20 Year old Gaming Group Recruiting

Good evening pilot.  I’m Lieutenant Commander Landon Cruise of the Emperor’s Hammer/Tie Corps.  You might know me as “Cruise_Landon” on Star Conflict.  I’m excited to see you are interested in joining a Corps.  Our Corps is a gaming group that has been around for over 17 years.  We have a great groups of guys who are dedicated to Star Conflict and other space simulators that are awaiting you to join their squadrons.  The first step to get you promoted to Sub-Lieutenant and into a squadrons.  All you need to do is follow the link below and fill out your information.  Once our Admirals receive it, we will need you to read our “Rules and Regulations” and then send an e-mail to our High Admiral at “boninidaniel@yahoo.com.br” stating you have read them.  Once it is submitted, we should have you in the Corps and flying with us all in no time.  We are on the verge of starting Sector Conquest in Star Conflict, so I anticipate helping level up many pilots in order to get us on the map for capturing Sectors.  The faster we get you in, the faster the fun begins.  I look forward to flying with each and everyone of you!  If you have ANY questions, feel free to e-mail me at “CruiseLandon@gmail.com

My recruiter pin number is 12975 and the ship you should request to join is my ship “ISD Hammer”.  See you soon!


Join link---->  http://tc.emperorshammer.org/recruitment.php

FL/LCM Landon Cruise/Delta 3-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
BSx2/ISM/IS-3GW-5BW-1SR-5BR/MoI/MoT-1gh/LoC-RSx2-CSx9-Rx3/MoC-2boc/CoB [TSRS] [Ace 1st] {IWATS-AMP-BFM-SM/4}


BTM/APP Landon Cruise/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury
(CF-G) (LSS)


Welcome to star conflict, hope to see you on the field- finemw[NASA]

Greetings from The United Front! We are looking forward to seeing you in combat.

After reading this…well, hm…may the force be with you!

I don’t know if these guys are for real or if those links go to something malicious (no way you’ll get me to click that) but I reported the unsolicited PM they spammed at me and likely others. If I ever see you in game (I kinda doubt you exist) you won’t live long enough to regret it.

why the need to email you to enter corp ?

welcome to Star Conflict.

LoL, no it is not malicious, I’m just offering a way to join us.  Google search the Tie Corps/Emperor’s Hammer.  We started out as a SW club back when they were the only real space sims.  We at one point held over 3,000 members and rivaled other groups in the SW sims.  We also play many other games outside of Star COnflict.  Our Corps is listed as “Emperor’s Hammer” and you can find it.  Last I checked we were ranked 70th, not top ten, but we have slowly moved more and more members into SC.  The glory about our Corps is it a group that plays more than just SC, and with it’s long standing history, you don’t have to worry about us disappearing if SC goes offline in the future.  We will grow and move onto other games.  We are actively waiting Star Citizens release and Star Wars Attack Squadrons.  Since then we have moved on with the modern games, but still have many custom battles to play off the old SW games.  I didn’t mean to spam you, I simply PMed 3 people who requested to join a Corps with information.  If this offended you I apologize.  Simply looking for members who want have fun, use team, earn medals, ranks, and the such. 

I don’t know if these guys are for real or if those links go to something malicious (no way you’ll get me to click that) but I reported the unsolicited PM they spammed at me and likely others. If I ever see you in game (I kinda doubt you exist) you won’t live long enough to regret it.

I checked it, It is a legit link.


PM spaming is a bit annoying I’ll admit.


There group appears to be legit. I would say the annoyance would be worth it if they bring in new players.

Again, apologizing for spamming, not my intent.  Just looking for likeminded players who enjoy SC and possibly other space simulators and are interested in teaming with other people who do. 

I would say the annoyance would be worth it if they bring in new players.

Heh, the fact that I’m nearly inclined to agree shows how desperately we need fresh blood here I guess.

  Welcome to Star Conflict nice to see another corp geared up for Star Citizen so good luck from Dogs of War.

I don’t know if these guys are for real or if those links go to something malicious

I would have removed the link if it was malicious.

  Welcome to Star Conflict nice to see another corp geared up for Star Citizen so good luck from Dogs of War.


No, it’s not nice to see.

Why the heck would you try to invite the JP?! 


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for players, I can tell you I don’t want to join. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you leave me alone, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

I didn’t know Liam Neeson played SC, sweet.

I can’t belive you are still active XD. I remember lurking in your webpage eons ago, when I was playing Lan games in X-wing vs Tie FIghter.


Unfortunately my english was nonexistant by then… so I couldn’t apply.


Good to see you here. Your job with the webpage and the lore is superb. My congratulations to the ISD Hammer Captain.

I didn’t know Liam Neeson played SC, sweet.


Hehe nice catch. Nice sweetroll throw also. 

“Just defending my space” 


NASA - We put people in space


*Everything goes dark, JPs face illuminates in the darkness*


NASA - We can just as easily take you out of space too. Muahahaaa


Anyway, glad to see another corp in the game. 

Wow, yes we still play those games and create custom missions for them [Eviscerador](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243311-eviscerador/).  We are gearing up for the new releases and have a couple of Squadrons with MP pilots.  Freeworlds just released a new SW mod as well, so we are testing that out.  I really don’t think the EH/TC will disappear.  Grand Admiral Ronin had the name and logo trademarked and patent, so it is about as legit as you can get.  If you ever want to get involved with a way to fully immerse yourself as a Imperial pilot and not just play a game, drop me a line or head to the website and sign-up.  I think the fun n gaming comes when you can fully immerse yourself into a group that has a plot, structure, and fun players.

Since your group looks so serious and well put together, any plans for star citizen as well?


I’d also like to use the opportunity to grant you a warm welcome to the SCon community from the WolfPack as well, and wish you best of luck in your endeavours!