A shot at unique stuff.

It’s a bit ego-driving when you can ride around with a tag such as Aggressor or Conqueror or even Grand Admiral or even have a custom avatar but I have a couple of questions for the developers…

Will we get to re-achieve some of these at any stage of the game as for just a single player? And if not, my second question is, when will new, different achievements be coming up that are either player or corporation oriented?


Some achievements are for events and will be earnable on special days, while others are on time achievements and will not be available a second time. This makes them unique.

More titles and achievements will be added, but it is not possible to give any etas.

Will steam-achievements be updated as well? For example the christmas event give achievements ingame, but not for steam. :frowning:

This makes them unique.


As unique as the alien skin or the Grand Admiral title? (Open question)

I’m 99.99% sure that the Invasion skin won’t be coming back, though everything is uncertain with the developers.

I’m 99.99% sure that the Invasion skin won’t be coming back, though everything is uncertain with the developers.

It will come at the same day as you get your hunter…

Ho wait…

I guess that equals never.

Will steam-achievements be updated as well? For example the christmas event give achievements ingame, but not for steam. :frowning:

The christmas/discontinued achievements should just stay ingame imo, everything else is fair game, though either way i have a feeling stuff like this is low priority for the dev team anyway.

I voted for the one player use, if you’re gonna make it special, might as well make it really exclusive.

The thing with these contests though is i wish there were more ways to participate, like if somebody likes PvP they could do whatever is needed for the contest in PvP, if they like PvE they could do it in PvE, same thing for Open Space. The contest requirements would have to be equally difficult for all the modes if you would compare them of course, but it’s not impossible to organize something like this i think.