I will keep uploading funny pictures. (looks funny out of the battle, feel horrible in the battle. horrible, very horrible. usually I find I cannot control the ships when the ping is above 400 and loss packet more than 5%. If I press W the ship will rotate itself within a certian region. but the most funny part is the trace of the bullet. I will upload them later.)
And developers, Stop pouring Vodka in to the server machine!
And developers, Stop pouring Vodka in to the server machine!
Wait what! No. Vodka is good for everything!
That bullet must have drunk a lot of vodka.

you have no idea I managed to make that maneuver, neither do I. XD
I think that happens when they are uploading the next patch in preperation for patch day or something like that.
Also had moments where im spinning in place not being able to do xxxx other than getting killed. Sometime whilst spinning in place can still fire with laser due to constant rotation end up dealing fail amounts of dmg. The beam remains where ive put it but not all barrels shoot. Can look like im shooting backwards or to the exact side in an impossibe arc somehow during that rotating in place moments.

you have no idea I managed to make that maneuver, neither do I. XD
One time i Microwarped, arrived at calculated location. However unbeknownst to me lagspike occured during flight and i got autocorrected ramming into an asteroid 
One time i Microwarped, arrived at calculated location. However unbeknownst to me lagspike occured during flight and i got autocorrected ramming into an asteroid 
Oh yeah. Those Thud`s are among my favourites. Yesterday I yelled to my teammates “Going to C”, activated Microwarp only to be struck by a lag spike. I arrived precisely at C, smashing it in full speed.
About those lag spikes. I also often have connection issues. Although it
s a problem on my side, I want to say, that you`re not alone with such problems. 1% of packets loss renders me unable of doing anything other than watching my defenceless ship gets torn to shreds by the enemy team. And that happens pretty often 

IMO it’s the loss, not the ping. My ping is never lower than 300, but rarely see any loss. The only thing I experience is drunk ships. Not just intys: my frigates do get drunk occasionally and sober up automatically, but my fighters need a bit of manual repositioning.
And btw, my FPS hovers at around 25.
That bullet must have drunk a lot of vodka.
that is the funniest thing I have see all day!
IMO it’s the loss, not the ping. My ping is never lower than 300, but rarely see any loss. The only thing I experience is drunk ships. Not just intys: my frigates do get drunk occasionally and sober up automatically, but my fighters need a bit of manual repositioning.
And btw, my FPS hovers at around 25.

try this. and believe me, it is not the worst.
Sometimes people thought I was AFK during the battle but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I was just trying everything to move my ship! but no matter what i do, it was just dancing by itself!
Yeah, people keep getting angry at me for being AFK, when in actuality I am struggling to control my out of control ship. It really takes the fun out of the game when you can’t even pilot your ship. I have been having fewer problems in the last few days, but it is definitely a problem.

Missle launched. Oh wait, make it a little bit right. And a little bit left. There you go~
I would love to see more of those weird missile paths xD
I would love to see more of those weird missile paths xD
I love that too. I will look for it when I got the chance again.

Here are what happened during a dog fight between me and caldis while I have serious loss packet.
Look at his red tail trail!

And he died.
How can you lose to someone with 50%+ packet loss? xD Those paths look fun to watch, but must be horrendous to have.
The moment I get a ~10% packet loss I lose all control over my ship and just float there as if I was stasis’d for a whole minute D:
It’s nice when you lag out and become an invincible troll. Had 1-2 mins in deto of lag / packet loss yesterday which resulted in me not taking any damage while i could kill others. Got me another nice quad kill medal xD
omg >.< Do want!
that’s not ture. when you loss packet the data from your terminal would not be able to sent to the server. so what ever you do will stay on your pc. And what will happen would be like: you saw you already fly towards one direction for sometiem but all of sudden to go back to your original place.
And while loss packet the shooting commands you gave and any maneuver operation would not be recieved by the server. So even if you saw you were shooting and flying all the time, you were just staying in the very place from the view of other pilots.
I wonder how that guy get that invicible status during loss packet without some extreme luck
How can you lose to someone with 50%+ packet loss? xD Those paths look fun to watch, but must be horrendous to have.
The moment I get a ~10% packet loss I lose all control over my ship and just float there as if I was stasis’d for a whole minute D:
when lossing packet the best way for me is to just close the program immediatly and try to log back asap. usually it will solve the problem, at least for a while.
that’s not ture. when you loss packet the data from your terminal would not be able to sent to the server. so what ever you do will stay on your pc. And what will happen would be like: you saw you already fly towards one direction for sometiem but all of sudden to go back to your original place.
And while loss packet the shooting commands you gave and any maneuver operation would not be recieved by the server. So even if you saw you were shooting and flying all the time, you were just staying in the very place from the view of other pilots.
I wonder how that guy get that invicible status during loss packet without some extreme luck
Not sure if it was actual packet loss, but i was definitely lagging and i did get a quad while i couldnt take any damage. Katana S, diffusion shield in CD during the lag session, there weren’t many enemies about so i didn’t panic-activate it, tho i was being shot at and hit (on my screen). I was lucid back then and can clearly tell it happened. Think it was a brief server hiccup?