Xenochips not being gained

Just recently in game the xenochip counter has stopped being displayed, and Xenochips earned in missions are not being added to the total for the player.

Lost like 30 Xenochips before I realized I wasn’t getting any from missions.

Contact to support please https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/categories/200005051-Star-Conflict

Xenochips are back, it was a minor weird setback.

There were also issues with the loot after battle, it took way too long to get the reward, regular ones dropped nothing, and it costed 67k GS for double iridiium.

14 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

There were also issues with the loot after battle, it took way too long to get the reward, regular ones dropped nothing, and it costed 67k GS for double iridiium.

You cam make separate bugreport