a more userfriendly license system

Good day, reader.


What i want to adress is the time based license system. According to my profile statistics i got round about 14 hours of in-battle time out of my 6 (or 7?) day license which i think is a total waste.


Don’t get me wrong, giving new players a free license for a week is a pretty generous move and i could have already gotten to T3 if i wouldn’t save money for the discount action on the 12th.


Still, i could only use 14 hours of a 168 hours license and i’m really hesitating to spend real money on a license i can’t use to the fullest. Or even to the half-est… yeah, moving on. Since T3 is already reachable, i will probably just stop there which will also affect how long i play the game since unlocking and equipping new tech is somewhat half the fun for me.

Of course, i could spend real money and transfer it into credits, but not with such bad currency rate.

Anyway, the most customerfriendly way to change the problem would be to only let the time running while the Player plays it or change it from a timebased system to “a certain amount of battles”- system.


I suppose that the licenses are one of the main reasons to spend real money in the first place and changing the current system as i just suggested and without proper balancing would be like shooting yourself in the kneecap since it would hurt sales.

But currently, it’s also hurting sales. I don’t think i’m the only one who doesn’t want to buy even a 1 day license since he/she knows that he gets only a few hours out of it.


So here are my thoughts of balancing and i hope other readers can pick up on that, developing ther own and hopefully better ideas:
If the licensetime only runs as long as you’re in game: 6h - 12h - 24h - 48h (something like that. The price adjusting is up to someone else then me.)


Thanks for reading and hopefully spending some thoughts on this topic.
sincerly, uTonceig.

I’d prefer an option between the two. Someone might want to run a marathon of the game in a single day or someone may play the same number of hours over multiple days, but I do agree, an option to choose a license for a set number of hours or battles would be neat.

I’d prefer an option between the two. Someone might want to run a marathon of the game in a single day or someone may play the same number of hours over multiple days, but I do agree, an option to choose a license for a set number of hours or battles would be neat.


I agree. It would be nice to be able to choose the license based on duration or number of battles.

Agreed. Or maybe on par with their per battle boosters?

You have to remember they are still a company trying to make money, which im not against. A per battle system would be great, but as it stands, the best thing you can do (which is better than most subscription models out there) is buy a single day of premium on the day that you will put in 8-9 or 20 hours which comes out to (less than a dollar?) Personally I think its fine how it is, but its nice to see people voicing thier opinions.

The license system is intended to reflect their version of a subscription. You wouldn’t pay for a month subscription and only get billed on the time you’ve spent in game, you pay the credit for the full month then it’s up to you how much you get out of that month. Yes, this hurts casual players with time constraints such as work, family, life etc but it’s just a way for them to make money securely. Catering to this kind of player would cause them a loss in profits (if they even make any at current).

While on the topic of licenses, I can’t help but note one subscription is 8100 gold. The closest amount of gold you can buy in one go is 6900 with no way to get JUST an extra 1100 by itself. That’s-…gonna be kind and just say it’s a little bit a slap in the face, no? Essentially forcing a guy to buy some extra gold he doesn’t need or want is very close to scamming if you ask me, only way someone could get that liscence in one go would be if he had some leftover from a previous purchase.