I would like to know how you like to progress through the game?, Do you like to keep to one Faction or many?
I personally am trying to build a strong foundation by achieving max synergy on lowers tears to gain High fleet strength so at higher tiers I will get much better synergy rewards, and work over all 3 factions so I can get the best of each, Legion LRF and Recon,Fed Engi and Jericho Fighters. This is really the opposite of “Tire Rushing” however much like growing a plant putting more care into the plant when its a seed will bring forth a much stronger plant.
You are doing it right Tango, just no rush and fully enjoy the game during the tiers. At least you get instant queues in lower tiers. Get as much ships on the way as you can and the more varied you are, the better.
just trying to at least fly the t3 version of every ship line except jerry ceptors( cant stand them) is what i do
Cool beans thanks for your response.
You are doing it right Tango, just no rush and fully enjoy the game during the tiers. At least you get instant queues in lower tiers. Get as much ships on the way as you can and the more varied you are, the better.
You are doing it right Tango, just no rush and fully enjoy the game during the tiers. At least you get instant queues in lower tiers. Get as much ships on the way as you can and the more varied you are, the better.
I agree,
also try to fly every class (at best fúlly synergize all t1 ships because it gives you a good start for the following grind).
The more you know about the classes the better you get to see their value on the field and the better you get in hunting them down.
Currently I’m getting almost every ship line in T3 unlocked towards T4/T5. All that’s left for me is fed fighters, fed interceptors, empire fighters, and empire LRF.
Maybe not quite, he never failed at PvP. There are people who actually prefer fighting bots. I’m just wondering if he’s using the fighter line or the frigate line for PvE. With 17 ships purchased and R13, he’s only playing one kind of ship.
On first glance, I saw every sub-class variant of ship existed within 1-6 ranks. As such, I set out to experiment and level each hull to full syn. Gave me plenty of seat time, and experimentation on rather cheap hulls. With the nice bonus to future syn gain via FS - I saw no real drawback to living in T1/T2 land for a while. Plus, getting T1 fights was pretty fast in terms of match maker.
I followed the old EVE mantra: “Just because you can BUY it, doesn’t mean you should FLY it”. Buying a ship != fitting and using
I’m happy to say that I have nearly every boat R1-R6 full syn’d, and finished full syn on my Styx. I have found chassis I like, and many I don’t (not so much due to the design, but due to current…limitations in the gameplay balance). Overall it’s been a great learning experience, and good to see the change in behavior of teams from T1–>T2—>T2 (in terms of caution, etc). Still amazes me though when folks in T3 brackets don’t do simple things that they should have picked up waaaaay earlier in their career.
Since everyone is posting their approach, I’ll do the same.
Everything up to Rank 6 is fully synergized, would do the same with T3 but I don’t like how PvP is right now. So I’m focusing in getting all the Federation Engineer line at max synergy (about to finish Osprey, next T-Rex) then I’ll do the same with others.
My progression pattern is… scattergun, but you have to remember that when I started the ship tree was different, Classes did not exist, and you could just buy your way past ugly / bad / superfluous ships. So, here it is…
Start with Empire, because Empire is best. Get all the Empire ships up to Rank 6, then experiment with other factions. Then, when you have Mk III modules on every T1 and T2 ship, go to T3, get Empire up to Rank 9, then do the other factions. Repeat for every tier.
When you get bored, or hit a grind wall, go back and max-synergy every rank one by one.