Mining for Xenocrystals

I always wondered how the principals for our missions obtained xenocrystals and monocrystals, then I remembered something from a while back about ellydium mining their planet for the crystals.

That got me thinking… We should be able to mine for them too! Around alien areas where those massive glowing rocks are, there should be little crystals sticking out of the rock that we can shoot at to break off, then interact with the debris to obtain xenocrystals or monocrystals.

This would be a great alternative to the monotonous 6-hour tasks that cost Iridium.

It could work, if for example limited to Solaris Wasteland, Shining and Nith. Or just Shining and Nith, that’d be cool.

Would that mean opening up a new set of ships? Mining ships - small, average and big?

1 hour ago, DaCookiez said:

Would that mean opening up a new set of ships? Mining ships - small, average and big?

We need a dedicated mining ship.

Mining ships are not a bad idea, however that would require a revamp of mining in general, maybe make it so that these ships can attach to big space debri and mine the interior having a chance of getting certain minerals according to the place, the bigger then alien activity the higher the chance of getting monocrystals and xenocrystals. Maybe make it a module for frigates or something…

Or just have mining ships.

And cargo ships.

And traveling/touring/luxury ships.

And law enforcement ships.

And pirate ships.
