Questions to the developers of Star Conflict January 2016

Dear conquerors of the Star Conflict Universe!

This topic is designed to collect and organize the players’ questions towards the developers as well as their answers. In order to provide a better overview and easier search, this topics’ priority will be focused on game related content in January.

Answers are usually given daily on weekdays. Developers will read all questions, but questions which are not clearly defined, which are obviously stupid, which are lying on the “surface”, or which violate the rules of the forum, will be ignored and deleted.

How to ask questions:
Formulate your questions as clear as possible. Try to ask only important questions. Use the search function before asking any questions, some questions may have already been answered.

The following rules apply to this thread:
1. Posts that do not contain any game related questions will be deleted.
2. This thread is not for suggestions. Any suggestion posted in this thread will be deleted.
3. Any discussion in this subject will be considered as flame and offtopic and will be punished appropriately.
4. The questions are asked towards the game developers and therefore only they can respond.
5. The thread will be cleaned at least once a week. This means that all player posts will be removed and the questions will be added to the developers answers as a quote.
6. The topic will be closed on the last day of the month and a new will be started for the next month.

Has there been any discussion on any new missile modules. Specifically dumbfire missiles for the fighter class. There have been alot of new weapons but no new missiles and the fighter class really needs them. Any good interceptor can avoid 80% of all self guiding missiles from the fighter class.

How does ping aware prediction work?

So… i picked up a DLC pack off Steam (Figured Star Conflict is actually a lot more fun now than it was… and wanted to ‘give back’ so-to-speak), and it had this in its description:

“Gold VIP” Permanent 10% bonus to loyalty gain and a 10% bonus to ships synergy gain- speed up the development of your ships!

Is this a bit out-dated now? given the new premium is now ‘time based’ rather than ‘account based’ ? Or is it a ‘hidden’ sort of bonus that you dont actually see at the end-of-map score screen and such?

pack in question was: The Star Conflict: Mercenary Pack - Galaxy Explorer pack.

*quick edit*

NOT an angry post or anything… Just genuinely curious if someone needs to update that info on the steam store just in case it is out-dated :004j:

Questions incoming:

  1. How is R9 Beta accelerator Gigas II balanced compared to SR mark 3?

How to interpret ‘each enemy marking you as their target’? Does this affect small turrets/rak turrets/anything non-ship as well?

  1. Does R13 Neuroconnector WPN-F70 damagebuff reset after switching sectors(open space/multi phase PvE mission)?

  2. Was the GS-hull for credits a mistake(bug) or a feature? If the latter applies will this happen again and/or maybe for the GS-scanner too?

  3. Will there be a rebalance of the sector ‘transport hub’? The ‘escort the transport’ mission is incredible difficult to achieve for R7-R9 ships due mostly 1-2 predators in his way.

  4. Were some of the designs influenced by the X-Series?

Will there be any more dual-mode weapons like the Phaser?

How are you all? How was your 2015? Any video of summing it up coming soon?

Edit: I just found the video about 2015 so that question is answered.

Why was the black-hole generator removed?

Why is the collection of materials so vague and difficult to figure out? (Many have been asking this in chat today, with the coming of the destroyers and a ship needing resources at rank 8, it has exposed a lot of newer players to the idea)

I just thought of: Will you guys make this game work on PS4 with cross platform server and such stuff like War Thunder?

When are you planning on adding the missing destroyer modules back?

Are the missing rank destroyers coming before spring? 


Also, will they have different classes other than Suppressor?

Items appearing in various locations in team battle (hull repair, atk boost etc.) arent showing up in new maps (leviathan catacombs etc.) are you planning to modify them?

I know it was said before, but when are the high-tier destroyers queued for release? May?

Will the destroyers get an EM weapon? (Something that would match the Procyon/Federation theme as that is their technology?)

How does the critical hit mechanism works for destroyer modules? do they have a fix value or weapons modify them?

What are the ships “Pandorus”, “Buckshot”, “Evilmask”, “Precursor”, “Zim”, “Numbfish”, “Mosquito”, and “Tick”?

I recognise that some of them may not be ships, but they are not in the ship tree, so I’m asking.

Any tips for finding neodium? 

Is the public test section just for decoration of the forum?Will there be public tests in the future?

Why Destroyers don’t have engine trails?

Will there be an aimhelp for laserweapons and/or static objects? Because aiming with those/at those is a bit unhandy due the pointdamage especially over large distances.

Does the R14 implants get resetted with switching stages(in PvE for example from stage 1 to 2) or in Open space with switching sectors?

How does the chosen Dot in the lootingscreen affect the loot given? (Not talking about the purple dots)

→ No effect and it’s just generating randomly the reward from a table

→ On the field is 1(or more) kits/better loot available and hitting the right place, where it’s ‘spawn’ give it like is with the purple one

Or even a third category of this lootingsystem??? Some explanation to this would help. o.o

Does the R14 implants get resetted with switching stages(in PvE for example from stage 1 to 2) or in Open space with switching sectors?

How does the chosen Dot in the lootingscreen affect the loot given? (Not talking about the purple dots)

→ No effect and it’s just generating randomly the reward from a table

→ On the field is 1(or more) kits/better loot available and hitting the right place, where it’s ‘spawn’ give it like is with the purple one

Or even a third category of this lootingsystem??? Some explanation to this would help. o.o

Yes, R14 implants reset every time you spawn. You can test it yourself, if you like.

It does not functionally matter if loot is randomly generated at pickup time or at game end, or even at match start, so there’s no point in asking. Random doesn’t vary with time.

When is the next logo update gonna be?

 I noticed the Logo right above our was in game and it was a week earlyer than ours, but the corp is no longer active.


Obviously, the past 2 years have seen some pretty big changes in the direction of the game. (Dreads, Open Space, Destroyers, removal of squads etc.).

Could we get a broad yet somewhat detailed description of the current general vision for the game as a whole?

Your ultimate goals for this game as it stands right now.




i.e. stuff like this:

(We would like to eventually merge open space with dreads and sector ownership.)

(We see OS and PVE as the future.)

(We see this as less of a team based space shooter and more of a single player game where people keep team up for special events)


The number of available ships is growing… new secret projects, destroyers and more to come.
More ships means more modules and weapons. Being able to react on enemy tactics means

I need to have more modules in storage. I really would welcome more storage space.


When will the maximum storage space be increased ?

Can bots read my taunt?

when new pve maps coming out?

When will you hand out the rewards to the old beta players, when it comes to ranking system of all 3 factions in the ship’s tree?

Free stuff, you know… for no effort other than just ranking, but only for a new players. Old ones got forgotten and thrown away.

So far, only the new ones get it, which is completely unfair, especially if you count the support of the old playerbase, which made such game possible to grow and evolve.