A command menu

I used to play Fr3éspace 1 and 2 a lot.



Ability to give commands like:


>> Open command menu

>> ** which ship(s) to communicate**

>> command




(pressing C) >> whole team >> attack my target


(pressing C) >> any nearest engineer >> need healing


(pressing C) >> any ECM/Tackler >> Inhibit my target


(pressing C) >> Ship >> UglyWeedBro2x2x5 >> follow me!


and the next examples are related to my post about being able to target friendlies:


(pressing C) >> nearest engineer >> heal my target (friendly)


(pressing C) >> whole team >> Protect my target



Might be sensible for open space and frigates in PvP.

Rest is too fast paced for menus mid-combat

Might be sensible for open space and frigates in PvP.

Rest is too fast paced for menus mid-combat

* Too fast paced for anyone, i think not. And their usage would be optional.

* There are lots of pilots who “live” in the fast paced world of milliseconds.

* That’s where i miss quick commands like that.

* To state intentions fast and precisely by pressing 3 buttons


c12    c39     and so on

Such suggestions are known and we will consider adding more commands, but for now I cannot give any eta.

We had in the past two more types of pinging, “Im attacking” and “Im defending” along with “All eyes on”. Guess what, nobody used them.

Such suggestions are known and we will consider adding more commands, but for now I cannot give any eta.

Thank you for considering