We already got an artifact in our Armory/Workshop and it can be crafted. It’s called the Duplicator.
Today, I am announcing a new, rare and hard to get artifact, called the Deconstructor.
Deconstructor’s description :
Deconstructor is like a disassembly device. Once it is used, it is gone and a new one is required to craft, if necessary.
It can only be used, when you want to fully salvage a ship and that ship can only be a Secret Project.
it must be crafted in the Workshop , like the Duplicator artifact or bought in the Shop directly.
Crafting cost :
5 Processing Blocks
5 Screened Batteries
5 Computing Chips
1st resource: 7 units (developers should decide the type of used resources)
2nd resource: 7 units
3rd resource: 7 units
4th resource: 7 units
5th resource: 7 units
Galactic Standards cost : 400 GS suggested and most overall accepted GS price - 500 GS (developers should decide, if they agree)
Note: Vote poll still counts for the old values.
What does it do?
It does not put any penalties on your resources, which were used to produce a ship’s part.
Your ship parts , instead of used listed resources, will be put back in your Armory/Workshop, without any loss in resources and Monocrystals.
Current normal deconstruction costs or losses in the normal deconstruction process are unknown at this time, but some sources say, that the resource loss cost is 33% for all invested resources, while others claim, that it is 33%, but with 100% loss for the Monocrystals.
What do I lose and what do I keep, when using Deconstructor artifact?
You lose all of your invested credits permanently and you lose all of your invested synergy ranks.
You keep all of your resources invested, which were necessary, to create a ship part, because you get the same ship part/s back, when using it.
Do not forget to vote!
Thank you,
Sincerely, Koromac
Reasons for edit: updated information of economic nature