Questions to the developers of Star Conflict May 2016

Dear conquerors of the Star Conflict Universe!

This topic is designed to collect and organize the players’ questions towards the developers as well as their answers. In order to provide a better overview and easier search, this topics’ priority will be focused on game related content in January.

Answers are usually given daily on weekdays. Developers will read all questions, but questions which are not clearly defined, which are obviously stupid, which are lying on the “surface”, or which violate the rules of the forum, will be ignored and deleted.

How to ask questions:
Formulate your questions as clear as possible. Try to ask only important questions. Use the search function before asking any questions, some questions may have already been answered.

The following rules apply to this thread:
1. Posts that do not contain any game related questions will be deleted.
2. This thread is not for suggestions. Any suggestion posted in this thread will be deleted.
3. Any discussion in this subject will be considered as flame and offtopic and will be punished appropriately.
4. The questions are asked towards the game developers and therefore only they can respond.
5. The thread will be cleaned at least once a week. This means that all player posts will be removed and the questions will be added to the developers answers as a quote.
6. The topic will be closed on the last day of the month and a new will be started for the next month.

Q: Have you read Jasan Quinn’s post “The case of squads in PvP” yet? If so, can you please react somehow?



Q:Will you ever fix the 100 credit drops from ores?I really hate getting that,especially when flying in the Fort…

Forgive me if I’m not up to date on any info pertaining the new faction (there is a new faction coming right?)…


Will we ever be able to pilot an alien ship/align with them so we can freely move about their sectors without getting attacked?  So, will there ever be Alien Protection Mode (like there is station protection mode…)?



  1. What is the calculated/estimated time for farming all destroyer parts in OS(excluding mysterious containerloot)?

  2. What is your favourite ship(s) in the X-Universe?

  3. What can we expect for the OS-revamp?

  4. Can we expect additional raids(Spec Ops)?

  5. Do the loot in the lootingscreen depend on the dotlocation or is it randomly generated while looting it?

  6. Will there be ever a 2nd/3rd ship of the same class within a rank in a faction? For example 2nd tackler of R9 for federation?(I don’t count DLC/Premiums as one as they aren’t part of the normal shiptree)

  7. Have the Mobs in PvE scenarios a specific aggromanagement? Sometimes it feel that they either spawn and attack just a specific ship/player or even ignore players/ships next to them.

Will the newer achievements appear available on steam?
Will be a new pointing system like pinging (double tap R) to put waypoints or say thanks to an engi how healed me with eclipse launcher?

Thank you.


Sorry I rephrase it.

Is there gonna be a quick chat system in the game?

Will, in a near future be more pve mission ?


Can we expect a re-balancing of the chances to loot some rare materials like neodymium, beryllium, and some others ? As an example : Monocristals are supposed to be some kind of rare material, not supposed to appear as often as neodymium or beryllium (or maybe yes ? I think either not but, well, can also be a wrong feeling), and I’m earning more of them than neodymium and beryllium together…

Still, some other players are agreed to say that the chances to earn rare components for destroyers by winning are far too low until the last patch. Sure, we can now find such things almost everywhere, but it also looks like the proportions regarding the apparition of those materials have been drastically reduced… And that’s not enough, especially with the new upcoming rank 14 destroyers. Or should I play an entire month only with the same full-synergy-rank-14 ship to hope to get one of those beasts ?

Thanks again for answer :01212:

(P.S: still some issues with english, so sorry if some understanding-problems…)

Are there any plans to return the stasis generator and the ECM special module back to how they were?

Are there any plans to nerf the command’s ECM missile?

How long until this dev team will start working on another game?

And will they keep up with star conflict when they do?

How many classes of destroyers are there planned?

Will there be self regeneration active modules for destroyers?

Any news on Tier 6?

Will there be a realistic queue where everyone only uses one ship/life per game?

If not, will there be a game mode created in that sense?

When will capture the beacons be ready to be put back into the basic pvp queue?

Will the time limit in pure pvp battles without beacons be increased?

Will more modes not focused on beacon capturing or bombing be added?

Again, will there be a Realistic queue with game modes set up with limited amount of life per pilot?

Preferably one life per ship or one life per pilot. No limit on how many or how few ships you bring.

Will the squading system be brought back in full? If not in regular pvp, than in a realistic queue separate from basic arcade pvp?

How come ship parts cannot be found in Cargo ships/freighters?

       -Wouldn’t cargo ships be more heavily guarded if they were carrying valuable items?

Will the end of Season 2 mark the end of the invasion, or the beginning of a much larger war?

What will the inactive jump gates at each station do when activated?

Is it possible for old builds of star conflict to take their place in T6?

For instance - [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30423-give-us-special-project-ships-with-multi-ship-type-module-functionality/)


Note, while it may seem to be a suggestion, I’m interested in your reaction as the creators of the game. past build and new. 

Don’t you guys plan to do something new for The ‘old’ rank 15 craftable ships? I made my mijolnir a long a ago and never had the opportunity to do something especial with it. Like events, get some bonus or especial modules…

At some point would it be possible to get a “Damage Dealt” and “Damage Taken” status at the end of a game next to the scores? Warframe has a percentage along with player kills to show who was actually trying and who was just really good at getting the last hit. We’ve all been in situations where 2 people were in a slug fest only to have  a third person join in, fire 1 shot and take the kill right out from under us and sometimes this happens repeatedly. Adding the % of damage output from each team member would be helpful in deciding who was actually more useful, like deciding between the one with 10 kills but 4% damage dealt, or the one with 2 kills and 10 assists were they did 50% damage.

Could we also get a death count along with a damage taken %, to show who was effective with being a shield for the team? Guards and destroyers are known for a lot of things but they aren’t really known for doing their main job: being the tank, because post game its hard to tell sometimes if they were even there if they spent the whole time as a shield/distraction. 

According to what SgDmitry said:

region preference is just one of many matchmaker parameters for its decision of the player’s server.


This parameter has a weight along with other parameters such as number of gamers on the servers from the same region, their tiers, etc…


So matchmaker assigns just a one total “weight value” for each server from every region and then choose the one that has the higher weight.


So you can find yourself being dropped at RU or EU server instead of your preferred “US”



To know wich server you’v been dropped at open your  game.log and search the latest string with “client: connected to”

The vast majority (>90%) of our games during dreadnought battles have been on an EU or RU server, even when our entire 8 man wing has been setting our preferred server region to USA. Statistically speaking, this is anomalous, considering how we should at least be having 50% of our battles on a USA server (assuming our opponents are preferring RU servers).


Has anything been changed ever since Dmitry made this post? We are hardly getting USA servers for our games anymore when we should be at least having a 50% chance of it happening.


As a footnote: The same is happening for us as a 12-man specops wing fairly frequently. 12 men set their preference to USA but we all get an EU server.

According to what SgDmitry said:

The vast majority (>90%) of our games during dreadnought battles have been on an EU or RU server, even when our entire 8 man wing has been setting our preferred server region to USA. Statistically speaking, this is anomalous, considering how we should at least be having 50% of our battles on a USA server (assuming our opponents are preferring RU servers).


Has anything been changed ever since Dmitry made this post? We are hardly getting USA servers for our games anymore when we should be at least having a 50% chance of it happening.


As a footnote: The same is happening for us as a 12-man specops wing fairly frequently. 12 men set their preference to USA but we all get an EU server.

From my vast experience, i have NEVER fought a single game in USA server when facing equal number of russian players in dread battles: 8 USA players -all with USA server selection- vs 8 russian players -what ever their server preference is- will never get into a battle in USA server. We have fought in USA servers against russians when the USA team has at least 1 or more players than the russian team. This is not fair, theres no such 50-50% chance in server selection. Is this going to be changed?

Will the players get a larger storage space, because all the new ship parts and materials are overfilling it frequently, i.e. 2000 storage spaces?


Mine is : Storage space 1436 / 1500  and I have to sell kits and manufacture materials constantly more frequent …

Since everybody’s asking for things…can we have more friend/follow space? :00666:

MM still matches random teams against full wings in dread battles, even when there are other corp wings on the side of randoms. Is it intended or should I raise a bug?


One more about dreads: with the new reward system I can see more and more battles when people are letting other team win to gather GS from taxes. Is this system are going to be changed?

This isn’t related directly to the game, but more about the people in it. Will there ever be Advertisements for Star Conflict in NA on the same scale as they are for War Thunder? SC has better controls, customization and graphics yet has almost no NA player base because no one has ever heard of it.