Questions to the developers Spring 2017

Why did you change missiles? Previous missiles much better for different strategies. Now, i can’t distinguish missiles.

Is there a technical issue preventing 2 of the “Frigate” spriral’s turrets to be on the “Interceptor” spiral body ?

It would make much more sense, if 2 of the frigates turrets were positionned on the interceptor “turret slots”.  

Why Shield has regeneration and Hull not? Shield ships have nice advantage against Hull ships. You could reduce Hull resistance or remove Shield regeneration.

Can I get my forum mail box back?

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)

Why only Engineering frigate uses drones? I really appreciate if you do it for all frigates. Engineering drones only heal, Guard drones only attack.

Hey CF, have been at this game since May 2013 and obviously enjoy it for the competition, game format, team interactions and the global influence it has on all the nations and their peoples.  I remember when it use to be a real game where all pilots with all of their various degrees of skills, knowledge, ranks, and experience could compete at all levels of the game.  Know the game seems to be more unbalanced becoming more of a slaughterhouse with dominance by so few for whatever reasons.  I have a few hopefully relevant, sensible and meaningful questions in order to gain some sense to the current and future state of this highly complex and entertaining game.

Q1:  What use of firewalls are being used to protect the game from hackers using unfair tools to gain an advantage in the game over other pilots who want the game to be played fairly using only the tools provided by the game to have a fair chance of competition at all levels of the game taking into account that differences are expected from experience, knowledge, observation, and the human factors.  I have seen so often that things are just not right during battles which reveals some areas of serious concern that the game is being manipulated to the point of frustration.  One example is during the battle mode of “Detonation”, I have seen a few pilots capture the bomb, become invisible without losing the bomb, then reappear at the beacon with the bomb to destroy the beacon without any need to defend themselves or fight their way through the defensive efforts of the other team in battle.  This doesn’t happen every time, but enough times to realize that something is just not right.  It just seems that this problem and area of concern has taken over the game to a large degree and just wondering how the developers and mangers think about and react against these “Tweaks” in the game and are there any defensive measures being used to keep the game clean, or is it just an ongoing battle that the other players have to accept.

Q2:  I have often heard the mention of the “Grind” in the game and only the heavens knows we all experience it.  My experience is that the game seems to come to a complete stall as soon as the player has reached the halfway “Achievement” mark.  I have seen very little progress towards new medals and achievements in the past 18 months of fairly regular game play.  We all get a great sense of accomplishment and reward for participation and playing together on both sides of the battle lines.  All is fair in love and war as the saying goes, but not to see the fruits of our labors more often to provide the positive feed backs that the game should give in return for dedication and loyalty of playing the game, which I am sure has been one of the primary reasons of the creators of the game and only second to the financial gain for “living”, makes the game seem so unrewarding.  As often as I play and wish that I could more often, the game has room to be much more generous with all of these imaginary rewards and reflections of a pilots efforts to move forward in their game “Career” and historical timeline of playing the game.   This hold on progress makes no sense and I am wondering why it should not be more frequent which would add so much to the element of “fun and enjoyment” as any game should be meant to give.  Showing real progress on a daily basis should be routine and give more reason for greater participation and support of Star Conflict.  The laurels have been created to hand out in recognition and reward for the efforts of the pilots and the satisfaction of the creators and developers of the game, so there is no reason to create the overuse of the “Grind” in the game.  Has the team really looked at this area of concern lately and are there plans to make the more balanced and positive in improving the sense of progress in the overall game experience.  We never want to rest on our laurels, but continuously improve on them, so I feel that this is one area of the game that should be given some measure of improvement.  This is in no way a criticism only a concern that I have and I am wondering if a review of my profile and game files would reveal if mine is a unique problem that can be fixed, or if this is a real problem in the game operating system that can be tweaked to improve.

Q3:  I cannot find a primarily english speaking based corporation to join.  I get frequent invites, but only to non-english corporations which have no english player sections or translators to communicate with the other players.  I think that we would all gain so much lf the game had a built in translator to provide communication between the players from different countries and languages.  Is there any possibility that this remarkable feature could be worked on and introduced sometime in the near future.  This seems to be a bridge that could be forged into a real fixture of the game and I can only imagine how this would be so innovative to having a game that really unites people on a global scale.  How cool and ironic would that turn out to be.       

Why we can’t move weapons on the ship? I would like move my weapons for strategic positions.

Will star conflict will ever have the r14 destroyers back?

Some of us spent a lot of real life money and worked really hard to try and manufacture one of them just for them to be discontinued right before we could afford them in game.

My friend could make a vigilant right now if it were available.

Will there be compensation for those with a lot of electrum and activators still in their inventories if the r14 destroyers are completely discontinued?

Why we can’t maximize shield in front of the ship? Really useful feature for veteran players. 

Why do you not advertise the game for more players?

Where are the lost technology containers in the store? They seemed to have all disappeared.

Why we can’t collect debris in PvP? Something like hull buff or ammo.

  1. Is there any plan on rework the premium ship parts system?

If not… since marathon was removed and now the parts only drop during certain time-limited events and only one ship each time, (2) Will the drop chance be increased? Right now it will take years to build Brokk. It would nice an hangar/ship tree indicator wich tell you what ship can be searched.

  1. Will Delta caches be added to the weekly cache rotation soon? (we are on… week 6-7 and no Delta yet :S)

Why Ellydium ships have common explosion? Alien ships like Predator or Hunter explodes in a green blast.

Is there any chance of getting an “Assist counts as Kill” mechanic for those times when you get someone down to 10% hull or lower and a teammate come out of nowhere with a Photon Emitter and blows them away half a second before your shot does? Its so annoying getting 20-30 kill assists per game because I was the unlucky one that started shooting first.

4 minutes ago, Incarceron said:

Is there any chance of getting an “Assist counts as Kill” mechanic for those times when you get someone down to 10% hull or lower and a teammate come out of nowhere with a Photon Emitter and blows them away half a second before your shot does? Its so annoying getting 20-30 kill assists per game because I was the unlucky one that started shooting first.

Dealing the final blow does not realy matter, if you’re the one who deal for example 70% of dmg, you get more efficiency point than the one who did the kill. So no worries, you can finish first in your team by doing only assist

Why only federation drones protects the beacons? I capture the beacon with cartel ship, but beacon don’t produces cartel drones (Phoenix drones). 

Why we can’t see overheat visual effects? Ammo reload make much more sense.

If r14 destroyers comes back, will they be permanent or event-based ships that comes and goes from time to time?

Why drones don’t have shield? Beacon drones, Trackler drones, Engineering drones, Ellydium drones, they don’t have shield.