A Change in Dread Battles

I’ve been playing this game since 2013 and I like it in so many ways but I’m so bitter about the fact that this new dreadnought mode involves so much time and effort spent in planning attacks, counting on people showing up - assemble a wing in time, and sometimes even sit and wait after it started because of the number of attackers are uneven.


As it is now, this mode is denying people dread games; because of fake corporations filling up attack slots within 1min after opening for attacks, because of the corps that don’t yet have a dreadnought or the corps that lack the strength in numbers of active (and AVAILABLE) players and can therefore not rise to be of competition to the bigger corps, so the result is only that veterans jumping in and out of different corporations… Or this interesting “bug” that after you win a sector there is a slight chance that you dont even get to be the owner of it!! It’s tiresome. It’s a downward spiral. It’s worth mentioning again; the mechanics denies people a fun game. The current game mechanics require you to be available for 2h (or even more in some cases) for at tops 3 battles. 


My suggestion is this; if you leave a corporation, make it impossible to join another corporation in… 2 days or more. 

I am of course aware of that this might not be the best or most proper way to do things but I still believe it could prevent this silly trend of jumping-between-corps-merrygoround to escalate any further. 


Or this; make the mechanics more like old sector conquest. A guaranteed game or more every 3rd hour. 


Dont get me wrong; I like the dread battle mode, but how it’s all designed - the time zones, the attacking mechanics, the waiting… it can be way better, if you ask me.


i disagree about the corporation thing because this can get in the way of recruiting and merges. 

The current game mechanics require you to be available for 2h (or even more in some cases) for at tops 3 battles. 

I completely agree with this. The amount of preparation I have put forth lately for dreadnoughts far exceeds my actual battle time in the dreadnought battlefield.

I like the idea of making the timing like the old Sector Conquest. The old system made it a lot better for getting lots of games in a span of a few hours.


As for the corp switching thing, I can get behind that too. It would be nice to have some form of balance to the incessant corp-jumping.


And can we do something about these stupid dummy attacks? It’s just douchey, taking up slots that would otherwise be used for actual games from actual corporations vying for sector control.

The idea’s been discussed before with a few suggestions about this, but I don’t think there’s enough attention on that matter.

The amount of preparation I have put forth lately for dreadnoughts far exceeds my actual battle time in the dreadnought battlefield.



As for the corp switching thing, I can get behind that too. It would be nice to have some form of balance to the incessant corp-jumping.


And can we do something about these stupid dummy attacks? It’s just douchey, taking up slots that would otherwise be used for actual games from actual corporations vying for sector control.

The idea’s been discussed before with a few suggestions about this, but I don’t think there’s enough attention on that matter.


Exactly my point. 

+1 on the corp-switching restrictions. Another possible fix for corp-hopping is instead of preventing a player from joining a corp, just prevent them from participating in a dreadnought attack with their new corp for 24-48 hours.


Dreadnought attacks are supposed to be for your corp to work together and launch a successful attack. Defense is when you are allowed to hire other pilots. Corp-hopping is ruining dreads in many ways as mentioned in the OP, and needs to be stopped. If you don’t have enough pilots in your corp online to fill a wing for an attack, you probably shouldn’t have launched the attack, or you could’ve done a far better job at telling your corp mates that their help is needed.

Yeah. You’ve just described the gamemode accurately. Also, the dread map screams favoritism.


Too bad nobody official will actually acknowledge these problems.


Thanks Skula)

+1 on the corp-switching restrictions. Another possible fix for corp-hopping is instead of preventing a player from joining a corp, just prevent them from participating in a dreadnought attack with their new corp for 24-48 hours.

Dreadnought attacks are supposed to be for your corp to work together and launch a successful attack. Defense is when you are allowed to hire other pilots. Corp-hopping is ruining dreads in many ways as mentioned in the OP, and needs to be stopped. If you don’t have enough pilots in your corp online to fill a wing for an attack, you probably shouldn’t have launched the attack, or you could’ve done a far better job at telling your corp mates that their help is needed.

Pilots are mercenaries, they should be able to switch Corps at will. A period of no dread battles could possibly work, if you simply disallow participation until the battle after next.

I believe that some are corp jumping just to get a game though, which is understandable, thats something almost everyone wants.


The full attack lists 1 min past the hour with the same 3-4 corps never showing just wastes everyones time.


At the moment there are 8 zones for T3 and 8 for T4. That is enough to have this game mode running like old sec con every 3 hours with either the larger areas and/or multpile zones coming into play during higher population times.


There are many T4 zones that are static now as nobody wants to waste a wings worth of ppls time as no opponents showed for a game, so in that at least i can get on board with corp switching its inevitable that people will do what they have to just to get a battle. Gamers like to play actual games, weirdos!

I always wanted that we can keep the old Sector Conquest mode and the new one somehow.

It was much better before.

In other games, if you leave your clan, you have to wait 7 days to create/join another clan. So I don’t think it’s a bad idea.

In other games, if you leave your clan, you have to wait 7 days to create/join another clan. So I don’t think it’s a bad idea.

You should be able to rejoin any corp at any time, but you shouldn’t be able to join dreadnought battles with any other corp for at least 3-5 days.

+1 on the corp-switching restrictions. Another possible fix for corp-hopping is instead of preventing a player from joining a corp, just prevent them from participating in a dreadnought attack with their new corp for 24-48 hours.


Dreadnought attacks are supposed to be for your corp to work together and launch a successful attack. Defense is when you are allowed to hire other pilots. Corp-hopping is ruining dreads in many ways as mentioned in the OP, and needs to be stopped. If you don’t have enough pilots in your corp online to fill a wing for an attack, you probably shouldn’t have launched the attack, or you could’ve done a far better job at telling your corp mates that their help is needed.


You should be able to rejoin any corp at any time, but you shouldn’t be able to join dreadnought battles with any other corp for at least 3-5 days.

Yeah I think it’s a better idea, at least for a quickfix


But current mechanics bring so many issues; most pressing one the way I see it is too much waiting time, less action time… If people jump between corps just to get a game - fine, but I dunno if it’s the way it’s suppose to be in the long run- I mean what’s the whole point of a Corporation then? :confused:

The problem seems to lie in the lack of dread battles; If devs could just make the times more flexibile or something so that the players dont need to compensate for that by scheduling their real life around these dread battles… 

I always wanted that we can keep the old Sector Conquest mode and the new one somehow.

It was much better before.

And yeah Koromac, I too miss the old Sector Conquest a great deal as it is now. 

Thanks, forwarded to the devs.

the 3 hour between attacks could get chaotic unless there is a timer, and even then it could encourage users to literally stay up 24 hours to keep a sector from falling if they are in [x] region.


preferably a timing of perhaps 8 hours per cycle per sector could work, or even 5 hours.

such as…

Jericho 00:00 -> Fed 05:00 -> Empire 10:00 ->Jericho 15:00

This is the issue: Yesterday I scheduled 2 attacks on 2 sectors; 1 fed and 1 jericho.

I managed to get a wing for each battle even tho I knew when I sent the attacks that maybe there wasnt gonna be enough people on for them in time. 

Anyway, off we go. And no game. First attack defenders chose not to fight us. 

Second, there were 3 fake attacks, and the owner of the sector had 3 defending wings, so again we got no game. :frowning:

This makes me sad. 


Because I almost need an alarm/timer for this now; I have to log in minutes before sectors are open for scheduling attacks, and on the second they open up I have to be quick to announce the attack (at least in cases where the defense % is low)

And then I have to be on 20min before the attack to form a wing. IF there are enough ppl that is. And then when we launch the attack, we MIGHT get a fight DEPENDING on whether there are any fake attacks and depending on how many defending wings the sectors owner have and IF they chose to fight us. Or this; we get a fight!! Against a team of 4 or 5 ppl… and we are 8. Hoorraayy so much action. *Yaaawn*. Or not. 


And lately, because of this system/mechanics we have had so few REAL dreadnought games (but shitloads of pre-planning) that the people in my corp aka those willing to be there to form a wing are starting to feel really frustrated because again and again launch the attack with the attitude that we are gonna get a fight - but after defenders registration ends it shows that we are not getting one. 

It is just exhausting, and it doesn’t really play on the right strings - in that way that feels like “WOW this game is so COOL and FUN”. Not as it is now. 


This sounds negative and yeah it is. But it is also explains exactly how me and many of my corpmates feel about this right now… 

I would love a timer for dreads.

This “Attack  Registers Start At This Time!” system is getting out of hand and rather confusing.

Not all corps have daylight savings, and the times given do not account for daylight savings which is confusing some CEOs to be ready a whole hour ahead of time.

then that hour passes and the wing would have dissolved by then.

I would love a timer for dreads.

This “Attack  Registers Start At This Time!” system is getting out of hand and rather confusing.

Not all corps have daylight savings, and the times given do not account for daylight savings which is confusing some CEOs to be ready a whole hour ahead of time.

then that hour passes and the wing would have dissolved by then.

Well, in my case I’ve by now learned the times for dread battles XD 

But yeah, I know lots of people still are confused about these times.

Guys, understand your point. We are aware of the problem and we are working on it. We will present first changes in the nearest future.

That’s nice.

Jumping in and out of corps make it possible to transfer iridium between corps and THAT makes it possible for already “sector-rich” corps to create fake corps, which they use as attack-blockers. This is preventing “real” corps from attacking and dealing dmg to their sectors. And voila, the owner of the sector will most likely remain the owner for a long time. Fun stuff, especially for the smaller corps, who wont get a chance growing or the corps that don’t have a shitload of fake corps supporting them.