WTF: Matching T1 ships against T2 ships

I noticed this last night quite dramatically. I am currently introducing a friend to the game so (obviously) I bump myself back down to T1 to teach him the ropes in an environment where he won’t just get rolled over.


However for the past 3 games in a row we’ve been matched up against people in Rank 6 (T2) ships… in what universe did someone think that this idea would work? Matching T1 against T2 is suicide as my friend found out.


He’s now (understandably) fustrated with the game as he has to make the choice between playing with his friends and getting ruined in Matches or playing alone.


Does anyone know how to resolve this or is it just a serious matchmaking problem?

It’s neither a bug nor a MM problem. It’s a mechanic to prevent “veterans” from farming T1. When you reach a X amount of elo rating, you wont be able to enter T1 even if you only have T1 ships.


I know in your case it’s frustrating but that’s how it works. In the past a lot of people would go to T1 to farm stats, now they do it in T2…

It’s neither a bug nor a MM problem. It’s a mechanic to prevent “veterans” from farming T1. When you reach a X amount of elo rating, you wont be able to enter T1 even if you only have T1 ships.


I know in your case it’s frustrating but that’s how it works. In the past a lot of people would go to T1 to farm stats, now they do it in T2…


It’s neither a bug nor a MM problem. It’s a mechanic to prevent “veterans” from farming T1. When you reach a X amount of elo rating, you wont be able to enter T1 even if you only have T1 ships.


I know in your case it’s frustrating but that’s how it works. In the past a lot of people would go to T1 to farm stats, now they do it in T2…


From experiance; I’d probably still call this a bug as it’s unexpected end user behaviour but still… That’s actually pretty stupid mechanic. I can think of a thousand ways to disinsentivise farming below your belt that means an experianced player could still play T1 if they really wanted to, say, introduce a new potential paying customer to the game -____-’

Just make a smurf account.

I don’t get why we have mentor/recruit mechanics but game doesn’t allow us in T1…

Just make a smurf account.

I don’t get why we have mentor/recruit mechanics but game doesn’t allow us in T1…


Yep. Make an alternate account to play with your friends until they reach T2.


They definitely need to let mentors/recruits to squad together in T1 though.

Just make a smurf account.

I don’t get why we have mentor/recruit mechanics but game doesn’t allow us in T1…

I’ve said it several times before. The mentoring system really needs a rework, because currebtly it is useless

I think these two changes for the mentoring system could fix some of the issues.


  1. Mentors in a squad with recruits can still be placed in T1 games.

  2. Mentoring system be extended to work in T2 as well as T1. This way vets cant farm T1 with a recruit in their squad, but they can still get the achievement.

Or they could simply reduce the stats you get from beating on T1s and possibly t2 when you reach a certain threshold whatever that may be.

Or they could simply reduce the stats you get from beating on T1s and possibly t2 when you reach a certain threshold whatever that may be.

Make this a serious suggestion.

I really find this very annoying. I returned to this game after 1 year of absence. Back then i was able to play T1 battles with my T1 ships.

Now i cannot, but i still have to grind tons of synergy on T1 ships. So i have to play my unequipped unsynergised T1 ships in T2 battles.


I find it really annoying, because i know that it is detrimental to the success of my team.

If an account has more than 200 pvp games, it can not play t1.

In 200 most of t1 ships get maxed out even without a licence anyways

If an account has more than 200 pvp games, it can not play t1.

In 200 most of t1 ships get maxed out even without a licence anyways


That’s Bullshit. I played roughly 80 PvP matches in T1 ships. I still need to grind synergy on 13 T1 ships.


And now you tell me i get punished for playing some T2 PvP battles? Great design. Really great game design there.


It would have been so easy to come up with a reasonable way to stop the pro players from low-tier stomping. But no. Russians not smart.

That’s Bullshit. I played roughly 80 PvP matches in T1 ships. I still need to grind synergy on 13 T1 ships.


And now you tell me i get punished for playing some T2 PvP battles? Great design. Really great game design there.


It would have been so easy to come up with a reasonable way to stop the pro players from low-tier stomping. But no. Russians not smart.

Of course we could also add a veteran queue for T1, but this queue would take forever;)

Just give them a special white modules only ship or make battle stats not count towards their kills etc. 

…or make battle stats not count towards their kills etc. 


This. Maybe even reduce Credit/Loyalty voucher gain too. Not being able to play with mates is a major turn off for new players and we need all the players we can get :wink: And being able to have a viable mentoring system would help player retention too. 


It also might be a neat little feature if pilots get a kill from a pilot of a higher rating they get an increased cred/syn gain for that kill. Though this opens up possibilites for abuse…

Just give them a special white modules only ship or make battle stats not count towards their kills etc. 

This still leaves the option for bored people to just go back to T1 and make new players rage.

This still leaves the option for bored people to just go back to T1 and make new players rage.


What if it could only be done if you are squaded up with one of your recruits? It would make it much more difficult to casually hop in T1 and go on a rampage.

What if it could only be done if you are squaded up with one of your recruits? It would make it much more difficult to casually hop in T1 and go on a rampage.

It is not that hard to get a fresh recruit account for that purpose.

It is not that hard to get a fresh recruit account for that purpose.


But all the ‘Mentoring’ achievements would go to the fresh account and not my main.