Pilot Statistics

could use a stat for dread battles and tournaments,

Total Tourney Games- w/d/l (seperated into Stages, or rather [s1]:W/D/L [s2]:W/D/L [s3]:W/D/L)


Dreadnought Battles- W/D/L.

this way I can tell who has experience with dreads and tourneys.

could use a stat for dread battles and tournaments,

Total Tourney Games- w/d/l (seperated into Stages, or rather [s1]:W/D/L [s2]:W/D/L [s3]:W/D/L)


Dreadnought Battles- W/D/L.

this way I can tell who has experience with dreads and tourneys.


These statistics are not gathered by Star Conflict as far as I know.

Hello dear community, I’m pleased to announced the 2.0 beta of the FrogStats


We created an efficiency rating formula based on multiple metrics, but for now we aren’t really satisfied by the result.

It will not be updated in production before having this fixed and have a better result, anyhow, you can start to use it on this beta URL.


Please keep in mind that the efficiency ratting DOES NOT represent the real player level, it’s a metric, nothing more.

Hello dear community, I’m pleased to announced the 2.0 beta of the FrogStats


We created an efficiency rating formula based on multiple metrics, but for now we aren’t really satisfied by the result.

It will not be updated in production before having this fixed and have a better result, anyhow, you can start to use it on this beta URL.


Please keep in mind that the efficiency ratting DOES NOT represent the real player level, it’s a metric, nothing more.

sweet! i suggest you add something for the past one hundred battles. (K/D and win loss for past 100) if possible ofc. 

sweet! i suggest you add something for the past one hundred battles. (K/D and win loss for past 100) if possible ofc. 

That info is not provided by Star Conflict API, in order to implement something of that sort - they would have to create a data-server, request from SC and store data about every player constantly, which is absolutely impractical, atm they are just a pass through (formatter per say) from SC database to end user.


Trust me I’ve dug around to find nothing on the subject.

Where is the star conflict api? e.g. url, documentation etc.

There’s only the one for user info.


No docs

Ok thanks :slight_smile:

Version 2.0 is now OUT!



It introduce the brand new ERv6 that replace the non representative game ER provided by the game. We worked on it a lot to find out a representative stat about a player level. It’s obviously subject to change if we found out some better optimization but is really nice representative right now. We still need to set the levels of the rating and we will soon add it. A good player will approx ~3500 ERv6 at it’s current state.

Please report any suggestion here to be analyzed and introduced.


The + Ratio is the engineer heal point you made to allies in games.

Cap Ratio is the capture point you made in capture mode.

20 hours ago, Silmerias1 said:

The + Ratio is the engineer heal point you made to allies in games.

Cap Ratio is the capture point you made in capture mode.

It is not only to allies, it is also to you and somehow my 2nd acc where I was never flying engie has a 2.16 Heal Ration and my main where I flew more often Engies has a 0.25 Heal Ration. to me it looks like they have changed something in they way you get the heal point or so since every newer Account has a way higher Heal Ratio then an older, even old more or less Engie only Players have a lower Heal Ratio then new Player.

You new ER system looks Ok and Takamina still has his 10k+ points xD.

20 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Heal ratio look more like heal to dmg ratio

So you wanna say that I healed my Cov Ops more on my 2nd Acc then I dealt DMG? Sounds not realistic …

Hello, we are working for a similar tool: SC IT4LY Player Statistics

I have two questions to ask:

  • Which equation was used to calculate:“Cap Ratio”? ( isn’t It better {Cap Ratio =  totalVpDmgDone / gamePlayed;} ?)

  • What’s the meaning of: “Var Obj.data.pvp.totalVpDmgDone”  and then is it a pure number or a percentage?

“100 totalVpDmgDone” = “1 Capture” in capture mode?