Ability to abort Special Upgrades mission

Too many of these missions are focused around Combat Recon, leading to situations where you’re basically stuck with a contract you cannot complete for days on end, with no way to drop the contract for a replacement.


My suggestion is to put in a mechanic to let players re-roll a contract requirement, ensuring they aren’t stuck on a single idiotic (and currently bugged) mission requirement, and can instead pick one that can be completed across multiple missions and game modes.

Any word on this? Because this is still pissing me off no end.

Maybe a list of missions, and you have to complete one of them ?

A “contract board” for mercenaries would be cool. More realistic than “here’s a mission you may or may not complete, have a horrid day.”

Your suggestion was delivered, but as long as all designers are working under Autumn update, we can’t make changes in missions’ system untill that. But we have a plans for it ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Well I hope it gets fixed soon, because right now my play pattern has become “queue, quit match, quit game, come back in an hour,” all because the game requires me to win a combat recon in a specific ship.

Assignments should be simple and fast as well. We do not have all day at our disposal.

Win 1 PvP match.

Win 1 PvE match.

Capture 1-3 beacons in PvP or PvE and win the battle.

If one contract consists of 3 tasks, do not make these tasks even more difficult or extensive, like win 3 battles, along with additional restrictional conditions.


You over-complicated this matter. Be simple and plain. My example is easy and short. Don’t limit the players.

Do not force users to use specific ships. If the assignment is active, it should be completed, no matter the rank of ship that you play.


I hope that you will heed my request.


The missions are already quite simple; the problem is with overly restrictive missions.

For example, “capture a beacon and win a battle.” Easy. There are 2 PvP Modes and at least three PvE missions where you can capture beacons. Not hard to cover that.

Or “kill 20 enemies with x type of weapon.” Again, easy - only applies to PvP, but assists count. You can do that in a single match if you’re lucky!

The big issue comes from overly specific assignments like the combat recon only ones, or missions that push people into modes they may not want to play. Co-op, for example. There is no need for any mission to be co-op specific. I think it’d be great if all PvP requirements could be met in co-op (so those who do like the mode aren’t left out), but fans of PvP generally don’t want to be flying against bots.

Tl;dr - here’s what I’d do.

  • No mode specific challenges.
  • No mission specific challenges.

I personally don’t mind the requirement of using the ship in question. But I can understand why others would prefer to use any ship. Again, this is something a proper benefit system would fix.

For example:

Let’s say your assignment is “win 3 pvp battles.” and you’re trying to earn Phoenix or Reaper module parts. If you win those three battles in a Rank 8 ship, you get a free token. In effect, by flying the correct ship you cut the grind in half.

Positive reward for behaviour you want to encourage, without punishing people’s free choice.

Combat recon requirement is still ruining my mornings. Can you please just remove that from the lineup? Or allow a once per day “complete automatically” option? Anything so I actually get to play matches I want to play.

On 15.07.2016 at 2:01 PM, JasanQuinn said:

Combat recon requirement is still ruining my mornings. Can you please just remove that from the lineup? Or allow a once per day “complete automatically” option? Anything so I actually get to play matches I want to play.

I’m personnaly playing mostly Beacon Hunt for some reason. The suggestion to separate PvP modes was delivered, we just need to figuire out how to do this right, for everyone keep playing in what they want)