You can no longer return to battle, if you disconnect or get disconnected!

Bug report: (reconnect feature not working as intended)


  • if you are AFK for 2 minutes, you get kicked for inactivity in all game modes, you’re able to reconnect, except in Open Space, where this isn’t possible (working as intended) (tested)

  • if you’re in battle and you disconnect, you can’t reconnect to your current match anymore - there is no confirmation window (Yes, No), if you want to return to battle (not working as intended) (tested)

  • Open Space mode will not return you at your current location, where you disconnected - there is no confirmation window (Yes, No), if you want to return to battle (not working as intended) (tested) - logs provided


Logs: (Open Space example only)

[2017.01.12](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=12982)

[2017.01.12](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=12983)

Allow me to direct you to a suggestion that has been made quite a few times now: the permanent “rejoin battle” button in the hangar.


In OS, disconnects should automatically trigger attempts to “safe logout” instead of just self-destructing.

14 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Allow me to direct you to a suggestion that has been made quite a few times now: the permanent “rejoin battle” button in the hangar.


In OS, disconnects should automatically trigger attempts to “safe logout” instead of just self-destructing.

This is a bug report, not a suggestion. I am aware on how to make a better system for this, but currently, this feature is not working as intended.

not a bug

we don’t allow reconnect after afk kick

5 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

not a bug

we don’t allow reconnect after afk kick

You’re missing my point, the purpose of my bug report.

You’re able to return to battle, if you get kicked, thus I assumed, that PvP/PvE will offer the same feature - to be able to return to battle, even if you disconnect, not just get kicked.