Questions to the developers of Star Conflict May 2016

>>Do you really need all of those 1436 items? Assembling and disassembling stuff also pretty usefull thing.<<

If we only would know ‘what’ are those 12846766 items are, as only modules it can’t be as I’m even reaching ~1,200 with just 70 ships…

>>Did you reach the limit? How many friends do you have?)<<

Some in my corp have the same? problem. Their watching/following list is full. :confused:

Will there be a MK 5 variant for the R8 halo launcher? As the meson/coil received those.

Will we be able to get noedium and berrylium from salvaging ?

I often see in open space ships wrecks.



But would it be possible to see what it resemblent when they are full ?

Is Jericho going to be getting any new ships soon? I cant help but notice that Jericho seems to be getting let down when new ships are added by either being given significantly weaker ships (like Sibyl, which has about 3/4 brave’s hull size when its shields and hull are added together, about half its resistance, and 3/4 its damage output) or ignored entirely (like when the Brokk, Archelon, and Stingray were added) (I’m counting Nyx as the Achilles and Hyena companion even though its a premium and they aren’t, and they weren’t added at the same time). Is it because there are plans to add more to them in the coming weeks/months?

Is there any plan to implement more detailed player stats? I wondering if it is possible to get stats of the rank where players get their win/loss ratio. I suppose it’s not possible from past battles, but for future ones.

Will r14 destroyers come before summer? 

Will the os revamp come after summer?

Will you start to tweak the SecCon (in other words, to the thing written in the devblog) before summer?

Will we ever be able to align with the pirates/cartels?

Will we ever be able to align with the aliens/cybers?

Will there ever be rewards for +/- Karma(out of achievements)?

Hey all.

Have a quick question: is there some kind of “daily-limit” regarding rare loots ? For example, i have a rank8 ship with max synergy, but after earning 5 impure neodium in pvp/pve, it suddenly become nearly impossible to get more…

Will this limit (if it exists) be extended just a bit more ? As CynnamonFake already told me in this section, rare materials are surely supposed to be rare… but not VERY rare or even epic…

Thanks again.

P.S.: got still some trouble with those annoying “100-credits-loots” in minerals in open-space… Have you planned to fix this ? Or at least fix this for high level sectors ?

Will r14 destroyers come before summer? 

Will the os revamp come after summer?

Will you start to tweak the SecCon (in other words, to the thing written in the devblog) before summer?

As I paraphrase CinnamonFake from memory, because he answered it already (more or less explicitely) :

a) the r14 Destroyers will come when ready, because they will come out real good, most likely before autumn in summer, uncertainly to be expected in spring

b) yes, most likely in autumn (as far as predictable at the present, as CinnamonFake hinted)

c) as a rather elaborated project, everyone will surely get aware of the birth pangs of  Stage One. Defence strength and SecCon rewards out of five:

  • Stage Two. Dreadnoughts and daily tournaments

- Stage Three. New star systems and corporation structures

- Stage Four. New corporate structure

- Stage Five. Age of empires    … as an educated guess, I’d say : autumn

                                                                                                                  … maybe summer  :fed010: 

Will there be at some time destroyers in OS?

Why are in the central sectors are only large minerals, while in their adjacent sectors are valuables minerals to find? How is this balanced/justified?

Will there ever be corp quests?

Will there ever be corp quests for OS?

Will there ever be any direct benefit for being in a corp(outside of not-random-teammates/sec contest)?

is there any chance if making the fried request/ fried list limit to unlimited? no offence but with friend request and keeping limitation its hard to play this way. please DEV hope you understand the feeling…before this game i am used to play another game and  had so many frnds there… they had this wonderful thing… unlimited fried list. 

is there any chance if making the fried request/ fried list limit to unlimited? no offence but with friend request and keeping limitation its hard to play this way. please DEV hope you understand the feeling…before this game i am used to play another game and  had so many frnds there… they had this wonderful thing… unlimited fried list. 

thak you for reply… is there any chance increasing PVE map? and it will ge great if u DEV can increase frnd list to 100 at least :slight_smile:

Would it be possible to put the friends lists on another server entirely while connecting it to the main sever?

It would likely allow for larger friend-lists.

Will it be made possible for players to reset their basic stats? K/D, Assists, wins/losses, amounts of pvp/pve battles, etc. it doesn’t need to effect the ranking system, just some basic stats. 

How would you define long range, medium range and short range in the current version of the game? (numbers)


I’d like to compare this to my own experience and propose some changes to certain weapons for example phaser, plasma gun and destroyer weapons, which all have too high range currently in my opinion. This, coupled with destroyers extreme staying power, make for campy not enjoyable games.

Okay because some of the questions weren’t clear enough:

Are you introducing to be able to align with the pirates/cartels?

Are you introducing to be able to align with the aliens/cybers?

Are you introducing rewards for +/- Karma(out of achievements)?

Currently in OS there are no npc destroyers(I mean the faction destroyer not the Spec Ops ‘Andromeda’). Is this going to change aka introducing them there?

>>I can’t share the exact way of how minerals are balanced in sectors. Some pilots are finding it out experimentally. We didn’t plan to change anything on it at the moment.<<

I’m quite unsure if I got this right or you just beat around the bush.

a) It doesn’t matter how something is named - The chance of items is determined seperately.

b) They are just junk compared to the adjacent ‘valuable minerals’.

What is true? Or even a third one?

Are you introducing real faction wars(Federation vs. Jericho or Empire vs. Jericho or Federation vs. Empire)? - little/big battles for/against a faction? I don’t mean ‘Dreadnought battles’.

Are you introducing contracts/quests from Miss Summer/Frost(maybe first only from time to time like daily mono quests)? I DON’T mean like you did for the nyx?/introducing destroyers. Just like being a separate contractee.

Are you going to have permanently the ‘Quest for container’ thingie? (I know it may be an ‘economic’ questions, but it’s not alone one) As it resemble a goal(don’t know if other feel so too) to play daily - like daily mono mission.



I am a big fan of space dandy, and i would like to know if we will ever maybe get a skin or an actual ship form space dandy, like the “aloha oe”, the main characters’ ship.


Kind regards,


Is there an algorithm, or some other formula for NPC ships in Co-op? I’m asking because it seems random at this point, unless it is governed by player skill level in some way. I’m just not sure why the NPCs in an 8v8 co-op would chose to use 6 destroyers when the player team only had 1 on the team. I have a screen shot but I cant figure out how to put it here.

Little reminder guys:

  1. The questions are asked towards the game developers and therefore only they can respond.

Does the Reaper’s Tractor Beam also deal damage to Destroyers’ active modules? I noticed during a tournament game last week that my Reaper managed to wipe out the active modules of a Destroyer in the middle of its Tractor Beam pull.