70 alien monocrystals for mk5 weapon is

“ps”, this is a weapon that you can fuse in invasion, it has nothing to do with invasion at all. you can use it anywhere in pvp and pve* wich makes it into Balance discussion.


the difference between mk4 to mk5 


its tiny as hell


Beam cannon


mk5 = 525 dps on each weapon

mk4 = 513 dps on each weapon

mk2 = 457 dps on each weapon


the changes from mk4 to mk5 is tiny


in total on engineerings/guards its 48 dps


on long range its 72 dps


i mean,


i can make the reverse thruster for 30 monocrystals and it would be 10 times more usefull than 72 more dps on my laser wich makes barely any change at all. 


always big difference from mk2 to mk3, but from mk3 to mk4 its tiny* and now to mk5 its like no change at all. 


and u want me to use 70 alien monocrystals for 72 more dps,? thats like adding 1.7% more damage to my mk4 laser


reduce cost of mk5 weapon by alien monocrystals or make the weapon stronger.


even tho 72 dps might be 100 dps with all implants and so on. “boosters” its still nothing. 




But it’s orange.

But Class module dmg scales with mark.

And it’s orange!

What is your problem? The differences SHOULD be tiny. That’s the right logic.


it costs too much alien monocrystals


the modules you can craft for 30 instead of 70 is much more usefull 

Yea! I agree with DuckyDuck!





+50% DMG!!!

+100% RoF!!!


Yea! I agree with DuckyDuck!





+50% DMG!!!

+100% RoF!!!


just stop


im serious


im not buying this useless weapon with my alien monocrystals


its not worth it unless they change the price. 

Yea! I agree with DuckyDuck!





+50% DMG!!!

+100% RoF!!!



But at least he’s pointing something out  :slight_smile:

It takes 8 days for a licensed player to grind a T5 Mk5 weapon with a time investment of half an hour/day. Far less grind than Mk3 or previously Mk4. And you complain that it’s too much? EL OH EL.

like what? that u guys are just kids and always accepts what the game developers are doing and everything they do is perfect when im trying to point out what that would been nice to fix?


xxxx you guys. 


It takes 8 days for a licensed player to grind a T5 Mk5 weapon with a time investment of half an hour/day. Far less grind than Mk3 or previously Mk4. And you complain that it’s too much? EL OH EL.



btw you don’t have to get mkV… 


Let’s say you do only 8k,10k,12k missions/day.- in 2 games -> 2x 12min + 2x3min(for que)

so same time as getting monocrystals

with license it’s 45k vouchers per day


6days to get mk3

8days to get mk5

for end End game stuff

quite fair if you ask me

If you think they’re overprized don’t carft them lol. 

I find the prizes fair, I wont spend my time trying to get them, but some people will, and that’s cool.

Again, don’t build them if you don’t want.



And btw calling us kids when you’re 13 years old makes little sense.

Can we please stop the hate talk and stay on topic? This is getting rather old…


“ps”, this is a weapon that you can fuse in invasion, it has nothing to do with invasion at all. you can use it anywhere in pvp and pve* wich makes it into Balance discussion.


the difference between mk4 to mk5 


its tiny as hell


Beam cannon


mk5 = 525 dps on each weapon

mk4 = 513 dps on each weapon

mk2 = 457 dps on each weapon


the changes from mk4 to mk5 is tiny


in total on engineerings/guards its 48 dps


on long range its 72 dps


i mean,


i can make the reverse thruster for 30 monocrystals and it would be 10 times more usefull than 72 more dps on my laser wich makes barely any change at all. 


always big difference from mk2 to mk3, but from mk3 to mk4 its tiny* and now to mk5 its like no change at all. 


and u want me to use 70 alien monocrystals for 72 more dps,? thats like adding 1.7% more damage to my mk4 laser


reduce cost of mk5 weapon by alien monocrystals or make the weapon stronger.


even tho 72 dps might be 100 dps with all implants and so on. “boosters” its still nothing. 

Yes, the difference between MkV and MkIV is small. If it is not worth it to you, don’t make it. Make the reverse thrust mod instead. However, on the topic of the rather small difference between the 2 levels of the weapon, should the difference be increased, and by how much? Or should the price cost be reduced a little? Right now, with the rarity of Orange items in general in-game, the price is just fine IMO.

just stop


im serious


im not buying this useless weapon with my alien monocrystals


its not worth it unless they change the price. 


Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. But. Don’t talk about worth. Something can only be worth or not worth if it has an alternative. If you want to spend your crystals or something else, you can do that. But there is no other way to craft Mk5 weapons, therefore there is no question about worth. If you want the upgrade, you pay that price.


I think it’s fine that the higher you go, the smaller the difference. This way it’s really endgame (you have to farm a lot to get it), and also doesn’t make it OP compared to those who didn’t farm it yet. A small edge is still an edge.

Right now, with the rarity of Orange items in general in-game, the price is just fine IMO.

Non-licensed players cannot make them yet. Plus most players seem to go for the mods first instead.

I have my log analyzer flag crafted item use (in my dev version, not the released one) and they are all over the place even in general PVP. The aimbot (A1MA) seems to be the most popular in T4 but even the crafted attack drones are getting used in skirmish PVP. Seen a few reverse thrusters but not as many as I would have thought.

The Mk5 weapons will come once the players are done crafting the mods, I have no doubt. Plus many (myself included) will probably be waiting for additional weapons and mods to get released first.

  1. Beams - moar dmg from disintegrator!

  2. LRFs teleport

  3. engine overdrive


plan for next month :smiley:

Have Orion-2 and Pirate Mass Shield Generator V, will probably wait for RFB Mk.5 (more dmg from plasma web) before getting a weapon.

Still debating whether to get the aimbot. While Orion + aimbot = ez noskill kills it’s not really how I roll.

not sure if they give out rfb mk5, it seemed like the mk5 versions buffed only the “weaker” guns; mk5 rfb is unique atm.

I’m fairly sure they’ll Mk5 everything. Mk5 versions of everything have been defined since basically forever (IIRC they were called “Elite” when Mk.4 was still called “Experimental”. They were just never released.

Yeah, I even asked the devs about the Mk5 versions given out before, they said it’s a different Mk5.