Interaction range increase for Frigates/Destroyer

While the beacon objective get a 100m range increase to scan them, it still remain very difficult and annoying to scan them with anything else as inty/fighters.

I say that an increase of 100m/300m for Frigates/Destroyer is needed for all the quest objectives, that require scanning them(beacons/sensor/unidentified mineral etc.).



It’s also pretty easy to do, just change that variable… 

Interaction range should be longer for bigger ships, like destroyers. If you’re expiriencing some difficulties with it, it may be the reason to make a bug report.

I know Frigates are about 450m. Intercepters/Fighters are 300m. I wish both were a little longer…(don’t have a destroyer)


(As for Beacon’s requiring you to be close…doesn’t bother me. They’re easy to see. Containers are impossible to see)

Interaction range should be longer for bigger ships, like destroyers. If you’re expiriencing some difficulties with it, it may be the reason to make a bug report.


This was already made. Look in the bugreport. Skala said ‘WAI’. Now I made this suggestion.

Try to solve the loop within your house, as I’m not willing in it.

The range was icreased recently [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30211-cyber-beacon-interaction-range/)


I’m not sure that increasing it further is really necessary.

But it’s still 400m from the centre of an object whose model has a 350m radius. For those beacons you need an interaction range of 750m to 1km.