about the Joystick...it's hard to use

I was trying cheating the game a little assigning key presses to the joystick movement. This allowed me to use my mouse for fine targeting and joystick for actual piloting. I was missing the finesse of analogue joystick control but the feeling is awesome. 

So - pretty please, dear devs, spend few hours on implementing proper joystick support with mouse enabled. You are almost already there - it’s really awesome! (and Elite Dangerous can eat dirt then ;)).

I would like to address the basic respose movement of the reticule when using a joystick(or mouse, for that matter), to see if the developers can resolve this issue. When using a joystick(Saitek X52), all functions are excellent, save the most important one; aiming. Whenever I move my stick minimally in any direction to fine aim my reticule, the game shifts the reticule back the opposite direction a bit, I assume to represent the ship coming back to center following the movement, but it makes it nearly impossible to aim accurately. I move a bit to the left, it shifts back right, so i move further and this is too much even after the reaction occurs, leaving me still off target. Not ideal! I would request that the reticule movement reaction(or ship centering) be taken out and the reticule and ship movement be locked together at all times. NO EXTRA MOVEMENT! It would be a huge help!! To the developers, thanks for making an otherwise very entertaining game!

It seems that you mean the ship movement (and not the cursor movement over the screen). If you mean so, what you are experiencing is wobble. With higher ping and faster acceleration you will notice a “kick” to each strafe/foward/back movement (if you strafe right, the ship will soon after strafe slightly left and then back to right), and with pitch controls (mouse) your ship will start spinning randomly for each time you move your cursor (this effect will be increased with extra turn rate). You can look for posts containing the word “wobble” in the forum and see if it has something to do with your issue.

So really bad necro but how do I set up my tablet to play star conflict?

I have a Wacom One Tablet