A1MA small change

If the A1MA module was a toggle module instead of just stopping at 1600EM damage it would actually be useful for something other than eliminating a bit of regen for 4 seconds. The power drain could be something like 25pts/s. Idk. I’m just throwing this suggestion out there. Wouldn’t take much time to implement. ^^

Now if you take an engineer with four drones, you can have about 5k dps with just auto aim! Wheee

Uhh… Irrelevant?

I just need the A1MA changed, not drones. Xp

A1MA small change…

Increase damage by 500%, add all damage types.

For example 3 pulses which deal different damage.

Thermal, EM, kinetic 2000 each.

Reloading time, 60 sec+

Scales with ship size, so 1000 per pulse against intys, 2000 per pulse against fighters and 3000 per pulse against frigs.

A1MA small change…

Increase damage by 500%, add all damage types.

For example 3 pulses which deal different damage.

Thermal, EM, kinetic 2000 each.

Reloading time, 60 sec+

Scales with ship size, so 1000 per pulse against intys, 2000 per pulse against fighters and 3000 per pulse against frigs.

No, no, no.

A1MA small change:

Toggleable module with 1 second cooldown

Energy cost: 25/s

Range: 5km

Damage: 400 EM/s


Hey, if this became the new attack drones, I’d be pretty happy. Unfortunately, it’s just a supplement to them, so that that 2500 thermal dps gets a 400 EM dps added to it.

I mainly use A1MA to take down small structures and drones I can’t hit soooo… Toggling it but keeping everything else the same would be nice.

A1MA small change…

Increase damage by 500%, add all damage types.

For example 3 pulses which deal different damage.

Thermal, EM, kinetic 2000 each.

Reloading time, 60 sec+

Scales with ship size, so 1000 per pulse against intys, 2000 per pulse against fighters and 3000 per pulse against frigs.

That’s game-breaking.

They have already stated that A1MA will remain unchanged.

Check my thread about [A1MA](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26795-a1ma-iv-module-it-should-be-upgradable-to-mark-iv-or-mark-v/?p=320183).

Fine make an A2MA module…


I want an R2D2 module on my ship that I can talk to while flying and who answers me

I want an R2D2 module on my ship that I can talk to while flying and who answers me

And repairs your ship by 200 shield/hull pts. / second for 15 seconds. (Ceptor)

Fighter, 200%

Frigate, 400%

CD: 50sec


And repairs your ship by 200 shield/hull pts. / second for 15 seconds. (Ceptor)

Fighter, 200%

Frigate, 400%

CD: 50sec


And he can also kill attack drones with a little lightning bolt.

And he can also kill attack drones with a little lightning bolt.

#Buzz Droids

It’d actually be really nice if it was just an anti-object module. Meant for taking down structures and drones.

C3PO - changes IFF to same side as enemy team for 5s. You  now take damage from allied fire too while under it’s effect and will be seen as hostile by everyone for that duration. lol Can be targetted by the enemy team if they suspect you.

That would be so fun to use just to wreak havoc on a match.

*gets whole wing to equip module*

“No enemies in range sir, but our team has grown significantly…”

Other team has it as well. Hey watch the friendly fire! Why are you on the enemy team! Shoot the blue targets instead!