you have been killed

by _ Desintegrator T1 _

somthing needs to be done!

the new sniper mode for the empire frigs is ridiculus, it was bad before 0.5 but now its somehow worse

frankly it takes any possible fun out of a fight when any block head can aim at at a ship hull from 10k away

please fix this ASAP , even the new close combat ships are completly thrown off by them (they actualy have less HP ._.)

so please, discuss here, sign, do w/e because its getting impossible.

This is known and should be reworked soon.

First time combat i was wtf why im dead? Then i saw the red beams crossing the entire sector and the dmg they deal compared to the low cd is a bit too high.

yeah took me like 1-2 fights to realise whats actualy killing me, thought its some kind of missile at first but man its ridiculus

had a fight 10 mins ago with a T2 ship on my team that got 10 kills ALONE while sniping PLAYERS, only 2 bots on each side

its freaking ridiculus and its probably the only reason we won so easily

seriously the idea of a sniper class in this kind of game is BAD, dont nerf it, REVAMP it.

this is a cryout from the playerbase, i know of so many that choose not to use that blasted ship just because it ruins the fun.

Yeah I agree, but not completely, because that’s what interceptors are for, you can easly jump behind starship and destroy it fast.

true, im just after a game, when a sniper wiped out all team… why? my interceptor, even fast, was on 3 shots or 2…

Yeah I agree, but not completely, because that’s what interceptors are for, you can easly jump behind starship and destroy it fast.

maybe when u get to T2 so youre able to use the 10k damage missile and finish them off with normals

but not even close on the T1 interc, you die in like 4 second contact with lasers and your damage is just WAY to low

the only ganking i manage is using the empire attack ship and even then they still somtime survive even after a full 15 seconds of overdrive