2 weapons changes for your consideration

Well thanks for clearing that up.

Destructor is still not OP outside of PvE with those ECM Killsquads.

> PvE

> ECM killsquads



You should’ve seen me back in the day when I hit moving frigates and fighters and circling interceptors around beacons. My anomaly genny had either a 60 or 90 second full recharge and a very, very short cooldown. Can’t remember time lengths unless I actually build it again. It had 9800 range I think also…

That was when I was in DoW though.

/moved to suggestion.

sorry both will not happen and implemented on purpose and working as intended

A guard that can block 2 beacons (and even 3 on some maps) from an entire team was implemented on purpose? Something is really off with this game :smiley:

Will it really affect balance to reduce the area of effect of the destructor to 500 or 600 m?


I support the disabling of pulsar though, great move from the dev :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry both will not happen and implemented on purpose and working as intended


Ok. I thought that destructor was just annoying and could be dealt with. But seriously, How could you deal with 2 guards on beacon hunt with it? YOU JUSTE CAN’T CAP anything. Stupid mechanics on game with objectives… Another skilless weapon with autoaim mode, just like tackler drones and doomsday.

Ok. I thought that destructor was just annoying and could be dealt with. But seriously, How could you deal with 2 guards on beacon hunt with it? YOU JUSTE CAN’T CAP anything. Stupid mechanics on game with objectives… Another skilless weapon with autoaim mode, just like tackler drones and doomsday.

And attack drones and pulsar and parasitic remodulator and stasis generator and… 

Yup, but those can be countered by different means. High cooldown and / or low duration make them balanced. The destructor is a permanent “you won’t ever cap objectives if you don’t kill me first. Too bad I’m 5km away with my other buddies smashing your faces”.


Even tackler drones are really annoying only for interceptors with low range weapons, and they can be handled when you know they are in use, just like doomsday.


The point is : if a guard use destructor on beacon hunt mode (and to a lesser extent, domination / capture the beacons), and the rest of his team has half fonctioning brains, you won’t ever be able to cap anything. That just make it a gamebreaking weapon / mechanic. They already have pulsar / anomaly generator / coil mortar to do this job… and they come with a drawback

Yup, but those can be countered by different means. High cooldown and / or low duration make them balanced. The destructor is a permanent “you won’t ever cap objectives if you don’t kill me first. Too bad I’m 5km away with my other buddies smashing your faces”.


Even tackler drones are really annoying only for interceptors with low range weapons, and they can be handled when you know they are in use, just like doomsday.


The point is : if a guard use destructor on beacon hunt mode (and to a lesser extent, domination / capture the beacons), and the rest of his team has half fonctioning brains, you won’t ever be able to cap anything. That just make it a gamebreaking weapon / mechanic. They already have pulsar / anomaly generator / coil mortar to do this job… and they come with a drawback

“high cooldown”


But anyways, yes, destructor is less balanced than any of them.