3 new hangar stations ->> in th3 three dreadnoughts for ranks 10 to 15

This is the kind of thing that makes new players quit the game. (…)

When I see a newbie typing angrily about having to fight against enemies that are 1 tier above him in general chat, I can’t find any words of comfort to tell him. Best I can say is “get to r15 and you won’t have to face higher enemies”. Most I see do not get above r7.

g4borg, on 2 June 2016 - 12:33 PM, said:

mentor system should have gone until t3, then it may have been something

it is really nearly impossible as you said jasan, without knowing someone out of game who just started (…)



Divide of SC into two hangar situations:

#1)  The situation of the three standard hangar stations : Guardian-17 (Empire), Mendes-IX (Jericho), New Eden (Federation) for new players and players with base ships of lower ranks. That would imply: players with e.g. normal lower rank 1-7 ships could only buy or craft up to rank 7 ships.

#2)  Three new hangars in the dreadnoughts (in Corporate Shipyards) for experienced and veteran players and players with base ships of higher ranks. That would imply: players with e.g. normal higher rank 10 ships could only buy or craft up to rank 10 ships.

fYuAtD4.jpg(pictures: the 3 Dreadnoughts)

A4kbXFV.jpg(pictures: approaching the dock of ‘Nemesis’, by Rennie Ash)


#3)  [Dock at Fort Muerto](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29042-dock-at-fort-muerto/) in the center of the open space map for players with negative Karma (see also [TTG suggestion: fort muerto](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24170-ttg-suggestion-fort-muerto/) , and [Fort Vida: elite pilot station](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26501-fort-vida-elite-pilot-station/) ). Or: a hidden Pirate asteroid base (or maybe 3 Pirate bases in the sectors Raider Range [Emp.], Smugglers Hideout [Fed.], Sorting Facility [Jer.]) for players who like free open space gameplay with pirate style ships. Requirement: negative Karma , that means neg Karma allows a player only to dock in these Pirate Bases.

U7AULlJ.jpg(picture: Fort Muerto)


YWoPwcN.jpg(picture: Pirate Base)






* Same game and GUI mechanics as is but two branches: basic and advanced (switch through dock in station/dreadnought)

** Lower ranked ships for basic branch can only dock to three Base Stations -> gives access to Academies

** Higher ranked ships for advanced branch can additionally dock in new Dreadnought Hangars -> gives access to Corporations

** Only negative Karma pilots (Pirates)  can dock at Fort Muerto in the center of the open space map

* Battle “Launch” options (modes of play: PvP,PvE,PvAI) will be differentiated a bit: heavier stuff for advanced

* All 4 Crews (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta) will be acquirable in basic branch (not only since buy/craft/reach rank15 ships)

* Premium ships can only be bought and crafted according to rank of normal ships reached so far 

* In the two hangar branches (basic=base stations, advanced=dreadnought dock) only ships of that rank-range are selectable from ships tree to put in slots for battle

* Two MatchMaker branches would have only to deal with basic ranks, or advanced ranks -in other words from pre-selected

* The Corporations will get accessible by docking in the new hangars in the Dreadnoughts (that is : advanced branch)

** There will be an corps-info portal where corps can advertise and recruit new members

* New Academies for the basic branch to train new players

** Like GMs and FMs, players can apply for Academy leadership, training officers etc. in basic branch


Note:  This is Suggestion in Progress, if this suggestion is helpful, I need feedback and input from experienced players… Thank you!

Edits : this will get updated …

It’s a good idea, but I’ve the feeling that it won’t be implemented. 



Also, academies to train players? With no squads? That must be a joke. 

It’s a good idea, but I’ve the feeling that it won’t be implemented. 



Also, academies to train players? With no squads? That must be a joke. 

Of cause ! … Very good point … IDK but maybe squads (4 players PvP) will come back then ??

Yes and its meant to devide between new players and veterans / experienced players


Maybe the divide comes this way :

   basic branch : rank 1-7 (= Tier 1)

   advanced branch : ranks 8-11 (= Tier 2)

   veterans : ranks 12-15 (= Tier 3) Base : “Fort Muerto” in center of the map of the universe. See: [Dock at Fort Muerto](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29042-dock-at-fort-muerto/) by TheDarkRedFox ( December 2015 )

See:[Fort Vida: elite pilot station](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26501-fort-vida-elite-pilot-station/) by [millanbel](< base_url >/index.php?/user/244579-millanbel/), (Mar 22 2015)

Again I appreciate the nice effort but there are some things;


I understand why you quoted but I still have to say that what I said was in a thread about the new mm, thus my point is only for pvp.

All multiplayer games with an open world/space I have played have followed the same rule for the MMO/open world/open space (and I like that “rule”) ;


Anyone can kill anyone in lots of (maybe the majority) maps/sectors/zones. There are few places that does not allow hostile actions but those places are, most of the time, low level zones and yield less experience/loot.

Please mind that I do not spend much time in OS and I never attack a player but I am strongly against seperating OS like that.

Open Space is the only mode that actually has risks. A newbie and even an experienced and top tier player needs to take that risk into consideration while undocking. I admit the risk that the top tier ships take is quite smaller than those of lower ranks but in my point of view, that risk needs to stay.

Players need to accept that not every ship is viable in every game mode. If you take a R6 frigate into OS and actually come across a pirate player, you are pretty much dead in a “no station protection sector” because your ship and its equipments are significantly weaker than some pirate player with a R15 ship. When you accept that and get yourself a tackler, covops, recon or maybe even an ecm for that duty, you get a chance of running away from fatal situations even in a R6 against a R15. Stealth is important.


I like the pirate station idea. Pirate pilots should be given the option to dock in such a station or…ooor… they might even be forced to dock there. To be honest, it doesn’t make sense that a pirate and a regular blue pilot docks in the same station.

There needs to be 3 pirate bases, though. Each at a bit of an inconvenient sector in each faction’s space. This is because of mono tasks and the fact that if there is only 1 pirate station, the only _reasonable _spot would a place that is the same distance away from all other stations. Since SC OS is a triangle, it wouldn’t be nice to give pirates a station right in the middle that has great access to anything in OS.


For the other part where you say “* Two MatchMaker branches would have only to deal with rank 1-9 ships for basic, rank 10-15 ships for advanced branch”, what do you mean by it? R1-9 ships will get into same pvp battles? Same as R10-15 ships will get into same pvp battles?

If that’s the case, which I doubt, it is a very bad idea. My message that you quoted was purely a reaction to such a thing.


** Members with too low ranking will get downgraded to basic branch

Does this mean a very low ranked player will not be able to use his high tier ships because of getting downgraded to the basic branch? If that’s the case, which I again doubt, it is an incredibly bad idea. Not allowing players to fly whatever ship they want in pvp is unacceptable.


For the two parts above, if I’m right about doubting those points, please explain what they do.


Academy is a good but practically unachievable point. I don’t think there will be much interest in being a trainer there since people like their corporations and they can literally offer the same help without the Academy corporation thing.


I thought the premium ship purchase/skipping ranks was greatly limited, is it not?



On a side note, it would be a nice addition to be able to dock in the station or the dreadnought that floats at distance. But that looks like a lot of pixel work and I’d rather have the staff working on something else that could matter.




And from now on, I’m stopping typing ridiculously long messages. Sorry for wall.

I like the pirate station idea. Pirate pilots should be given the option to dock in such a station or…ooor… they might even be forced to dock there. (…)


For the other part where you say “* Two MatchMaker branches would have only to deal with rank 1-9 ships for basic, rank 10-15 ships for advanced branch”, what do you mean by it? R1-9 ships will get into same pvp battles? Same as R10-15 ships will get into same pvp battles? (…)


** Members with too low ranking will get downgraded to basic branch

Does this mean a very low ranked player will not be able to use his high tier ships (…)


Academy is a good but practically unachievable point. I don’t think there will be much interest in being a trainer there since people like their corporations and they can literally offer the same help without the Academy corporation thing.

I like Pirate Station(s), too!


Two MatchMaker branches means that MM has only to deal with pre-selected assortment of possible ship-ranks. No: only ships with 3 ranks difference will come in same battle (e.g., ranks 2-4, 3-5, 6-8 …) My idea was to support your outcry  :012j: 


Members with too low ranking will get downgraded to basic branch , this means: Corporation-members will be sorted according to highest normal ranked ship -> into Corporation (docked at Dreadnought Hangars) or downgraded to Academy level if docked at one of the 3 Base Stations


Yes, Academy is a good idea! Player could be associated to an Academy and a Corportion at the same time, if they have experience/high enough ranked ships in possesion. But only docked at Dreadnought Hangars would Corporation play be possible (e.g. Sector Defence).


Last point : Open Space would be open and unrestricted as is, only certain ranked ships could enter certain ranked open space sectors :00555:

I support the idea but some parts are a bit difficult to make, also theres a lot cooking in the dev pot so idk what will happen next. Either way a nice idea.

That cool +1

Seems like you are splitting players, which wont do well in a game where players arent that many. Filling players in a single* pool is already quite an effort.

no. fort murto should stay for negative karma players. No dividing into tiers  or whatsoever (R12-15 = T3; what is this madness??!!) Its a nice idea of docking at your dreadnought. maybe make it possible to dock at it in certain sectors it controls, maybe move with it, if the ceo or whoever else that can move dreads moves the dread move with it. Maybe new missions in there etc. but definitelly not an overhaul of docks forcing you to change and fly all the time.


Also, don’t force players to play tournaments (leagues etc.) thats stupid.


No CRoll for you.

In a way the Child Protection badge contest made me think. And an interesting post I’d like to cite here:


it [Mentor System] was a mechanic that was meant to allow veterans to help new players (ie: ones who hadn’t left T1 yet) to learn core skills. (…)

  1. There was no easy way for Mentor and Trainee to find each other. You basically had to know the person outside of game and pre-arrange the system.

  2. Mentor and Trainee had to squad together, which resulted in massive queue times because nobody in T2 was squadding.

  3. Because the Mentor was higher rank, the squad would always be pushed up to T2 even if both pilots brought T1 ships, resulting in a really xxxx match for the Trainee.

  4. The system automatically “completed” once the Trainee acquired a T2 ship, even though a cursory glance at T2, or even T3 will reveal people are getting to these tiers without ever learning the core skills the Mentor program was meant to teach. (…)

Seems like you are splitting players, which wont do well in a game where players arent that many. Filling players in a single* pool is already quite an effort.

Yes in a way, but no in another. Look Players are divided through 3 Base Stations already, but have access to the same battle modes (PvP,PvE,CO-OP, Tourney, etc.pp.).

That’s what I though of.

Players in corporations above a certain level/rank can dock at dreadnoughts (as an extra) >> would give incentives…


no. fort murto should stay for negative karma players. No dividing into tiers  or whatsoever (R12-15 = T3; what is this madness??!!) Its a nice idea of docking at your dreadnought. maybe make it possible to dock at it in certain sectors it controls, maybe move with it, if the ceo or whoever else that can move dreads moves the dread move with it. Maybe new missions in there etc. but definitelly not an overhaul of docks forcing you to change and fly all the time.


Also, don’t force players to play tournaments (leagues etc.) thats stupid.


No CRoll for you.

O.K. Fort Muerto for neg. Karma players (Pirates), that’s fine for me! (Will edit the above)

Dividing into tiers - the matchmaker does it already :slight_smile:

Docking at your corp dreadnought and have a hangar there would be cool, special expert missions would wait there, expert battle modes also (to protect the newbies from getting farmed and get the squadding back! Do you have a better idea CinnamonTroll? For that you’ll surely get 10 CRolls!!)

I do not intended nor intend to suggest to force players to play tournaments :slight_smile: - it stays an option. (Will edit the above)

Your use of “tier” terminology is confusing, since “tier 1” means ranks 1-3, not ranks 1-7.

Your use of “tier” terminology is confusing, since “tier 1” means ranks 1-3, not ranks 1-7.

Right: edited!

While I would like to dock at more as the three basic stations, I’m not really getting this suggestion…

Is this solely about restricting players not to be able to queue with any tier/play/buy it?

Yes in a way, but no in another. Look Players are divided through 3 Base Stations already, but have access to the same battle modes (PvP,PvE,CO-OP, Tourney, etc.pp.).

That’s what I though of.

Players in corporations above a certain level/rank can dock at dreadnoughts (as an extra) >> would give incentives…


O.K. Fort Muerto for neg. Karma players (Pirates), that’s fine for me! (Will edit the above)

Dividing into tiers - the matchmaker does it already :slight_smile:

Docking at your corp dreadnought and have a hangar there would be cool, special expert missions would wait there, expert battle modes also (to protect the newbies from getting farmed and get the squadding back! Do you have a better idea CinnamonTroll? For that you’ll surely get 10 CRolls!!)

I do not intended nor intend to suggest to force players to play tournaments :slight_smile: - it stays an option. (Will edit the above)

I think it would be really good if the docking stuff would be only limited to OS (no impact on PVP, PVE, etc as you say), but only with docking access to corp dreadnoughts. The benefit from this would be than undocking would take place in the sector the dread is located instead of the station (mendes, guardian and the fed one). I dont agree with new missions, instead i think it would be better to maintain the original system for daily and contract missions, where you get the missions from the faction sector your dread is at (if you are in fed sector, you recieve fed missions and contracts). If you want to complete the remaining 2 daily missions/contracts from the other factions you can jump as usual, no longer undocking from the dread. This is a much more limited feature, but would keep a lot more in line with the current game dynamic SC has, allowing a bit more uses to the dreadnought and the sector where its docked.

EDIT: i like the fort vida/muerto suggestion (the old one), still supporting it :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the station should have any impact outside of OS. Although a pirate station will need reworking due to stations being linked to factions. Maybe three pirate bases? Shadows = Empire, Privateers = Federation, Enclave = Jericho?

I think it would be really good if the docking stuff would be only limited to OS (no impact on PVP, PVE, etc as you say), but only with docking access to corp dreadnoughts. The benefit from this would be than undocking would take place in the sector the dread is located instead of the station (mendes, guardian and the fed one). I dont agree with new missions, instead i think it would be better to maintain the original system for daily and contract missions, where you get the missions from the faction sector your dread is at (if you are in fed sector, you recieve fed missions and contracts). If you want to complete the remaining 2 daily missions/contracts from the other factions you can jump as usual, no longer undocking from the dread. This is a much more limited feature, but would keep a lot more in line with the current game dynamic SC has, allowing a bit more uses to the dreadnought and the sector where its docked.

EDIT: i like the fort vida/muerto suggestion (the old one), still supporting it :stuck_out_tongue:

I am with you. Would you tolerate that the docking stuff would separate the ship ranks a bit? With 4pl squads in advanced branch in Dreadnought docks? It is supposed to be a solution for the 4man-squad problem - and a safe haven for normal to new players, like station protection is …


Me too! I like the original Dock in Fort Muerto suggestion a lot, that’s why I referenced it :slight_smile:


I don’t think the station should have any impact outside of OS. Although a pirate station will need reworking due to stations being linked to factions. Maybe three pirate bases? Shadows = Empire, Privateers = Federation, Enclave = Jericho?

Yes! Like:

Shadows = Empire, in Raider Range sector,

Privateers = Federation, in Smugglers Hideout sector,

Enclaves = Jericho, in Sorting Facility sector ?


Don’t you think this would help to get the 4-man squadding back? What you think of 2 classes of corps - Corporations and Academies?

Maybe veteran in advanced docks in Dreadnoughts and Pirates in 3 Pirate stations would find each other in a separate MatchMaker (MM) PvP whatever situation? Pre-separation in favour of over-regulations (as situation is atm in sec con/ dread battles, leagues etc?)

I am with you. Would you tolerate that the docking stuff would separate the ship ranks a bit? With 4pl squads in advanced branch in Dreadnought docks? It is supposed to be a solution for the 4man-squad problem - and a safe haven for normal to new players, like station protection is …


I dont see a positive reason to separate ship ranks in OS. Station protection is a wonderfull system to prevent abuse from vet players to begginers, totally sufficient imo (all you gotta do is activate it). Station protection is not active in the furthest sectors (and the ones for T4 dreads), places where only vets should be (cause NPCs already wreck new players). I dont see many players at OS, even near the station…why would i see less? places where station protection is you can assist other players (like finishing missions together, even if theres no comunication at all) and vice versa. Providing separate servers for different ranks would first require more servers (loading the maps and NPCs) and second make OS even lonelier than it already is, without actually providing more protection to new players, instead removing the posibility to recieve help from more experienced players. About the “4man-squad problem”: idk what you mean. If you refer to a group of 4 players that gang up and go pirate to other players, well, that is perfectly allowed and players SHOULD know their risk when going to dangeorus places (they already got big red letters saying it), and if they dont use station protection…is because they are stupid or want to bully someone else. When i go to loot mysterious containers, i fit my ship for maximum survability and agility, in order to run away from any danger…so far it has worked perfectly fine.

No to OS seperation.


Yes to any change that will help more new players to stay and continue playing instead of quitting at r7.

OS is not the focus, and in a way its already implemented:

I dont see a positive reason to separate ship ranks in OS. Station protection is a wonderfull system to prevent abuse from vet players to begginers, totally sufficient imo (all you gotta do is activate it). Station protection is not active in the furthest sectors (and the ones for T4 dreads), places where only vets should be (cause NPCs already wreck new players).

This is true. Pirate Bases would bring veteran players nearer to the PvP (non-station protected) sectors in Open Space…


About the “4man-squad problem”: idk what you mean.

Bring back the [4-man squads](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30458-synopsis-of-apologies-for-the-case-for-squads-in-pvp/) in PvP (what has been disabled in favour of 2-man squads in PvP now), see also : [Children’s Day](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30623-childrens-day-pointlesss/)


No to OS seperation.


Yes to any change that will help more new players to stay and continue playing instead of quitting at r7.

OS separation should stay as is by now (as I wrote).
