X in a nutshell

Because my opinion that’s why


Gunships - F+1+M1+M2


Long-range - Campers 


Recon - I like to smash into walls





I don’t share your opinion, because it depends on the player.


End of discussion.

Oversimplification illustrates a profound misunderstanding of the capabilities of the absolute abilities of individuals to utilize their ships’ strengths to their overall potential.

Because my opinion that’s why


Gunships - F+1+M1+M2


Long-range - Campers 


Recon - I like to smash into walls





Potato - Mash

You’re doing it wrong, it obviously bake

Because my opinion that’s why


Gunships - F+1+M1+M2


Long-range - Campers 


Recon - I like to smash into walls






What are we supposed to discuss?

Well I don’t belong here, Back to SPUF


Well I don’t belong here, Back to SPUF

Have a nice trip, send postcards!.. Or maybe not.

ECM - disables enemy then runs away

Tackler - rams enemy then vanishes for the rest of the match

Engineer - throws drones at enemy then warps in to a wall

Guard - Po-ta-to

Cov-Ops - *plasma arc, plasma web, nuke, self-destruct* 9001 damage done.

you should really get a master-of-all-necro-badge, darkfox.

