Xenochips does not increase

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | After an update, the xenochips value does not increase but after missions, the notification balloon displayed won value of it |
| What you expected to see | xenochips value increasing after missions and events |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | always after the new 1.7 update |
| Problem details | pID: 3823214 |
| Frequency of reproduction | always |
| Time of bug | from new update to 1.7 |


You can only store 300 of them. After that they are not added, but simply wasted.

45 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

You can only store 300 of them. After that they are not added, but simply wasted.


Is this something like an innovation? Because earlier it was possible to accumulate much more…

14 minutes ago, r_33174 said:


Is this something like an innovation? Because earlier it was possible to accumulate much more…

This is a feature implemented by he devs to prevent people for saving up resources. All resources have caps now, and there’s no reason to. (please complain to them about it!)

On 6/26/2020 at 7:26 PM, r_33174 said:

After an update, the xenochips value does not increase but after missions, the notification balloon displayed won value of it

How many xenochips in your storage?


Also, logs and screenshots (before and after missions with xenochip’s storage) needed. 


Please read this for more information