Please bring back free ressurection of teammates in PvE

Free duplicators will only help dumb down the player database and make us see “res pls” messages in combat chat more than usual.

PvE is very easy to finish alone if you choose a map for yourself and get better and better at it. (I do only one pve run a day for the bonus loot, it is fire support and im certain I can solo it from start to finish without many problems.)

However, I understand when people, especially “pve only players”, do not want to do the same map over and over again.


-1 to free duplicators of any kind



Duplicator system must be reworked. In a scenario where my teammate dies and I need to fly 10km just to reach the debris of my teammate and rebuild his ship - (1) just to see him get resurrected 30km away at the beginning?Why did I have to fly the first 10km at first place? (2) just to see him ignore the rebuild and sit there, dead?


Need a decently long range for a teammate duplicator rebuild.

Need some kind of system to prevent players from ignoring when they get resurrected by their allies. - Couldn’t really think of a suggestion here.


(Forgot to add; Free duplicators with a cooldown isn’t a bad idea but even that will bring new things to whine about like “I want the old duplicator system where I can res people anytime I want”. Oh and most probably noone will use their cooldown on an ally and save it for themselves in case they die too - resulting in lots of free but cooldown-ed duplicators not being used at all, just waiting in case the player himself dies.)



+10000 if this change could noticably increase the amount of players, though.

Well, I did some pve flying in last two weeks for research. Yesterday I did FS multiple times and as I needed wins, I soloed 6 of them. and I mean it. People are literally taking single ships like sawtooth with rails or other recons, just to die at first sniper trap. Disconnect, take another ship, look for another team that will carry them. So looking on my single name on the left of the screen got me thinking. You guys are writing about surviving, team play etc. From what I observed - only about 30% players in PvE care at all about it. 2 days ago I was flying with my corpmate, plan was to do 10 speedruns. We met the same team of two other players - one in fed engie, second one in lrf. The guy in engie immediately after the game started was going to  the 3rd portal location, which was getting him killed after turtle spawn. LRF was following the suite. 5 GAMES IN A ROW.

CinnamonFake told us that duplicators are important. Ok. I started to use them. If I see a person dying, I am resurrecting him. If he refuses to play, I’m reporting him on a case of refusal to play. And if I want to do any PvE I’m just making sure I can solo it or I am taking trusted friend to do so.

If I get those kind of teammates I just suicide & start over. If I get unbalanced match in PVP or the enemy has to many Dessies I just fly arround in spawn & waiting for the end of the match. No need to lose my nerves over nothing.

If I get those kind of teammates I just suicide & start over. If I get unbalanced match in PVP or the enemy has to many Dessies I just fly arround in spawn & waiting for the end of the match. No need to lose my nerves over nothing.

Sorry, nothing personal, but that is a poor way to play any game. “I play good if my team is good, I don’t even bother if my team is bad or if the enemy team has many destroyers.”

I’m sure you got fed up with those people along the way but still…


Edit: Liar, you aren’t doing what you say you do :slight_smile:

Sorry, nothing personal, but that is a poor way to play any game. “I play good if my team is good, I don’t even bother if my team is bad or if the enemy team has many destroyers.”

I’m sure you got fed up with those people along the way but still…


Edit: Liar, you aren’t doing what you say you do :slight_smile:

Yes I do. But I do respect some ppl ingsme. You for example so if I see som1 like that there I try to do something.


its rather usual to have stages in game modes like this

(even if i personally do not like to pve in SC, i complete each new pve at least once)

vanduul swarm e.g. has 2 respawns each, and a free respawn everytime you clear a boss level.

however, these games you play for the challenge. there it makes sense. you stay in the game, while others are trying or failing the next boss, even if you are out of personal respawns.

also, there is no reward, as there is no progression. currently. there is one achievement unlock however.

in conflict pve completing means progression rewards, failing means lost time. with strangers, staying makes less sense. the challenge is over once you did it once.

then it transforms into a farming opportunity. it leads to abortion of the process with experience. like in pvp, either you can do it efficiently, or you need more experience.

getting to this efficiency means reducing farming time. such a meta change is unavoidable in any game. you get to the “endgame” of it, and your new objective is reduced time.

well except its your first and only “daily” game - all in all i like the concept conflict is using for pve.

i can see why coming to a good solution is therefore hard: it is supposed to be an investment question, it depends very much how much duplicators are worth, to analyze the wide behaviour of players.

giving everybody 1 free respawn basicly just does that: it moves the same decision one death further.

i think, respawning others should be the one which is cheaper, to make groups interact more. simply also, because respawning each other creates dynamic challenges and impacts the game pace. it cant be rewarded, as that would be abused.

respawning others could be simply free.

respawning others should be simply free.

respawning yourself therefore just helps your helpers to save their time. you rather spend things for a common cause, than a stranger. it transforms the duplicator of being an investment to being an opportunity to kindness.

duplicators mainly remain an openspace item no matter how the system works, as investing duplicators into pve will never have the same value.

people like me who play pve every aeon, will be the only ones wasting duplicators to respawn, as i dont care about them, and i dont lead the dance, and just dont want to be the reason why it fails.

so i see really little which contradicts free respawning for group mates - in pure pve. maybe not in spec ops - or at least not the large ones, like defiler - definitely not in os.

Yes I do. But I do respect some ppl ingsme. You for example so if I see som1 like that there I try to do something.

Well, thanks for that :slight_smile: