weapon the closest to it as a gun. But noone likes to get oneshoted by stuff :confused:

It shouldnt deal more damage than a comparable fully charged lrf positron.


Edit: Yes. exactly that. A Gauss Cannon for dessies!

I’m talking major caliber style. Getting one-shotted by things sucks yeah but it’s a learning opportunity. Popping a full health ship is one of the most satisfying things there is to this game.

30 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I’m talking major caliber style. Getting one-shotted by things sucks yeah but it’s a learning opportunity. Popping a full health ship is one of the most satisfying things there is to this game.

You want a disintegrator as a main weapon :stuck_out_tongue:


It needs to have at least a range disadvantage over the regular disintegrator. It would also need a much lower bullet speed.


You wouldn’t want a fed dessie just closing in to 3km and start killing everything smaller than a frigate in just one shot each…


5 hours ago, Scar6 said:

You want a disintegrator as a main weapon :stuck_out_tongue:


sadly that’s a thing, fuse blaster

1 hour ago, evo888 said:

sadly that’s a thing, fuse blaster

Fuse blaster is trash compared to it. I mean sure it explodes but since when are two ships within 50m of eachother when you hit them.

12 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I would also love a dessy primary that fires like a heckin railgun (irl) and does obscene damage over long distances but with a crazy low RoF.

That idea is ancient… devs didn’t like it back in the days, i doubt they are gonna consider it now…

Or implement it just like everyone would like, but have it require Spatial Stabilizer be active to fire. (force player to be still)