A1MA as Anti-drone Pulsar

Just like it sounds. Make the A1MA device an anti-drone support weapon. Damages attack drones, sentry and guard drones, and turret emplacements.

Also damages minelayer minefields and proximity mines, detonating them prematurely to clear heavily fortified objectives.

Does NOT target ships.

Suggest restriction to Engineer or Command class.

It would finally make the A1MA not so useless.

Imo, that would make it even more useless.

Mark V Pulsar on Guards should have this ability, without firing through solid objects.

It would finally make the A1MA not so useless.

It would because you change the “Base idea” of this module. 

The A1MA is the first “Offensive” & “Multipurpose” Module. As far as I remember, this module is still going to be reworked.

This kind of solution against drones is more linked to the AMS / Flares.

Yeah Rakza is right. maybe flares could be used to kill drones, as if they were missiles.  AMS would be a bit strong if it could kill drones also I think.  Ok, new thread coming up! XD  Damn it guys, we are getting too many good ideas here!

This kind of solution against drones is more linked to the AMS / Flares.

The other idea was to make the A1MA an anti-equipment pulsar for taking out healing stations, micro-locators, and Tackler turret drones.

I would personally like to see the AMS system detonate minefields, while flares would confuse/reset attack drones for X seconds.

Just like it sounds. Make the A1MA device an anti-drone support weapon. Damages attack drones, sentry and guard drones, and turret emplacements.

Also damages minelayer minefields and proximity mines, detonating them prematurely to clear heavily fortified objectives.

Does NOT target ships.

Suggest restriction to Engineer or Command class.

A1MA was supposed to make interceptors less invincible. Drones sort of do the same thing (except more broken ugh). If A1MA is used to kill drones, suddenly interceptors with it equipped don’t have to worry about autoaim things hitting them.

If A1MA is used to kill drones, suddenly interceptors with it equipped don’t have to worry about autoaim things hitting them.

Hence why I also suggested restriction to Engineer or Command class.

Either that or giving the AMS system the ability to attack drones.

Which drones ? Attack drones which are maneuverable or the stationary tackler drones ?   


Are you saying that this AIMA should be able to take out the beacon drones as well? 


As a note the attack drones do an outstanding job of taking out beacon drones :006j:

Flying an engi loaded with 4 drones into the vicinity of droned beacons is the fastest way to get rid of the drones aside from large missiles lol.

Flying an engi loaded with 4 drones into the vicinity of droned beacons is the fastest way to get rid of the drones aside from large missiles lol.

Double drone tackler with attack drones is probably just as fast, if not faster due to the higher dps of the crafted drones.