Xeno mission/pilot leveling

Describe the bug in a few words/sentences.

  I have a xenochip mission that requires 1500000 damage in pvp rank 1 and i’m not getting credit

  Also, I reached rank 10 pilot and today I logged on and I have a negative 4000 experience towards rank 11


Why do you think this is a bug.

  I did damage in pvp, and I have several hundred xp towards rank 11 two days ago



I’m pretty sure that the damage mission is “Rank 12” rather than “Rank 1” and was just a typo.

Nope. It is R1 since I can do it with R9 ships

Rank 10 works for the mission but still doesn’t answer why my pilot leveling went negative by several thousand points.


7 hours ago, REYALS99 said:

Rank 10 works for the mission but still doesn’t answer why my pilot leveling went negative by several thousand points.


Because you had to much experience points before which was a bug. You now have to get them honestly as every other player.

New Player, How could I have gotten stuff dishonestly?

On 31.03.2018 at 2:12 AM, REYALS99 said:

I have a negative 4000 experience towards rank 11

It’s not a bug

On 31.03.2018 at 2:12 AM, REYALS99 said:

I have a xenochip mission that requires 1500000 damage in pvp rank 1 and i’m not getting credit

Please make correct bugreport


5 hours ago, REYALS99 said:

New Player, How could I have gotten stuff dishonestly?

It was a bug. Now everyone has the same conditions under which they get the xp points.

Before that updates somr players like you got and advantage.