Pro Handling Mode

Pro Handling mode would make all ships fly like they were in actual space. It would allow the user to accelerate in any vector using their main engines to change course while “drifting” through space. This would allow for more tactical use of many ships’ weapons and modules, while making flight very smooth and controllable. Strafe speed limits in all axiis should be increased to the ship maximum speed, but strafe acceleration should remain the same to prevent insane abuse like on NY18. That way, to slow down the fastest, a ship would need to turn 180 degrees away from their current vector and use main thrusters. With this handling mode there should be a “space brake” keybind that slows the ship with averaged acceleration all the way to a stop.


I see some really fun uses for this in open space, some PvE missions, and even some PvP battles. PvP would be less-so useful due to rapid manuvering of most ships these days, but I don’t doubt that some pros would find a way to use it even better than the classic handling mode.


This would be relatively simple to add to the game too, because all ships would need is a vector, acceleration, and rotation stat. No more constant pushing and pulling by every engine on the ship trying to slow it down and speed it up etc.

And i won’t recommand using it un PvP  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

Agile ships that are using such mode would be extremely easy to kill, while heavy ships have zero benefits in using something like that.

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Agile ships that are using such mode would be extremely easy to kill, while heavy ships have zero benefits in using something like that.

Nice and correct summary.

You have the option to do exactly that in star citizen. Most good pilots dont use it however, since it makes you an incredibly easy target.

It sure is fun to derp around with though.

We have experimented with this mode on Super Test servers, 4 years ago and that is why it is not in the game ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

We have experimented with this mode on Super Test servers, 4 years ago and that is why it is not in the game ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

It would still be fun for OS. Just set your course then pew pew in any direction while moving.

Most of the time when you want to kill stuff you want to loot it, so running away from mobs while shooting seems counter productive

48 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Most of the time when you want to kill stuff you want to loot it, so running away from mobs while shooting seems counter productive

Lets be real here if you using this mode it isn’t because you grinding in OS it because you screwing around having a good time. Yes this would be plain stupid for combat and what not, but in OS (or PvE if your ballsy) this would be fun.

3 hours ago, ComradeJedus said:

Lets be real here if you using this mode it isn’t because you grinding in OS it because you screwing around having a good time. Yes this would be plain stupid for combat and what not, but in OS (or PvE if your ballsy) this would be fun.

That would be “fun to try it out for 5 minutes and completely forget about for years” type of controls, always is in every game that has alternative control methods.

If the programming is already there, why would it be such a problem to put on? There really isn’t much to say for devil’s advocate for any game mode.


People can play it in PvP, PvE or OS. If they find it competitive, then good for them. If not, just go back to the old way.

1 hour ago, Ch8rub1m said:

If the programming is already there, why would it be such a problem to put on? There really isn’t much to say for devil’s advocate for any game mode.


People can play it in PvP, PvE or OS. If they find it competitive, then good for them. If not, just go back to the old way.

Who said the whole infrastructure is ready? Just because it was quickly slapped together for experimenting and close circle feedback, it does not mean the feature is available for release.

this engine is not really suited for such a feature. without 64 bit precision coordinates this won’t be as fun.


also changing the programming from our movement to the “newtonian mode” as many call this (which does not mean, it’s not already newtonian, just because it has dampening), is really not a big change, so the programming is always there, if you implement movement, you just have to disable the getting slowed back part.


On 6/11/2018 at 5:49 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

It would still be fun for OS. Just set your course then pew pew in any direction while moving.

you can already do that, since a) you have turrets, b) you can set thrust keys and afterburner lock, to “cruise freehanded”.


not mentioned yet, you have to consider balance, as movement costs you energy.


finally, i am not saying i am not a fan of such a movement, but you can play such in a lot of other games. like space engineers or elite, or citizen.

15 minutes ago, g4borg said:

this engine is not really suited for such a feature. without 64 bit precision coordinates this won’t be as fun.

One more question. How hard would it be to convert or expand the main file to truly support 64-bit system where more RAM could be allocated and used?

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

One more question. How hard would it be to convert or expand the main file to truly support 64-bit system where more RAM could be allocated and used?

Wrong topic, Koro. Also 64 bit precision has nothing to do with 64 bit addressing…