A Few Assorted Suggestions

So I’ve been playing for a few days now and since I’ve really dug in, I find the game immensely fun. I’m excited to see what other features we see in the beta, and I thought that I’d throw out a few ideas for others to chew on and think about.


First of all, with the UI. I find myself losing track of the aim reticle during very fast combat when trying to stay on target. The option to customize the color of the mouse reticle would greatly help increase contrast.


The Map/Radar. I think as it is, the minimap doesn’t get enough use. I don’t find myself using it very often and I think there are a few things that could change that. If you added a unique icon for captains and emp bombs/carriers there might be slightly more use. Being able to adjust the size of UI elements would also help.


Ships/Customization. As the game stands, I’ve not seen better sci-fi ship design in a long time, and I anticipate seeing more ships in the future. As more are added, breaking up ship types into light-medium-heavy would expand the number of ship types to nine and allow more diverse options for strategic play. Another feature of customization I think would be very well received is the option to apply paint and patterns to your ships, since there are many, many, many ships of the same type in one match on average and standing out would certainly be more fun.


Gamemodes/Concepts. I had the idea yesterday about a gamemode similar to Combat Reconnaisance where each team has a leader, however in this gamemode, the Captain would have his own ship replaced with a very, very large capital ship with loads of health and shields, as well as advanced weaponry. Teams would need to defend their own capital ship while attacking the enemy’s. If the capship falls, the game is lost.


Social. The unique looting system found in the game really surprised me the first time I encountered it, and I think Gaijin should capitalize on it. Increase the number of unique parts available through the looting system and allow players to trade parts with their friends.




Thanks for reading. Peace.



I agree on alot of what you suggested. 


The HUD should be a top prority now, I want to customize the colors, the size of beacon locations, and change colors on squad mates or names in general.

I agree on alot of what you suggested. 


The HUD should be a top prority now, I want to customize the colors, the size of beacon locations, and change colors on squad mates or names in general.

that being said has all been suggested a lot lately in one form or another. As for light/medium/heavy we already have this sort of distinction when you look at the base stats, module/missile slots in between factions.