Zhen - Engine Booster Controller

Excuse me? This is not a tackler… it does NOT get a module like this. 90% speed debuff for 10 seconds? Are you JOKING? Tacklers cant barley do this, even if they could with ease it needs 1. A constant lock on 2. Constant beam hit by Gravi-Beamer and even that doesn’t last as long as this and you have little control if you’re in an interceptor. Implants only do so much… with a cooldown of 24 seconds its far too powerful for the debuff counter you get from modules. 

Its not a speed debuff.

It reduces your ability to turn and activates your afterburners.

It essentially makes your ship fly forward.

And it’s the one thing that prevents the Zhen from being useless, so don’t nerf it.

3 hours ago, Scar6 said:

Its not a speed debuff.

It reduces your ability to turn and activates your afterburners.

It essentially makes your ship fly forward.

And it’s the one thing that prevents the Zhen from being useless, so don’t nerf it.

Yea sorry not speed debuff, 

No, NERF IT! If a tackler cant even do that IT SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO   do you remember classes? Hmm? Guess not. Devs fault for making it a bow gun, “don’t nerf the only op as freak module on it because it will be useless then” Really?

If they hit you with an energy drain, you can kiss countering it goodbye, and by that time  YOU ARE DEAD!  


I don’t think you happen to own Zhen, it is its only module that is good for it, its like a stasis generator but without the stun part, the manoeuvrability debuff can be countered by implant 8b (the one which works against the slows from tacklers, guards, recons, gunships, destroyers and now ECMs) but not the forced afterburners one, the bow weapon has a very low velocity and cannot be increased without sacrifice, unlike the EM version, and the passive gives you 2.5 seconds of invulnerability, an half an extra second for whoever locks you on, every 39 seconds at mk.4, and you can’t control when it activates.

Also, how comes that tacklers can use drones? Isn’t that something engineers do? Or what about recons that have slowing missiles? Isn’t that something tacklers do? OR what about guards decreasing weapon damage, shouldn’t ECM be the ones to do that? Seems like no class was ever linear, and those were the classic modules only.

Just yelling NERF IT! won’t fix the problem, not in the long run, we either have everything to be balanced and smoothed out, no special modules or weapons or ships that stand out, or have overpowered things like the Focusing and Magnetic Disruptor, and underpowered stuff like Zhen, Spike or the SP ships, and expect them to average to balance.

One last thing, you haven’t specified what to nerf, so even less of a reason for anyone to listen to you, just saying.

25 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:



2 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Yea sorry not speed debuff, 

No, NERF IT! If a tackler cant even do that IT SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO   do you remember classes? Hmm? Guess not. Devs fault for making it a bow gun, “don’t nerf the only op as freak module on it because it will be useless then” Really?

If they hit you with an energy drain, you can kiss countering it goodbye, and by that time  YOU ARE DEAD!  


The module is nowhere near to ‘op as freak’.

Its suilts the ECM’s theme of hacking things perfectly in my opinion aswell.

And If you are concerned about energy drain, just get a grip and use 7c or something. Come on, it isnt that hard.

3 hours ago, Scar6 said:

energy drain, just get a grip and use 7c or something. Come on, it isnt that hard.

Get the implant and sacrifce yourself to be able to break from the module. You cannot have both, it SHOULD NOT have it! 

What are you hacking? Engines? ECM’s job may be to hack things but its a movement debuff, how about just enable afterburners? that’s a hack, maneuver knock is NOT.  If a tackler can’t do that then any other darn class should never be able to!

4 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Also, how comes that tacklers can use drones? Isn’t that something engineers do? Or what about recons that have slowing missiles? Isn’t that something tacklers do? OR what about guards decreasing weapon damage, shouldn’t ECM be the ones to do that? Seems like no class was ever linear, and those were the classic modules only.

This has always been in the game, the multi role part is new, from the Tai’kin crystal drone slowdown and object energy-regeneration knocking some things can be hybrid and this module is not one of them. That is why there are classes! Tacklers job WAS to slowdown with ease and provide support for fast firing allies, now this pathetic ECM can just switch on a module, drain your energy and you are left helpless for 10 seconds and by which time you most likely will be dead. Classes are in this game for a reason! Majority of this games population does not understand that anymore, you have garbage engineers to no-module using destroyers. 

Implants only do so much, you cant have both, either have the immunity on multipurpose modules to remove it, but if you get energy drained you have little hope. 

It is not our fault the developers don’t know how to come up with new ideas! This module shouldn’t be one thing keeping it from being nerfed. 

Classes are here for a REASON! 

The role overlap “thing” has been in the game for more than a year, about time to get used to that

41 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Classes are here for a REASON! 

Same as proton walls. And properly set implants. I remember times when 8b was a mandatory for any non-frig build. 


8 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:




3 hours ago, niripas said:

Same as proton walls. And properly set implants. I remember times when 8b was a mandatory for any non-frig build. 



You mean the present times, since 8-2 is as mandatory as it used to, even more so now with one hit wonders around, so as 2-3 ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)